MCCA Local Chapter

Minutes of Meeting

August 15, 2007

President Sandy Frey called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. with the following members: Vickie Morgan, Lisa Wolf, Joan Warren, Sandy Frey, Darla Boyer, Sally Borgerson, Tasha Welsh, Deb Shores, Deb Higginbotham, Joe Lange, Rick Turley, Mindy Selsor, Hal Niesler, John Keck, Beth Watts, Jean Wibbenmeyer, Ron Hovis, Tammy Patterson, Tommie Collins, Lola Bisch, Terry Ponzar, Sharon Meyer, Charlett Richards, Julia Hampton, Shannon Schoenky, Theresa Walthen, Tammy Walz, Betty Dye, Charlotte Dunn, Michelle Soest, Brenda Russell, Fern Schuessler, Laura McCloskey, Kathy Johnston, Dennis Eimer, Ron Boyer, Robin Murray, Linda Garner, Martha Hayes, and Vicky Sebold

Sandy welcomed everyone to the meeting and expressed her appreciation of the opportunity to serve as President.

Sandy introduced the officers of the MCCA chapter:

Rick Turley – Vice President]

Darla Boyer – Secretary/Treasurer

Tammy Patterson – Past President

Sandy introduced Dr. James Kellerman, Executive Director / CEO of MCCA.

Dr. Kellerman thanked us for this opportunity to be here and had a brief speech regarding MCCA. Dr. Kellerman mentioned that not every community college has a local MCCA chapter. Dr. Kellerman mentioned that the Jefferson College MCCA chapter is a “role model” of campus chapters. He thanked us for being such an active chapter.

Dr. Kellerman mentioned the MCCA convention is featured in the Advocate in the August, 2007 issue. He suggested that attending the convention would be a rewarding and refreshing activity. Dr. Kellerman also mentioned that they were sold out of rooms at the Chateau on the Lake in Branson for the convention, and that the Pointe Royale Property is the overflow.

Dr. Kellerman also commented that on Thursday night, MCCA rented the Branson Belle for dinner and a show. On the return to the hotel, the “Ladies of MoTown” will be performing.

Dr. Kellerman also noted all of the work that is being done in Jefferson City at the capitol and in the legislative areas for the MCCA.

Dr. Kellerman mentioned the Faculty retreat – Great Teacher’s Seminar at SunnenLake in Potosi and the Classified Staff retreat as well.

There was a drawing for the Thomas Kinkade painting that was donated by Dr. Kellerman. Joe Lange was the winner of this painting.

The minutes of the May 10th meeting were presented. Fern Schuessler made a motion to accept the minutes; second by Beth Watts. The motion carried.

New employee membership dues will be paid by the local chapter.

Sandy also made mention of the MCCA convention in November.

Sandy introduced DebShores as the chairperson for the auction and that volunteers are needed to assist with various duties of the auction.

Sandy thanked Lisa Wolf, Joan Warren, and Vicki Morgan for their involvement in the activities for orientation week.

Vicki Morgan noted that 75 people joined MCCA today.

Sandy commented that a volunteer is needed to chair the Candy Gram and volunteers are needed to help with the fundraiser.

Sandy remarked that the chairperson of the Constitution Committee is Judy Larson, a new OST faculty member. Joe Lange has volunteered to serve on the committee. And other volunteers are needed as well.

Sandy asked the group if there were any questions or comments; with no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:25 p.m. A motion to adjourn was made by Julia Hampton; second by Tasha Welsh.

Respectfully submitted,

Darla Boyer


Local Chapter MCCA