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Henry News – August 14, 2006

Terry and Judy Kos were among those that attended the Codington County 4-H pork barbeque and talent show on Wednesday evening.

Lori Hartley of Nunda and Danelle Keninger of Madison were Friday overnight guests at the Lynn Hartley home.

Roxanne Geiger called on Sally Luvaas Tuesday afternoon.

Over one hundred relatives enjoyed the annual Van Sickle family reunion held this past Saturday at Memorial Park at Lake Kampeska.

Cokey Johnson visited her mother, Agnes Opdahl at Hayti on Thursday and also attended Hamlin County Achievement Days.

Don and Rose McElroy went to Sioux Falls on Wednesday where they visited at the Harold and Mary Ann Benson home. Mary Ann is Rose’s sister. The Bensons recently moved to Sioux Falls from Phoenix, AZ and were also former residents of Henry.

Joan and Stephanie Boehnke attended the 4-H Achievement Days in Clark this past week, as well as the annual chicken barbeque Thursday evening.

Donna Kittelson visited Gerri Kays Wednesday afternoon at Prairie Lakes Nursing Home in Watertown.

A bridal shower honoring Lori Hartley was held on Friday night at the Henry Community Center, hosted by family members and St. Paul Lutheran church ladies. A nice crowd was in attendance.

Terry and Judy Kos attended a Green family reunion at the Harlan and Elma Herr home in Webster on Saturday.

Arlet Soderlund has returned to her home after spending three weeks at the home of her mother in Maplewood, Minnesota. While at Maplewood, a surprise 75th birthday party was held for Arlet’s mother, Leona Wicklander.

Hayley Goodall spent Wednesday with her grandmother, Roxanne Geiger.

Dan and Kim Vache have recently sold their home in Henry and will be moving to Watertown this week. Jason and Lisa Bauman of Sioux Falls have purchased the home and will be moving in the latter part of the week. The Baumans are parents of fifteen month old twins. Jason is employed by a Sioux Falls Construction firm and will be working from his Henry home.

Vicky Burchatz was a Saturday luncheon guest at the Floyd and Donna Kittelson home.

Joan Boehnke attended a two-day workshop on NovaNET, an online High School curriculum, in Clark Monday and Tuesday.

Mike and Lola Nelson enjoyed a birthday supper Saturday evening honoring Ben Nelson at a Watertown restaurant. The couple was joined by Gordon and Myrna Proctor, their granddaughter, Tiffany Millus and Ben Nelson all from Watertown. Tiffany recently moved to Watertown from Seattle, WA.

Terry and Judy Kos were Sunday dinner guests at the Bret and Karen Henricks home at rural Waverly. Additional relatives joining in helping John Henricks celebrate his 16th birthday were Donald and Simone Green, San Antonio, TX, Dianna Berglund and Denise Schroeder of Minneapolis, Everett, Joanne and Teddy Berglund, South Shore, Lyle and Bev Henricks and Alen and Debbie Henricks and family, rural Waverly and Brian and Kathy DeJong and family of Watertown.

Cokey Johnson was a Sunday dinner guest at the Tim and Jennifer Johnson home.

Gilbert and Joan Kittelson, Albert and Gail Kittelson and Floyd and Donna Kittelson were among those attending the Muller family reunion at Memorial Park on Saturday night and Sunday.

Tim and Lisa Zandt and family of Renner, Linda Page of Watertown, Mary Dikoff, Ashlee and Caitlyn of Mitchell, the Todd Page family of Ohio, and Monty, Marcia, Andrew and Sarah Montgomery of Henry enjoyed a weekend of camping at Memorial Park while attending the Van Sickle reunion. Helen Van Sickle and Sena Seifel of Watertown joined the families for supper on Saturday evening and breakfast on Sunday morning.

Several Henry people attended the Lisa O’Neill and Troy Werdell at the Immaculate Conception Church in Watertown on Saturday. Lisa is the granddaughter of Jerry and Carol O’Neill.

Karen Miller of Iroquois spent Saturday at the Calvin and Lois Schoepp home.

Pat and Irene Redmond were Sunday afternoon callers at the Chuck Watters home in Watertown.

Marcia Burtts of Brookings was a Tuesday visitor of Joan Warnock.

Kelby, Toni and Hayley Goodall were Sunday evening supper guests at the Fain and Roxanne Geiger home.

Cecelia Brownell formerly of the Twin Cities has purchased the lot adjacent Arlene Sharp and brought a beautiful new home into Henry this past week.

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Reproduced with permission from the individuals who
Submitted their “news” for publication.