Fair Winds Farm Clinic Application

Thorsten Kramer

Saturday June 3rdand Sunday June 4th

6352 Knotts Island Road Virginia Beach, VA 23457

Cost: $120.00/45 minute ride

Please fill out application below please

  1. What day(s) are you interested in riding in?
  2. Preferred time frame?
  3. Do you need a day stall (free) or stall overnight ($35)?
  4. Horses name, age and training level?
  5. Goals for the clinic?
  6. Do you want video ($25) and/or photos ($30)?
  • Auditors are welcome- no charge.
  • Helmets must be worn when riding.
  • Checks made out to Fair Winds Farm.
  • Refunds only available if you are able to fill your spot.
  • Oversize round pen is available for lunging and/or working young horses.
  • No dogs allowed.
  • Horse must have updated coggins.
  • Application, release, check and cogginsmust be sent to confirm clinic spot.

I understand and agree to terms listed above

Rider signature: ______

Parents/Guardian signature: ______

Horse Owner signature: ______

Email/Phone Rider: ______

Email/Phone Parent/Guardian: ______

Email/Phone Horse Owner: ______

Fair Winds Farm, LLC

General Release and Hold Harmless Agreement

The UNDERSIGNED acknowledges the inherent risks involved in riding and working around horses, which include bodily injury from using, riding or being in close proximity to horses, among other risks, and further, that both horse and rider can be injured in normal use, in competition or schooling.

In CONSIDERATION, therefore, for the privilege of riding, taking riding lessons and/or working around horses with Fair Winds Farm, LLC, it’s employees or agents, the undersigned does hereby agree to hold harmless and indemnify Fair Winds Farm, LLC and any/all employees or agents and further release them from any liability for accident, damage, injury, or illness to the Undersigned or any horse owned by the Undersigned or to any family member or spectator accompanying the Undersigned while under the direction and instruction of any/all of the above while on the premises of Fair Winds Farm, LLC during transportation to and from the farm, or while visiting any other equine venues.

The VIRGINIA EQUINE LIABILITY ACT, Virginia Code 3.2-6200, a copy of which may be provided to the Undersigned by Fair Winds Farm, LLC provides that an equine activity sponsor, or an equine professional or any other person shall not be liable for an injury to, illness or death of a participant resulting from intrinsic dangers of equine activities.

Rider Name: ______Date of Birth (if under 18): ______

Rider Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent or Guardian Name (if under 18): ______

Parent or Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Owner of Horse:______

Owner Signature:______Date:______