Copy for newsletter editors to use in branch newsletters
Local Networks Programme Engagement
Over the last few months, the MS Society has been gathering views about how we can renew and develop our local networks. This work will ensure that everyone with MS has access to the same opportunities for lifelong support within a strong, flourishing MS community, wherever you are across the UK.
Rosemary Watt-Wyness, Executive Director for Services & Support has the following message to all branch members:
“We all know how important the MS Society’s local networks are -groups of volunteers all over the UK who supportpeople with MS, bring our community together locally, fundraise and successfully campaign for change.
Our UK-wide network of branches is the heart of the MS Society, and we all want to build on their strengths and focus on what works best. We know both from volunteers and people affected by MS that this means making changes. Our aim is a strong flourishing MS community where lifelong support is available to everyone affected by MS, wherever they live.
We’ve put together what we think are bold but practical proposals, based on what people with MS say would have the greatest positive impact for them, and on what our volunteers say would help them carry out their roles.
We are very keen to hear members’ views on our proposals for change. You can read about them in more detail, and find out how to have your say, at
This is a three-year programme and these proposals are the starting point for you, as members, to tell the MS Society what you think. Final decisions on how we develop these proposals won’t be made until March 2016, to allow time for people to discuss our proposals and for us to gather in and consider our members’ and volunteers’ views.”