Exploratory Spanish
Señora Davis
· Parents/Guardians should call the main office at 679-9405 to schedule conferences or to have a call returned. They may also e-mail me at with concerns. All communication will be returned within one business day.
· Join our Exploratory Spanish Remind 101 by texting @davisexpsp to 81010 and follow the directions from there.
· Please also use www.smspartans.com for all updated class information. Click on “School Staff” in the left column and then on “Davis,Amy”.
General Expectations:
· Participation in all our activities, including oral activities, will be monitored closely.
· Language study is cumulative by nature and students will be expected to remember not only the current lesson but the previous lessons as well. This means that each concept should be studied vigorously. It will be very easy to fall behind in this class.
Grading System:
· Vocaubulary/Grammar or Cultural based assessments 60%-will include the tests listed below
· Class activities/teacher’s choice 30%-will include small quizzes, syntax practice, some writing skills
· Homework 10%-will include activity packets and Problem of the Day (POD)
Schedule of Tests:
· Quarter 1: Vocabulary/Grammar tests 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4; geography test; Don Quixote test 1
· Quarter 2: Vocabulary/Grammar tests 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4; Don Quixote Test 2, Correo journal test grade
· Quarter 3: Vocabulary/Grammar tests 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4; Correo journal test grade; project test grade*
· Quarter 4: Vocabulary/Grammar tests 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4; Correo journal test grade; project test grade*
*Projects will be announced at the beginning of the quarter and will be based on the vocabulary and/or culture being studied.
Make-up Work:
· Students who are absent should check the website to see about their make-up work.
· All quizzes will be made up the day of the following vocabulary/grammar test.
· All tests will be made up on a date decided by the student and teacher. It is the responsibility of the STUDENT to obtain make up work, complete it, and turn it in to the teacher.
· All assignments coded with a “1” can and should be made up. Once a student has made up his/her work the teacher will replace the “1” with the actual grade.
Promotion to Spanish I:
· All Exploratory Spanish students will be required to have an 85 average at the end of the year to be promoted to Spanish I in the 8th grade.
Please return this letter with your signature
I, ______, have read and understand the syllabus for my Exploratory Spanish class with Sra. Davis.
Student signature Date
I, ______, have read and understand the syllabus for my student’s Exploratory Spanish class with Sra. Davis.
Guardian Signature Date