Kappa Mu Meeting Minutes
Monday,August 20, 2007
L:\Division\EPD\Kappa Mu\Kappa Mu 2007\Minutes\08-20-07.doc
Kappa Mu ChapterSigma Theta Tau International
June 25, 2007
PRESENT: Laura Luna (Leadership Succession Committee & Treasurer), LaDonna McGohan (President to Past President), Karla Mees (Leadership Succession Committee), Julie Neumann (New Secretary), Linda Seppanen (Vice-President), Jo Stejskal (First Counselor and Governance Committee), Stephanie Sulla (Secretary & President-Elect to President), Nona Thackeray (Leadership Succession Committee)
Subject/ObjectiveOutcomeMinutes / The minutes from Transition meeting from June 25, 2007 were reviewed and approved at the meeting. However Julie N. received email feedback from Dorothy Bell that the date of the Research conference was incorrect. The correct date for the Research conference is March 7, 2008
Review summary of web vendors /
- Stephanie led a discussion with members on the outside meetings with MLT and CWS web vendors. Documents were provided that outlined options. Both offer multiple options with one vendor being more expensive than the other. Other Chapter web sites were located by searching schools of nursing. They were not easy to find. Format appeared to be similar to the Sigma Theta Tau home page.
- Outcome at this point was that it is an expense that would come out of our budget. Members agreed to investigate the WSU to see what their web provider could assist us with before making a decision on either of the web vendors. Linda Seppanen from WSU will investigate this for next meeting.
Volunteer opportunities /
- Karla Mees informed members of opportunities at two long term care facilitiesSamaritanBethanyHeights and BeverlyLivingCenter. It was decided that we would volunteer at Beverly Living Center (BLC) as the schedule would be more accommodating for the group. We will commit to decorating for the holidays. Karla will follow up with BLC to make them aware we will be providing that support. Karla will provide members more detail at a later date.
- Diane Wrobleski forwarded her volunteer opportunities to Julie Neumann to share with the group; Gift of Life Transplant House call on Tuesday to find out needs; speak with Denise Stegall. The Post Bulletin provides a column of opportunities each Saturday edition. She also wondered is KappaMu would want to promote the Franciscan Sister’s project of not using bottled water to save the environment.
- Discussion then led to putting together a presentation that promoted Nursing as a Career to provide to groups of boys and girls (scouts, boys and girls clubs). This concept was endorsed but no action plan was created to get us there.
- Members reflected on how to engage both WSU and Rochester sites. WSU will coordinate a diaper drive as done in the past.
- Nona Thackeray who was not present at the time of this discussion also has an option to support “The Bowl” affair the end of January. She can provide details in the minute updates next meeting.
Fall InductionCeremony /
- October 15th, dining room E, F and G have been reserved at the WSU campus for induction. Jo Stejskal estimates that there will be 18 new BSN graduates and few if any graduate level nurses in this induction group. The chapter will provide a shorter version of the Spring induction program which omits the history of nursing content with Diane Wrobleski. LaDonna McGonna will provide her presentation of “Taking Flight” and Stephanie Sulla will provide the overview of Sigma Theta Tau. Menu discussed and decided on something simple that guests could eat even before the ceremony as they came in the event that they wanted to go out to dinner afterwards.
WSU/Kappa Mu Anniversary Celebrations / Discussion on how to connect with WSU 20th anniversary celebration. The Chapter is looking into nursing history themes. Need more details on action plans for this. Spring induction will be close to the celebration of first Kappa Mu Chapter.
Next Meeting / The next meeting will be on September 17, 2007 via ITV. Meeting time changed due to several conflicts to 9/24/07.
September 24, 2007
October 15, 2007
January 28?21?, 2008
February 18, 2008
March 7, 2008
March 31, 2008
April 2008
May 19, 2008
June 2008 / All meetings begin at 5 p.m. unless otherwise indicated
ITV Promotional Program for Inductees-and business meeting
Fall Induction in Winona@ 4:30 p.m. Dining rooms; E,F & G
ITV Meeting; WSU location Stark 303A
Program Meeting with Students; Florence Nightingale “Notes on Nursing”
Research Conference; Business Meeting over lunch
Spring Induction with the History of Nursing in Winona @ 2 p.m. -Karen Gardner / Baldwin Lounge
WSU Gala Celebration TBD
Ice Cream Social;RetireeCenterin Winona
Transition Meeting in Rochester
Respectfully Submitted,
Julie A Neumann, MS, RN
Secretary for Kappa Mu
L:\Division\EPD\Kappa Mu\Kappa Mu 2007\Minutes\08-20-07.doc