February 4, 2016
The Synod Council Executive Committee meeting held via GoToMeeting was called to order by Vice President Carl Teinert at 8:05 p.m. Mr. Teinert opened the meeting with prayer.
A quorumwas determined to be present.
Members Present:
Elaine KalkwarfPaul PfeiferBishop Ray Tiemann
The Rev. Anne Kolmeier Carl TeinertCindy House
Linda Nicholas
Bishop Tiemann presented the order of business:
a)Adopt Synod Assembly Standing Rules (upcoming SC Exh. B-1)
b)Appoint Pr. Kent Bohls to replace Pr. Bill Irons on Discipline Committee, per S11.02.c
c) Appoint Nominating committee replacements, per S9.03 (upcoming SC Exh. B-2)
d) Re-appoint Deans whose terms end on August 31, 2016, to new terms ending August 31, 2018.
Pr. Herb Beyer, Bluebonnet Conference, Tri-County Cooperative
Pr. Don Taylor, Gulf Coast Conference, Retired
Pr. Dick Bremer, Hill Country Conference, Retired
Pr. Paul Miller, Cibolo Conference, St. Andrew, Canyon Lake
e) Adopt “Ministry Transition Agreement” Guidelines(upcoming SC Exh. B-3)
f) Adopt revisions to “Philip L. Wahlberg Scholarship” Fund guidelines (upcoming SC Exh. B-4)
g) Adopt “Operational Ethics Policy” for the Southwestern Texas Synod(upcoming SC Exh. B-5)
h) 2017-18 Synod budget presentation
SCEx.16.02.01To approve the Synod Assembly Standing Rules as presented with verification of 2.h.S7.22;SC15.05 on Page 2.
SCEx.16.02.02To appoint Pr. Kent Bohls to replace Pr. Bill Irons on the Discipline Committee,per S11.02.c, term ending August 31, 2018.
SCEx.16.02.03To approve Mary Lovig, Rio Grande Conference, term ending August 31, 2022; Scott Hofmann, Hill Country Conference, term ending August 31, 2018; Tom Dupler, Bluebonnet Conference, term ending August 31, 2022, to the SWTX Synod Nominating Committee per S9.03.
Citing that there are no term limitations for Deans, Bishop Tiemann presented four Deans for re-appointment who had agreed to serve.
SCEx.16.02.04To re-appoint Deans whose terms end on August 31, 2016, to new terms ending August 31, 2018.
Pr. Herb Beyer, Bluebonnet Conference, Tri-County Cooperative
Pr. Don Taylor, Gulf Coast Conference, Retired
Pr. Dick Bremer, Hill Country Conference, Retired
Pr. Paul Miller, Cibolo Conference, St. Andrew, Canyon Lake
Bishop Tiemann gave a brief explanation of the “Ministry Transition Agreement” Guidelines and how the guidelines are used when working with pastors, rostered leaders and congregations.
SCEx.16.02.05To adopt the “Ministry Agreement” Guidelines as presented.
Bishop Tiemann gave an overview of the history of The Philip L. Wahlberg Scholarship Fund, how it was established, funding, administration, and recommended changes to improve administration of the scholarship.
SCEx.16.02.06To adopt revisions of The Philip L. Wahlberg Scholarship Fund as presented.
Bishop Tiemann presented the Operational Ethics Policy to address conflicts of interest and business ethics in the Southwestern Texas Synod of the ELCA as written by Mark Helmke. After adoption, all existing and new Synod Council membersand employees will receive a copy of this policy annually and will sign a statement verifying receipt of said policy.
SCEx.16.02.07To adopt the Southwestern Texas Synod Operational Ethics Policy as presented.
Synod Treasurer, Elaine Kalkwarf, presented the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year Beginning February 1, 2017. Mrs. Kalkwarf reviewed changes made to the proposed budget for clarity of revenue and expense line items emphasizing that figures are subject to change until April 30, 2016. The 2015/2016 YTD Unauditedfigures are subject to change as the Administration and Finance Committee completes its work.
Following a closing prayer by Bishop Tiemann, the meeting was adjourned at 8:58 p.m.
Cindy House, SynodSecretary