Ellen Boyda Education/Professional Conference Scholarship


This scholarship was established in 1997 to honor Ellen Boyda, a charter member of the SePA Chapter. SePA encourages the educational advancement of its members and also promotes attendance at critical care nursing related conferences and programs. Scholarship funds may be utilized to support members completing a baccalaureate or graduate degree in nursing, as well as towards registration, travel, hotel, etc. costs for approved programs such as AACN’s National Teaching Institute or SePA’s TRENDS in Critical Care Nursing Conference.


Recipients of this scholarship must be active SePA Chapter members as defined by the accumulation of point totals from the Point Evaluation Form. The funded amount is based upon points accrued for involvement in chapter activities within the immediate past chapter fiscal year (July to June).


Dollar amounts are individually awarded per point submitted from the Point Evaluation Form based upon the total number of approved points received from all applicants per year. There are no longer options to rollover or bank points, thus all unused funds will be forfeited. The award is considered a reimbursement for approved professional activities that occurred during the same fiscal year the application is submitted.


-Active RN license

-Current AACN and SePA memberships

-Submit completed application packet: REQUEST FOR FUNDING FORM (PART 1)


-Submit valid receipts for approved activities that occurred during the applicable fiscal year


Obtain application instructions and materials from the Nursing Network website under the Engagement Committee tab and email all completed documents to . Applications must be received by midnight on June 1st.


Income from scholarships/awards are taxable and must be reported to the IRS -

A W9 Form will be provided by the Treasurer


Submission Date: ______

Name: ______Last 4 digits of SSN: ______

Address: ______

Preferred Phone #: ______RN License #: ______

AACN Membership #: ______Expiration date: ______

SePA Membership #: ______Expiration date: ______



Name of Academic Institution: ______

Name of Program/Degree Pursued: ______

Date of Matriculation: ______Date of Expected Graduation: ______



1. Title: ______Date: ______

2. Title: ______Date: ______


OTHER: ______



Instructions for completing:

  1. Complete a Point Evaluation Form for all activities that occurred during the immediate past chapter fiscal year (July to June).
  2. When completing each item, please include point totals in each box provided. Whenever possible, scoring guidelines are included in each item to assist calculating point totals for each item.
  3. Be sure to provide ALL required information on point evaluation forms. For example, include a copy of certification card to accompany item #13. Points will not be counted for incomplete or inaccurate items.
  4. Completed applicationsmust be received at o later than midnight on June 1st. Any application received after the deadline will not be reviewed.
  5. Keep a copy of all forms submitted for your own records.

Submission Date: ______

Name: ______Last 4 digits of SSN: ______

1.SePA Chapter Board of Director (BOD) positions:

President (150 points) ______

President Elect (75 points) ______

Secretary (50 points) ______

Treasurer (100 points) ______

Treasurer Elect (50 points) ______

Education Committee Chair (100 points) ______

Education Committee Chair Elect (50 points) ______

Research Committee Chair (100 points) ______

Research Committee Chair Elect (50 points) ______

Engagement Committee Chair (100 points) ______

Engagement Committee Chair Elect (50 points) ______

Board Member (25 points) ______

2.SePA Chapter Subcommittee Lead positions: (20 points for each)


Education Programs ______

Certification/SACOR ______

TRENDS ______


Membership ______

Communications ______

Awards and Scholarships ______

BOD Nominations ______


Research Education ______

Research Dinner Program ______

Research Posters ______

Research Grants ______

3.Other SePA Chapter position(s) not listed above that you would like to be

considered: (20 points for each)


4.Attendance and participation at SePA Chapter meetings, events, programs,

etc. Please be descriptive and list the dates: (10 points for each)

BOD: ______


Education: ______


Engagement: ______


Research: ______


Other not listed above that you would like to be considered: ______

5.Attendance and participation at the annual SePA Chapter Strategic Planning

Meeting:(40 points)

Date: ______

6.SePA Chapter or National AACN lecturer for which you did not receive an

honorarium, compensation, or reimbursement: (50 points for each)

Title of Lecture, Event:Date:



7.SePA Chapter or National AACN poster presenter for which you did not

receive an honorarium, compensation, or reimbursement: (50 points for each)

Title of Poster, Event:Date:



8.Article published in a professional nursing journal:(75 points for each)

Article Citation:



9.Content contributed toa SePANOTES Newsletter: (20 points for each)

Article Title:Date/Edition:



10.SePA Chapter new member recruitment:(20 points for each)

Full Name:Date Joined:



11.Position on National AACN committee or taskforce: (50 points for each)

Position:Dates Served:



12.Valued active SePA Chapter member:

0-5years of membership – 25 points

6-10 years of membership – 50 points

>11 years of membership – 75 points

13.National professional nursing certification such as CCRN, PCCN, CCNS,

ACNPC-AG, etc. Please include a copy of your certification card(s):

(25 points for each)

Certification:Date of Expiration:



14.Other SePA Chapter activities that you would like to be considered which

demonstrate your commitment and involvement to the chapter. Please be as

specific as possible: (5 points for each)

Activity:Date: ______




15.TRENDS Planning Committees:

Activities / Available Points / Your Points
Nurse Planner /
  • Overall nurse planner
/ 100
Speaker Committee /
  • Create the call for abstracts, conduct the review and selection process, revise the speaker packet, notify and maintain correspondence with speakers
/ Lead(s): 50
Members: 25
Program/Brochure Committee /
  • Design the program/brochure, edit and ensure accuracy of all details, coordinate printing and distribution via mail and electronically
/ Lead(s): 50
Members: 25
Sponsorship/Exhibit Committee /
  • Develop the exhibit prospectus, distribute to past exhibitors, maintain correspondence with exhibitors, set up registration, and assist on-site with exhibit hall set up
/ Lead(s): 50
Members: 25
Registration Committee /
  • Determine costs and set up registration, coordinate for mail-in registration, maintain correspondence with attendees who have registration questions, assist with on-site registration
/ Lead(s): 50
Members: 25
Volunteer Committee /
  • Solicit availability of past volunteers, create the volunteer grid, set up registration, and assist on-site as needed
/ Lead(s): 50
Members: 25
Venue Committee /
  • Review and select a suitable facility, conductbasic contract negotiation for submission to AACN for review (including hotel room block, food and beverages, AV equipment, etc.), assign sessions rooms, create signage, assist on-site as needed
/ Lead(s): 50
Members: 25
Total TRENDS Planning Committee Points  ______

Please read and sign the following statement:

I, , certify to the best of my knowledge, that the above information concerning my activities with the SePA Chapter of AACN is correct.