“Prayer may not change things for you, but it for sure changes you for things.” ~Samuel M. Shoemaker

Come and Worship!

Join us as we start our new summer worship hour

with one worship service.

Starting June 6th we all worship together at 9:30 a.m.

Come for coffee before and after worship.

On our first day, June 6th there will be a potluck after worship with fun and games to follow. Play these or bring your own.


Fully Relying On God


Come, join the fun this year as vacation bible school will be June 8, 910 from 6-8pm. For more information or to help out, contact Jason or Carrie Valentine. Check out the bulletin insert for ways to help as well.

Office will be closed

On Monday, May 31st to honor Memorial Day.

On-call Pastor

During the week of June 13-18th Pastor Jennifer will be at Ebert Ranch Camp with the confirmation class. If there is a pastoral emergency please contact Harriet Powell (Vice President of the Council) at 847-5383 and she will get in touch with the pastor on-call.

Office hours will also be different this week as Colleen will be on vacation for some of the week. So please call the church first if you need something from the office. There will be a few people answering phones in the mornings during that week.

Milestone Ministry

Baptism Sunday --- On Sunday, June 20th we will celebrate with Ryan & Jenny Durkin as we welcome Abby and Emma into the Body of Christ through their baptism.

Pastor STILL wants to know 

How would you describe our church to a friend or neighbor? What do you say to folks when you invite them to worship at LCR? What do you tell them about our faith, our heritage, our people, or this place? Let her know!!


We did great in making 118 quilts for Lutheran World Relief for 2009/2010, but the sewing doesn’t stop. Our group continues to work and so we are planning another sew-in for July 24th. Knowing how the summer months fill up so fast, I wanted to get the word out early. These are fun days full of designing, tieing and sewing quilts. Of course there’s always fun conversation, great fellowship and good food. So mark your calendars and watch for more info later. If you have any questions, please talk to Colleen. As always, if you have any old sheets or cotton material you can bring it up to the church at any time.


Input has been given and we will begin again on the second Wednesday of the month. Mark your calendars for the Revived Dinner Night Out on Wednesday, June 9th. We will meet at 1848 in Wimberley (at the Junction) for dinner at 6:30pm. We always have a good time together and invite you to join us!

Seeking banner Help!!

As banners were removed for Easter decorating it was noticed that many of them are in need of repair. Can you help? We are also looking to update some banners. Any ideas or thoughts or skills to help? Contact Carol Dierking, Emily Merkord or Pastor Jennifer with your ideas or volunteerism!!

In Need of Photos

As we look ahead to November (LCR’s 25th Anniversary) we are looking for photographs from our history as a church. Photos of the “old” church – Pizza Hut or prior to the addition – as well as pictures of events and happenings. If you have any that you are willing to let us borrow or copy --- please contact Bunky Layton. Thanks!

We continue to pray for all who are ill and recovering and receiving treatments or testing and for Shirley Schliessmann, Pam Longoria, Hugh & Bobbie Ellington, Evelyn Suggs, Doris Kowalski, Susan Loosen (friend of Jim and Sandy Thomas), Zee Hickman (mother of Danny and Lois Hickman), Dot Currie (sister of Dirk Dierking), Paul Velta (friend of Beverly Ladzinski), Jean Toppett (friend of Beverly Ladzinski), Dora Moellenberg (Memaw of Brenda Tise), Jill Vantine (daughter of Bobbi & Jim Vantine), Lorrie Timmer (sister of Al Strobel), Susan Isgrig (daughter of Felicia Niegut), Sandi Ramirez (friend of Lois Hickman), Bunny & Ray Jepson (friends of Jan Erlandson), Gary Hill (son of Delores and John Hill), Jim Armstrong (son-in-law of Harriet Powell), Kym Oltrogge (former LCR member, now at New Life in Dripping Springs), Aiden Pederson (friend of Lois Hickman), Jim Wolf (friend of Carol and Dirk Dierking) and all care givers that devote their time to care for those they love.

Please be in prayer for our family and friends who are serving our country either stateside or overseas. Please pray daily for peace in our world, particularly in the Middle East, and for all who suffer the consequences of war. Please pray daily for those who are hungry and for those who serve them. Please be in prayer daily for the Lord to replenish the earth as He sees fit.

Prayer of farewell and godspeed

For a variety of reasons there have been some changes in our membership at LCR over the past year. The following folks have journeyed to a new place of worship. As a whole church of God, we send them with our blessings and love.

Pat & Harry Hingst

Please pray together:

In Holy Baptism our Lord Jesus Christ received these persons and made them members of his Church. When they came to this congregation we rejoiced to receive them into our fellowship in the Gospel. In this community of faith they have heard the proclamation of God’s Word, which reveals his loving purpose for us and for all creation. They have been nourished at Christ’s holy table and called to be witnesses to the Gospel. God has blessed them in this fellowship and he has blessed us through them.

We encourage them to continue to receive and share God’s gifts in their new congregations as workers with us in the Kingdom of God.

Eternal God, we thank you for these people and for our life together in this congregation and community. As they have been a blessing to us, so now send them forth to be a blessing to others; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Occasional Services, Published by Augsburg Fortress, 1982, pg. 151-152)


Thank you to……

All the mysterious people who come and take the time to make our grounds look nice. We never know who you are ---- but you are awesome!

Bunky Layton for the donation of the volleyball net and equipment. And thanks to the men and women who set it up. Great work. We look forward to seeing it used this summer!!

Emily Merkord, Carol Dierking, Pam Longoria, Lois Hickman, Dorcy Rhea, and Dirk Dierking for the set up and take down of the wonderful Day of Pentecost decorations. They truly enhanced our Sunday morning worship.

Dear LCR Friends and Family,

We first want to say thanks for your continued support of the youth of this church. Your outpouring of love is always wonderful. We especially thank you for attending or donating to our Costa Rica Fundraiser. We had a great time making tamales, but mostly serving you.

Above all we want to thank our parents, Pam Longoria, Angie Rose, and Victor Sr. & Nora Avendano who spent many hours over the weekend helping to make this fundraiser a success. There are so many other folks to thank that helped with providing the music and especially the extra hands during clean-up. You are not forgotten --- we thank you!

We look forward to attending this mission experience and bringing back all that we have learned to share with you!

God bless you all!

Carlie & Parker Tise, Holley Hickman, Tripp Temoney, & Pastor Jennifer

CROSS TRAILS MINISTRY --- 60th Anniversary

This year we join our outdoor ministries in celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Lutheran Camp Chrysalis! Cross Trails Ministry is hosting several events to commemorate this great occasion. We will plan to take part in this celebration on Sunday, June 20th. Camp Chrysalis was dedicated on June 18, 1950. To give thanks and praise for the past 60 years, we invite everyone join together in 60 Hours of Prayer. These 60 hours will begin at midnight on Friday, June 18 and continue through noon on Sunday, June 20.

During worship on the 20th we will commit to spending 60 seconds in prayer for Camp Chrysalis. Thanking God and asking him to continue to bless this ministry. Anyone that has experienced the blessing of camp ministry is invited to lead this time of prayer. Please let Pastor know that you would like to serve in this way.

You are invited to commit to a time at home over the weekend praying over this ministry. If you would like to sign a commitment card to this affect, please see the Welcome Table at church for information. Or if you want to be a part of the prayer journey at the Camp Chrysalis Fire Watch, please talk to Pastor for more information.

Mexican train

An event that takes place each month at the church – and is open to all who wish to come and join the fun. In case you aren’t aware – this is a dominoes game. If you’ve never heard of it and wish to learn – come and join us. Whether you are an expert or a beginner – you will fit right in with this crowd of LCR folks. We play on the 3rd Thursday of the month, beginning at 12:30pm. The next play date is June 17th. If you would like to be on the e-mail list of dates, please contact Shirley Schliessmann.

hand & foot

It’s a card game similar to Canasta and fun to play. We play on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 1:00 p.m. If you want to be on the email reminder list, contact Colleen at 847-3386.

Cartridge Recycling Center Reminder

Don’t throw those old cartridges away! Help us in recycling them. Please bring them in a zip lock bag and place in the recycling center in the narthex.


Wimberley Valley Habitat for Humanity is now taking applications for a new partner family! The building of our 14th home will begin in the fall, so if you or someone you know would like to apply, please note the following information and submit your application form soon.

  1. Applications being accepted NOW.
  2. How to apply - Go to and click on the tab on the left side of the page - "HOW TO APPLY"
  3. The pre-application form can be downloaded and printed, and all the information you need regarding the process is there.
  4. Applications can also be picked up in person from the Village Thrift Store; 300 River Road.
  5. If you have questions, call Merry Merrian, 512-847-2886.

Alzheimer's Association - Capital of Texas Chapter

Join us for a free ALZ 101: Introduction to Alzheimer's class! This class will occur at the same time and place on a monthly basis to provide greater access to information and increase disease awareness. It will cover disease basics, stages, diagnosis, treatments, plus things to know and do when facing the disease. Family members, caregivers, and the general public are welcome. Registration is recommended. Please contact the office at (800) 367-2132 or to sign up.

4th Tuesday of the month

Noon – 1:15 p.m.

City of San Marcos: Community Fish Hatchery Building

204 CM Allen Parkway

San Marcos, TX 78666

Being stewards of god’s money….


General Fund –

Total Giving $8864Mission Plan $10,000

Expenditures $9231

Building Fund -

Total Giving $1747Mission Plan $1,821

Honor the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all you produce. (Proverbs 3:9)

July Events - Mark Your Calendars! – Watch for more details later.


4 – Deer Creek Devotions, 3:30pm

4 – Wimberley’s Jubilee and Fireworks Display @ Cypress Creek Field/Lawn

5 – Wimberley’s 4th of July Parade

14 – Dinner Night Out

24 – Sew In

Happy Anniversary
06-02 / Aiden Boger / 06-17 / Bobbi Vantine / 06-01 / Harlan & Mary Mettenbrink
06-05 / Jeanette Nelson / 06-19 / Sarah Sherwood / 06-05 / Chris & Kitty Nichols
06-10 / Harvey Hohmann / 06-20 / Brian Alderman / 06-06 / Kevin & Beth Alexander
06-11 / Richard Thompson / 06-21 / Chris Taylor / 06-07 / Pat & Betty Spickler
06-12 / Shirley Kopp / 06-26 / Paul Moore / 06-15 / Bruce & Sylvia Banks
06-12 / Dianne Kilpatrick / 06-27 / Jodi Dove / 06-18 / Robert & Sarah Sherwood
06-13 / Bruce Banks / 06-28 / Angie Rose / 06-19 / Ryan & Jenny Durkin
06-14 / Casey Hickman / 06-28 / Gayle Weir
06-28 / Ian McGar
CONGRATULATIONS! / Note: If we missed your special day or printed it incorrectly, please notify thechurch office…


6 / 13 / 20 / 27
Readers / 9:30 / Colleen Kaye / Angie Rose / Jeanette Nelson / Dorcy Rhea
Assistant / 9:30 / Jeanette Nelson / Dirk Dierking / Jo Anne Miller / Doris King
Acolytes / 9:30 / Sam Ellisor / Natalie Merkord / Colten Kilpatrick / Hannah Raska
Ushers / 9:30 / Valentine/Mettenbrink / Temoneys / J. Bradshaw / Raskas
Child Care / 9:30 / Madelyn Raska / Delayne Leonard / Emily Merkord / Pam Longoria
Hospitality / 9:30 / Shirley Kopp / Felicia Neigut / Bunky Layton / Schliessmanns
Altar Guild
Clean-up / 9:30 / Bev Ladzinski
Carol Dierking / Paula Johnson
Beth Alexander / Shirley Schliessmann
Brenda Moore / Shirley Schliessmann
Doris King
Flowers / Schliessmanns / Bunky Layton

NOTE TO READERS: The Scripture readings for the week you serve will be in your box at the beginning of the month. We encourage you to take them home and read through them prior to your Sunday to share your gift with the congregation.

Pronunciation Guides are available – one under the Lecturn (where you read) and the other in the Church office. Feel free to take and use them whenever needed.

If you can’t be present on the Sunday you are signed up to serve, please remember to find your own replacement!!
This is vital to making sure all leadership roles are filled each week.
Thanks! 