Performance Oversight Committee

February 15, 2017

Start Time: 12:00pm; Anticipated End Time: 1:00pm

110 Watervliet Avenue

Committee ItemResponsibility

Call to OrderDavid Stackrow

Ascertain QuorumDavid Stackrow

Agenda ApprovalDavid Stackrow

Approve Minutes of January 18, 2017David Stackrow

Consent Agenda Items

  • Award Contract for Bus Shelters (5 minutes)Chris Desany
  • Accept Funding for Distributing Transit Passes (5 minutes)Bridget Beelen

Audit Committee

  • Davis-Bacon Audit Annual Report (5 minutes)Sarah Matrose

Investment Committee

  • Update on Committee Activities / Reports (5 minutes)David Stackrow

Administrative Discussion Items

  • Risk Management & Workers’ Compensation Quarterly Report(5 min)Amanda Avery
  • Monthly Management Report (10 minutes) *Mike Collins
  • Monthly Non-Financial Report (10 minutes) *Chris Desany

Executive Session

  • Security Update Monthly Report(5 minutes)Rick Vines

For the Good of the Order

Next Meeting Date: March 22, 2017

AdjournDavid Stackrow

* Indicates Material (Or Additional Material) Will Be Provided at Meeting


Capital District Transportation Authority

Performance Oversight Committee

Meeting Minutes – January 18, 2017 at 12:00 pm at 110 Watervliet Avenue

In Attendance

Dave Stackrow (Chair), Art Young, Joe Spairana, Corey Bixby, Carm Basile (CEO), Christopher Desany (CSL), Mike Collins, Fred Gilliam, Lance Zarcone, Amanda Avery, Jaime Watson, Sarah Matrose, Mark Wos, Phil Parella, Jonathan Scherzer, Stacy Sansky, Rick Vines, Kathy Colbert.

Meeting Purpose: Regular meeting of the Performance Oversight Committee

It was noted that a quorum was present. The minutes from the December 07, 2016 meeting were reviewed and approved.

Consent Agenda Items

Approve 40’ Bus Purchases

The current fleet replacement plan calls for annual vehicle purchases and disposal of vehicles that have reached the end of their useful life. Requests for Proposals were issued for 40’ diesel buses in 2016. This contract was awarded to Gillig.

The Committee recommends approving the purchase of ten 40’ buses from Gillig, LLC of Hayward, CA for a cost of $463,049 per vehicle plus an additional $9,801 for extended warranty on engine, HVAC and transmission. Anticipated delivery is November 2017.

Approve Articulated Bus Purchases

The current fleet replacement plan calls for annual vehicle purchases and disposal of vehicles that have reached the end of their useful life. Requests for Proposals were issued for 60’ articulated buses in 2014. This contract was awarded to New Flyer of America, Inc.

The Committee recommends approving the purchase of four 60’ buses from New Flyer of America for a cost of $800,592 per vehicle. Anticipated delivery is August 2017.

Approve Contract for Purchase of Trolleys

The contract for trolleys has expired and additional trolleys are required to support connectivity between downtown Schenectady and Rivers Casino. Due to the timing of the agreement and a service start date agreement with Metroplex, a Request for Proposal process was not feasible. Staff recommends purchasing two trolleys through a sole source award to Double K Inc. (d.b.a. Hometown Trolley). Hometown Trolley was our vendor in the last competitive trolley procurement and can deliver trolleys by May 2017. Utilizing this vendor also allows for fleet continuity in parts and operations. Staff has reviewed this pricing and finds it to be fair and reasonable in comparison to previous trolley purchases.

The Committee recommends awarding a contract for the purchase of two trolleys be awarded to Double K Inc. d.b.a. Hometown Trolley for an amount not to exceed $304,184.

Approve Contract for Paratransit Operations

A percentage of STAR trips is contracted out to ensure quality and reliable service to our customers in the most efficient manner possible. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued for firms to provide these services to STAR customers. The RFP outlined CDTA, Federal, and New York State requirements for paratransit service. It also required the contractor to hire, screen and supervise their employees to meet our service requirements. They will use high quality vehicles and are subject to approval by CDTA. Fred Gilliam gave a presentation on the details of the process. Sixteen firms downloaded the RFP and three submitted proposals. All three firms participated in interviews and staff conducted site visits to each location. Staff recommends that contracts be awarded to two contractors to provide this service as outlined in the justification memo.

The Committee recommends awarding three year contracts with two optional one year renewals to A+ MediTrans (MBE firm) and Capitaland, both of Albany, New York. The estimated annual value for A+ MediTrans is $3,200,000 and for Capitaland is $340,000.

Approve Contract for Credit Card Processing Services

Payment card processing is utilized as part of the management of the Rensselaer Rail Station parking system. The current system for card processing does not allow for secure chip transactions (EMV), and an alternative is required to remain compliant. A sole source contract is requested to allow for seamless transition of payment card processing services to make CDTA’s system EMV compliant as quickly as possible. Nationwide Payment Solutions is already familiar with the Amano fee system that CDTA utilizes and comes recommended by our integrators. Staff finds the cost to be fair and reasonable.

The Committee recommends awarding a three-year sole source contract for credit card processing services to Nationwide Payment Solutions, LLC of Portland, ME for a total amount of approximately $162,000. The actual amount will be based on the volume of transactions.

Approve Contract for Panel Counsel

General Counsel maintains contracts with law firms to assist in a wide array of specialties on an as needed basis. The current contracts are set to expire. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued for firms to provide legal services in up to six areas of expertise. It outlined the current case volume of the authority and asked firms to provide competitive hourly rates for each individual engagement. Four firms were invited to participate in interviews and one firm who already does work with CDTA presented a proposal that did not require a follow-up interview.

Staff recommends that contracts be awarded to the following firms in the specified areas of practice:

  • Girvin & Ferlazzo, PC: Labor, Real Property/Landlord Tennant, Corporate Governance & Compliance, Subrogation/Recovery,
  • Goldberg Segalla, LLP: Corporate Governance & Compliance, Subrogation/Recovery, Labor and Contracting/Procurement,
  • Towne, Ryan and Partners, PC (WBE): Personal Injury/Claim Litigation and Subrogation/Recovery,
  • O’Connor, O’Connor, Bresee & First, PC: Personal Injury/Claim Litigation and Subrogation/Recovery,
  • Carter, Conboy, PC: Personal Injury, Labor

The Committee recommends awarding five, 5-year contracts for the aforementioned legal services for a value of $100,000. These contracts merely set the terms and conditions for the possible future performance of legal services. There is no guarantee that any work will be requested or performed.

Approve Contract for Purchase of Filters

CDTA utilizes a variety of different filters for our vehicles. They are part of ongoing maintenance and upkeep and are replaced as required. The current contracts for bus filters is expiring. An Invitation For Bids (IFB) indicated requirements for each filter type as well as estimated quantities based on usage history. Nine vendors downloaded the IFB and six bids were received. Bid sheets were provided.

The Committee recommends awarding a two year contract for bus filters to Vehicle Maintenance Program of Boca Raton, Florida (the incumbent) for an estimated total amount of $126,913.

Annual Procurement Report

Stacy Sansky provided the annual report on procurement activities. The report reviews definitions and statistics of the types of procurements being tracked, including surplus sales, change orders, sole sources, single sources, and women/minority owned business enterprises. We continue to improve MWBE participation to meet the state mandated goal of 30%. Our MWBE participation rate in CY16 was 34%. This shows significant improvement from previous years.

A total of $4,345 was returned to the operating budget as proceeds from the disposition of surplus materials in 2016. The Committee recommends approving the vehicle, equipment, and parts disposition report.

Audit Committee Items

Approve Contract for Audit Services

CDTA is required to have an independent audit completed annually. The current contract for external audit services will expire this month. A Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued for a firm to provide audit services for CDTA and CDTC. The fees are inclusive for all requirements outlined in the RFP. The three firms who submitted were deemed qualified to perform the work. The incumbent firm (Lumsden & McCormick) provided the lowest price by 12%. Lumsden and McCormick has performed excellent work in the past.

The Committee recommends awarding a three-year contract with two optional one-year renewals to Lumsden & McCormick LLP of Buffalo, NY for audit services whose three-year total is not to exceed $163,800

Approval of Independence of Internal Audit

The audit charter requires the Internal Auditor to confirm the organizational independence of the internal audit function annually to the Committee. To date, the internal audit function remains independent and the Internal Auditor is objective in all work performed. All audit activity is free from interference in determining audit selection, scope, timing, work performed, or report content. The Committee approved the report.

Investment Committee Items

The investment report and the Hugh Johnson Advisors report were received prior to the meeting and were accepted by the committee.

Administrative Discussion Items

Monthly Management (financial) Report

Mike Collins gave the monthly management report. Mortgage recording tax was under budget by 4.5% for the month, but is still exceeding projections by 9.4% for the year. Wages are over budget due to overtime, holidays, and vacation schedules. Professional services is over budget due to vendor timing issues with IT and legal. Purchased transportation is under budget for the month because of fewer taxi trips. Utilities continue to be under budget, but are expected to rise as we continue through the winder. Parts are over budget by 23% due to axel rebuilds and radiator replacements. We are in a satisfactory cash flow position at this time.

We have the opportunity to improve the terms of our first bus financing agreement. It involves reducing the rate for the remainder of the term, saving us about $45,000. The Committee recommends approving the bus refinancing terms.

Monthly Non-Financial (performance) Report

Chris Desany gave the monthly non-financial report. Total ridership was down 2.6% for the month and 1.6% for the year. On time performance was 68% and there were zero PMI’s not on time. Missed trips were at 53 this month. MDBSI was at 16,676. Scheduled work was at 80%. There were 8 preventable and 27 non-preventable accidents, and 91% of customer complaints were closed within 10 days.

For The Good of the Order

Mr. Young discussed the investment flexibility of various accounts.

Executive Session

Rick Vines gave the security update report. No action was taken.


Capital District Transportation Authority

Agenda Action Proposal

Subject: Contract award for fabrication and delivery of passenger shelters to Brasco International of Madison Heights, MI.

Committee:Performance Oversight

Committee Meeting Date:February 15, 2017

Board Action Date:February 22, 2017


The current contract for bus shelters expires soon and a new contract is required.


CDTA’s shelter program allows for repair, replacement and addition of shelters based on current needs. Shelters provide a safe, clean waiting area for customers.

Summary of Proposal:

An Invitation for Bids (IFB) was issued for the fabrication and delivery of shelters. The IFB outlined shelter styles and annual quantities as well as delivery schedules and CDTA design details. Fourteen (14) vendors downloaded the IFB and two (2) bids were received. The bid received from Brasco International was the lowest responsive and responsible bid.

Staff recommends a contract be awarded to Brasco International of Madison Heights, MI for the fabrication and delivery of passenger transit shelters for a term of three years with two optional renewal years. The year 1 amount will not exceed $293,000 and subsequent years will utilize the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for price increases over this base amount. Upon Board approval, a contract will be executed immediately.

Financial Summary and Source of Funds:

Year 1 will not exceed $293,000 and it will be funded through the FY2018 Capital Plan.

Prepared by:

Stacy Sansky, Director of Procurement

Project Manager:

Mark Wos, Director of Facilities


To:Chairman, Performance Oversight Committee

Members, Performance Oversight Committee

Cc:Christopher Desany, Vice President of Planning and Infrastructure

Stacy Sansky, Director of Procurement

David Gehrs, Shelter Amenities Manager

From:Mark J. Wos, Director of Facilities

Date:February 15, 2017

Re:Fabrication and Delivery of Passenger Bus Shelters

CDTA seeks to ensure that our customers have safe, convenient, clean and modern places to wait for buses, and that we are projecting a professional image. To support these goals, CDTA has a robust shelter maintenance and replacement program. Shelters may be replaced due to damage beyond repair, addition of new stop locations (or upgrading an existing location from a sign to a shelter), or merely because the shelter is old and is showing signs of excessive wear. Shelters typically last between 10 and 15 years, depending on ridership.

We engage a subcontractor to provide for the fabrication and delivery of new shelters. Shelters are typically ordered once per year, take approximately 13 weeks to build, and are delivered directly to our installer’s warehouse. The shelters are inspected by CDTA personnel and are approved for installation, or are added to inventory. Historically we order between 20 and 40 shelters per year.

An Invitation for Bid was issued in January 2017 to provide pricing primarily for three sizes of shelters in predefined quantities. The bid was for our standard shelters, not the BRT style shelters.

Two bids were received. Brasco International was the low bidder in the amount of $293,000. There is no guarantee or requirement for ordering a minimum number of shelters. The contract amount fixes pricing, and identifies shelter specifications and delivery requirements only. Brasco is the incumbent supplier, has been working with CDTA for over 12 years, and we are very satisfied with their performance.

At this time, I am recommending awarding a three-year contract with two optional one-year extensions for the fabrication and delivery of bus shelters to Brasco International of Madison Heights, MI.




Staff Contract Award Certification

1. TYPE OF CONTRACT (check one):

____ Construction & Maintenance_ _X__ Goods, Commodities & Supplies____ Bus Purchase

____ Services & Consultants__ __ Transportation & Operational Services

2. TERMS OF PERFORMANCE (check one):

_ ___ One-Shot Deal: Complete scope and fixed value

____ Fixed Fee For Services: Time and materials - open value

__ X Exclusive Purchase Contract: Fixed cost for defined commodity with indefinite quantity

____ Open Purchase Contract: Commitment on specifications and price but no obligation to buy

____ Change Order: Add on to existing contract


_$293,000 (year 1) NTE______fixedestimated (circle one)

4. PROCUREMENT METHOD (check one):

_ ___ Request for Proposals (RFP)__X__ Invitation for Bids (IFB)____ Other

5. TYPE OF PROCEDURE USED (check one):

____ Micro Purchases (Purchases up to $2,499.00)____ Small Purchases ($25,000 up to $$100,000)

__X__ Sealed Bid/Invitation for Bids (IFB) (Over $100,000)__ __ Request for Proposals (RFP)

____ Professional Services (Over $25,000)____ Sole or Single Source (Non-Competitive)


Number of Proposals/Bids Solicited #_14______or Advertised

Number of Proposals/Bids Received #_2______

Attach Summary of Bids/Proposals

  1. Disadvantaged/Minority Women’s Business Enterprise(D/MWBE) involvement

Are there known D/MWBEs that provide this good or service?YesNo

Number of D/MWBEs bidding/proposing____0______

D/MWBE Certification on file?YesNoNot Applicable

Number of D/MWBE Subcontractors_____0_____

8. LEGAL NAME and ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR/VENDOR: _Brasco International_____

_32400 Industrial Drive____

_Madison Heights, MI 48071

8. SOURCE OF FUNDS: ___FY18 Capital Plan______


Non-Collusion Affidavit of Bidder (Yes, No, N/A)

Disclosure & Certificate of Prior Non-Responsibility Determinations (Yes, No, N/A)

Disclosure of Contacts (only RFPs) (Yes, No, N/A)

Certification with FTA’s Bus Testing Requirements (Yes, No, N/A)


__Stacy Sansky, Director of Procurement_____DATED: __ February 7, 2017______


Capital District Transportation Authority

Agenda Action Proposal

Subject: Community Solutions for Transportation XVI Transit Passes (Albany County).

Committee: Performance Oversight

Committee Meeting Date:February 15, 2017

Board Action Date: February 22, 2017

Background:Over the past 14 years, CDTA has worked with a coalition of Albany, Rensselaer, Schenectady, and Saratoga Departments of Social Services, local employers, and job placement agencies to meet the needs of people making the transition from Welfare to Work. Due to budget cuts at the State in FY 11, every county with the exception of Albany could no longer provide passes under this program. Albany County identified funding through the Flexible Funding for Family Services (FFFS) program to continue the pass program. Federal funds are provided to the State for the purpose for carrying out U.S. Department of Health and Human Services projects, which include providing transportation services to eligible participants.