

Agenda Item: 2c

Update by Japan on the Intellectual Property Academy Collaborative Initiative (iPAC Initiative)

Purpose: Information

Submitted by: Japan

/ 31st Intellectual Property Rights Experts’ Group MeetingSendai, Japan
7-8 September 2010

iPAC Initiative: Descriptions of Features

What you can do via the Website


(1)  Registrants can post the following information on the Website, thereby sharing information about programs carried out by intellectual property academies, and links to websites of such academies. Posting information requires obtaining an ID.

(For the purpose of posting information, items other than those required with asterisk (*) are voluntary.)

·  Program Category: Any one of “Intellectual Property Training,” “Intellectual Property education,” “Intellectual Property Research,” or “Others” is selected to be posted.

·  Title (*): The program’s “title” is entered to be posted.

·  IPR Category: Any one of “Patent,” “Utility model,” “Design,” “Trademark,” “Copyright,” “Geographical indication,” “Integrated circuit layout,” “Non-disclosure” or “Others” is selected to be posted.

·  Program Date: “Starting date” and “Closing date” of the program are selected to be posted.

·  Registrant Name (*): “Name” and “Contact information” of the registrant are entered to be posted. (However, contact info is voluntary. Please note that inquiries regarding the program may be sent to the contact point.)

·  Economy: “Economy name (city name)” to which the registrant belongs is entered to be posted.

·  Lecturer(s)/Researcher(s): “Name,” “CV,” “Photo,” “Language” and “Specialty” of the lecturer(s)/researcher(s) can be entered to be posted. Several lecturers/researchers may be posted. In addition, information other than “name” can be set so as to be available to restricted viewers.

·  Venue (*): “Place name” where the program is implemented is entered to be posted.

·  Attachment File Name: Registrants can upload text data and video data to the Website. Please note, however, that attached objects should basically be not teaching materials but introductions of programs.

·  Language: A mainly used language for the purpose of the program is selected to be posted.

·  Program Synopsis: A synopsis of the program and comments from lecturers/researchers are entered to be posted. They can be posted in languages other than English.

·  Participation: Concerning whether or not a viewer is eligible for entry to the program, either of “available” or “not available” is selected to be posted. A closing date for entry application can also be posted.

·  Privacy (*): Disclosure level is set to be disclosure only to ID registrants by default. The setting can be changed so that the information is made available to the public. Furthermore, disclosure level can be restricted by economy or individual IDs of ID registrants. In addition to an overall information setting, settings can be separately made with respect to detailed information of lecturers/researchers and attached files so as to make them available to restricted viewers. (For example, it is possible that overall information is made available to the public, while attached files are set to be available only to restricted viewers.)

·  Link: Links to intellectual property academies in each economy are entered to be posted.


(1)  Visitors can view information as posted by ID registrants. However, as far as such information is set to be available to restricted viewers, only those visitors who meet the set criteria can view the relevant information.

(2)  Visitors can sort the Program List by such items as posted date, program date, and venues to enhance the usefulness of the List.

(3)  If a registrant has posted its contact information, visitors can send an inquiry form to the registrant displayed by clicking on an icon next to the registrant name in the List.

(4)  Visitors can make detailed information of programs displayed by pressing a Detail button in the Program List.

(5)  Visitors can conduct a search through each item for registration. In particular, as far as a program synopsis is concerned, a text search can also be performed in languages other than English.

(6)  Links posted on the Website can provide access to websites of intellectual property academies.