Rockwall-Heath High School

Regular Biology

Expectations & Guidelines

Welcome to Biology!!!

Hello Students! I am very excited to have you in Biology class this year. Biology should be interesting and beneficial to you. However, you must do your part to ensure this by following the classroom rules and procedures outlined below. Please share this with your parents and/or guardians.


1. Be Prompt - Be in your assigned seat ready to work when the tardy bell rings, and turn assignments in on time.

2. Be Prepared - Have all of your materials including homework, notebook, paper, and pens/pencils with

you each day for class.

3. Respect Others - Treat others, as you would like to be treated. This includes students, teachers, personal belongings,

my classroom, and the building.

4. Follow Directions – This includes school regulations, teacher instructions, and lab safety.

In addition to these four rules, the procedures below are to be followed at all times:

1.  No food, drinks, or candy AT ANY TIME in the lab. Food is permitted as long as it does not create a distraction or a mess

2.  Use of cell phone and gaming devices is PROHIBITED in class. Listening to music will be allowed during class at certain times, such as individual work or activities. I will let you know!


Organized students are better learners. Be sure to bring these materials to class everyday.

·  3-ring binder

·  Blue or black ink pens

·  #2 pencils

·  Notebook paper

Bring any of the following item(s) if you can:

Paper Towels

Clorox Wipes



In the front of the class, there is a green box labeled “Make-Up Work.” There is also a calendar with all of the assignments written out for each day. Inside the box, you will find your missing assignments with your name written on the front. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to collect your make-up work upon return to school after your absence. If you are going to be absent for more than one class period due to an illness, etc., please contact the office to ask your teachers for the assignments you will miss.

Your parents or anyone you designate can pick up these collected assignments. You may also email me for any work you would like for me to send to you. Make-up work is very important--it can pass or fail you!!! When you complete make-up work, please turn it in to me.

Any tests, quizzes, or labs that you missed MUST be completed. This may be done before or after school during tutoring hours. If you are absent the day before a scheduled test, quiz, or project due date, YOU ARE STILL EXPECTED TO TAKE THE EXAM/QUIZ OR TURN IN THE PROJECT ON TIME.


Each student will have an opportunity to earn 200 bonus points each six-week grading period to increase the formative average. Completing each topic Test Review can do this. This will give you an opportunity to gain points to improve low grades or missing assignments, which enables everyone to increase their averages. There will be 2-3 Topic Tests & Reviews per six-week grading period.

NO Late Work!!!

Retesting/Test Corrections: (SUMMATIVE)

Students who score below 70 on a summative assessment are eligible for re-do/re-test.

There will be a remediation form available to each student that has not mastered the unit test. The student must complete all that is requested on the remediation form to be eligible for a retest/redo. The re-do/re-test must be completed on the sixth school day after the student has been made aware of his/her unit test grade. The completed remediation form will be turned in on the sixth school day as well.

GRADING: Grading Scale

Daily work, homework, & labs = 30% A = 90-100

Tests & projects = 70% B = 80 – 89

Quizzes = 2 formative grades C = 70 – 79

F = 0 – 69


Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
8:00 am / Holley
Rm. #5603 / Dominguez
Rm. #5607 / No Tutoring / Hunt
Rm. #5408 / Maddox
Rm. #5010
3:55 pm / Naylor
Rm. #5404 / Jenkins
Rm. #5007 / Naylor
Rm. #5404 / Jenkins
Rm. #5007 / No Tutoring


Lab safety rules will be in effect AT ALL TIMES. A separate safety contract will be signed after all proper lab procedures have been fully explained and the student has expressed that he or she does understand and will knowingly abide by all lab safety rules. A student may not participate in lab activities until this contract has been signed and is on file with the teacher.

If a student chooses to disregard lab safety rules and endanger the safety of him/herself and others, the teacher will remove the student from the lab setting and he or she will not be allowed to participate in the remainder of the lab nor the next scheduled lab, resulting in 2 zeroes.