Day 9


Exploration: The logical meaning of an If…then statement.

Objective: To understand why an If…then statement is true or false.

1.   Mr. & Mrs. Nesbitt’s two children, Kareem and Trudy, have both come down with

severe ear infections. When they bring them to their family doctor, Dr. Porter, he

prescribes the appropriate antibiotic. Dr. Porter notices that Mr. & Mrs. Nesbitt

are very anxious about their children’s health. He decides to reassure them by

using a compound sentence called an If…then statement. He says:

If they take this medicine then they will get better.”

Write down the two occurrences in this sentence that are being joined together by the

words If and then. ______


2.   Over the next few days Mr. & Mrs. Nesbitt give their children the prescribed medicine

and they make a wonderful recovery. The Nesbitts consider Dr. Porter’s statement to

be true. How many parts of the If…then statement had to be true for the Nesbitts to

feel this way? Why?______

3.   What if Kareem and Trudy decide to pretend that they take the medicine because it

tastes bad . As time goes on their condition does not improve. Kareem and Trudy

decide to tell their parents what they’ve been doing. Should the Nesbitts view

Dr. Porter’s If…then statement as now being false? Explain your reasoning.

4.   Suppose Mr. & Mrs. Nesbitt decide not to give their children the medicine for fear of

the possible side effects listed on the label. In spite of this decision, Kareem and Trudy

make a full recovery anyway! Would it be fair to say that Dr. Porter’s statement is

false? Explain.______


5.   Clearly describe the only situation that would prove Dr. Porter’s If…then statement to

be false. Be prepared to justify your description.

Summary: An If…then statement is false when______.