Life cycles of Stars and HR Diagram

The graph below shows how a star's brightness and surface temperature change throughout its life cycle, as it fuses light elements into heavy elements.

Click this link to view the first activity- here.

This "family portrait" is an HR diagram with five stars on it and a background of the color each star would look through the filter of a spectrophotometer.

Click this link to view the activity-here and answer the 14 questions below. (It says 17,... but was written by a man;-) Circle all of the correct answers for each question. (Good luck getting them wrong, it will not let you move forward until you get it right! ;-)

1. Which of the stars is the oldest in terms of its life cycle? a b c d e

2. Which of the stars is (are) burning Hydrogen as a fuel? a b c d e

3. Which stars are burning helium as a fuel? a b c d e

4. Which of the stars is closest to death? a b c d e

5. Which of the stars has the highest luminosity? a b c d e

6. What causes the star with the highest luminosity to be the brightest? a b c d e

7. Which of the stars has the lowest luminosity? a b c d e

8. The star with the lowest luminosity is the dimmest because of its surface temperature or size? a b c d e

9. Which of the stars has the highest surface temperature? a b c d e

10. Main sequence stars will become red giants when they run out of what fuel? a b c d e

11. Will the three main sequence stars ever become white dwarfs? a b c d e

12. Was Sirius B ever a main sequence star? a b c d e

13. Predict what phase Vega will enter next: a-Red Giant b-Main Sequence c-Black Dwarf d-Variable Stage

14. Predict what phase Betelgeuse will enter next:a-Red Giant b-Main Sequence c-Black Dwarf d-Variable Stage

If you feel you need further review check out these links in order:

HR Diagram Quiz

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