APES Final Study Guide


  1. What metal is considered an energy resource?
  2. If an incandescent bulb has an energy efficient rating of 5% how many joules does it consume?
  3. What substances are derived from petroleum?
  4. How is high-level radioactive waste disposed of?
  5. What country has the largest coal reserves/
  6. What are the economic benefits of building dams?
  7. What are the environmental problems associated with nuclear power?
  8. Compare the waste products of coal vs. nuclear power plants.
  9. What energy os derived from solar panels?
  10. How many barrels of oil does the US consume per year?
  11. What main resource is expected to be exhausted in 50 years?
  12. What element forms Radon?
  13. Oil products come from distilling the oil. What property of oil allows this to happen?
  14. List the units of energy.
  15. Which form of coal has the highest sulfur rating
  16. What % of the earths oil is contained in the middle east
  17. What is the world’s greatest consumer of hydroelectric power?
  18. Hydrogen gas for fuel is produced from ______.
  19. What is a breeder reactor?
  20. Which light bulb is the most energy efficient?
  21. What resource produces the most commercial energy in the world?
  22. What form of transportation consumes the most energy in the US?
  23. What is heat flow?
  24. What is kinetic energy?
  25. What is potential energy?
  26. What are the first and second laws of thermodynamics?
  27. What is the efficiency rating of coal power plants? Incandescent bulbs?
  28. What is the maximum energy efficiency achievable according to the second law of thermodynamics?
  29. Approximate the energy efficiency in converting light energy to chemical energy in photosynthesis.
  30. Name a long-term method for preventing extinctions.
  31. What is the ultimate source of energy for a terrestrial ecosystem?
  32. What types of organisms occupy the lowest trophic levels?
  33. What is habitat fragmentations? Explain in detail
  34. What time in earths history do extinctions occur from human activity?
  35. What is richness?
  36. What is a wetland?
  37. What is a keystone species?
  38. What is a k-strategist vs an r-strategist species?
  39. What is the largest area of old-growth forest in the united states?
  40. Vegetarianism, how does it relate to deforestation? Explain.
  41. What factors contribute to world hunger?
  42. Why do introduced species usually become pests?
  43. What are some of the effects of climate change on animals? Name a few
  44. What major gas is produced by photosynthesis?
  45. What organisms use the nitrogen cycle?
  46. What is competitive exclusion?
  47. Name 4 factors that threaten the extinction of all species?
  48. What carbon compound is utilized by heterotrophs as a source of energy?
  49. Trees tend to not grow in grasslands, why/
  50. What is DDT?
  51. Give and example of the type of animal DDT effects?
  52. LOOK UP: What is the biomass pyramid? Draw
  53. Why are seldom 5 levels to a trophic pyramid?
  54. What is the process of bacteria using nitrates for respiration?
  55. What is the main cause behind the pattern of biomes?
  56. Define Commensalism
  57. Define: Parasitism
  58. Define: Mutualism
  59. What country has the largest Boral forests?
  60. What country has the largest deciduous forest?
  61. What country has the greatest percentage of desertification?
  62. Define: Symbiosis
  63. Define: Law of tolerance
  64. Define: Ecological succession
  65. Describe the soil in tropical rainforests.
  66. What element contributes to the highest percentage of earths mass?
  67. What is half life?
  68. Most volcanism is associated with ______.
  69. What are the various stages of coal formation?
  70. High rates of extinction have taken place because of human activities at what time in earths history?
  71. What soil horizon has the greatest concentration of organic material
  72. Name the characteristics of a wetland.
  73. What zone do cattails grow in?
  74. What is the process of removing sulfur from coal emissions.
  75. What is the order of soil horizons?
  76. What two horizons comprise the “zone of leeching?
  77. What type of volcano has wide gentle slopes?
  78. What boundary will you find volcano arcs? What are volcano arcs?
  79. Earths crust is neither formed nor destroyed at what type of boundary?
  80. New crust is formed at what type of boundary?
  81. What type of soil allows water to permeate quickly?
  82. The Mesozoic era is known as the age of ______.
  83. What causes the earths seasons?
  84. The majority of crustal activity on earth is centered in the ______.
  85. What is a sedimentary rock? Is limestone a sedimentary rock?
  86. The majority of rocks in the earths crust are what type?
  87. What is the difference in P waves and S waves?
  88. The upward folding of rock is know as?
  89. What gasses composed earths first atmosphere?
  90. What process caused gasses to start appearing in the new atmosphere?
  91. What are good soil conservation practices?
  92. What is the rain shadow effect?
  93. The northern hemisphere is dominated by land or water?
  94. The southern hemisphere is dominated by land or water?
  95. What geologic period did the largest extinction occur?
  96. What is hyperaccumulation?
  97. What is bioventing?
  98. What is electrokinetic separation?
  99. 10 thousend years ago there was mass extinction, what group of animals did it primarily affect?
  100. What biome has shallow and nutrient poor soil?
  101. How many extinctions has there been in the last 600 my.
  102. What is the most abundant element in the earths crust? Atmosphere? What element is extracted from bauxite?
  103. Where is the world largest hydroelectric dam?
  104. Desalination is used to provide what region of the world freshwater?
  105. What region does El Nino occur?
  106. What are some consequences if global warming continues?
  107. What natural event would cool the earth’s atmosphere?
  108. How have human beings altered the Sulfur Cycle?
  109. What is the greenhouse effect?
  110. What would happen to earth without the greenhouse effect?
  111. What percentage of the Earth’s water is fresh water?
  112. What greenhouse gas is a by-product of anaerobic respiration?
  113. In the nitrogen cycle, what is the primary abiotic nitrogen source?
  114. What factor is responsible for the earth having four seasons?
  115. Why is phosphorous a limiting factor in ecosystems?
  116. What factors cause sea levels to rise?
  117. What are the two main processes in the carbon cycle?
  118. List the greenhouse gases.
  119. Over the last 100 years global temperature has increased or decreased? By what percentage?
  120. What is a positive mechanism associated with climate change?
  121. Where can phosphorous be found in large quantities?
  122. What does the P stand for in ATP?
  123. Is Table salt organic or inorganic?
  124. Where is the most nitrogen located in an ecosystem?
  125. What process removes carbon from the earth’s atmosphere?
  126. Human activities have changed the water cycle. How?
  127. Carbon is released back into the atmosphere in numerous ways. Name them
  128. What is the ultimate source of energy in a terrestrial ecosystem?
  129. What is the most abundant gas in the earth’s atmosphere?
  130. What contributes to global warming?
  131. What keeps the poles from becoming colder?
  132. What are some solutions to reducing CO2 in the atmosphere?
  133. What is the main factor that is causing sea levels to rise?
  134. Photosynthesis is a major source of what gas in the atmosphere?
  135. Define: photosynthesis, eutrophication, decomposition, transpiration, denitrification, eutrophication, assimilation, ammonification, nitrogen fixing, nitrification.
  136. Which organisms convert ammonia to nitrites?
  137. Which organisms convert hydrogen into ammonia?