Western Australian Adult Literacy Council Incorporated

2016 Annual General Meeting (AGM)


Friday October 7th 2016 4.45pm

Room E320 North Metropolitan TAFE (Northbridge Campus)

25 Aberdeen Street Northbridge Perth

Chair Theo Bekkers Recorder Di Sansom

1. Attendance

Theo Bekkers, Cheryl Wiltshire, Maxine Tomlin, Carmel Jennings, Diane Sansom, Claire Anderson, Mamta Kochhar, Geoff Blomkamp, Danika Sharp, Mary Verstegen

2. Apologies

Janet McHardy, Margaret McHugh, Robyn Rennie, Jane Jones, Tanya Turner, Margaret Mitchell

3. Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of the 2015 meeting were accepted as a true record of that meeting

Moved: Cheryl Wiltshire Seconded: Theo Bekkers

4. Chairperson’s report

Theo Bekkers spoke to his written report which was tabled at the meeting. In summary:

·  The 2016 ACAL ACTA Conference – was a success;

·  Well attended thanks to generosity of Lottery West

5. ACAL Report

Cheryl presented the ACAL report in Margaret McHugh’s absence and noted

ACALS support of

·  SACAL conference

·  WATESOL / WAALC conference

·  Darwin conference in September 2017

ACAL collaboration with

·  RaPAL


ACAL active role in lobbying

6. Treasurer’s Report

Cheryl Wiltshire presented the Treasurer’s report and noted

·  Balance 2015 $ 33,818.93 compared to current $119,113.35 due to 2016 conference incoming. However need to be distribute profits and will have approx $50,000 when all is acquitted.

·  Membership numbers – 43 members 2014/2015, 27 already paid 2015/2016

·  Major financial commitments

7. Elections of Executive Committee

The following nominations were received before the beginning of the meeting

1.  Theo Bekkers - Chairperson

2.  Margaret McHugh – Vice Chairperson

3.  Cheryl Wilshire - ACAL Representative / Committee

4.  Treasurer

5.  Diane Sansom - Secretary

6.  Claire Anderson – Committee member

7.  Danika Sharp - Committee member

8.  Tanya Turner – Committee member

9.  Jane Jones – Committee member

10.  Maxine Tomlin – Committee member

11.  Geoff Blomkamp - Committee member

12.  Mamta Kochhar - Committee member

All positions were declared vacant, nominations were read out. All nominees were appointed without need for a ballot.

Next WAALC meeting Tuesday 8th November 2016

at 1 Prospect Place West Perth Training Room 4

ph Cheryl Wiltshire 0437 972 043 or Di 0413 302 030

Meeting closed at 5.15 pm