Final Report

ICT Training Workshop for Youth

in the Asia-Pacific Region

Korea Agency of Digital Opportunity and Promotion

Seoul, Republic of Korea

8-11 November 2005

Organizers /

Korea Agency of Digital Opportunity and Promotion

Korean National Commission for UNESCO

Korean National Commission for UNESCO


1 Contents

I. Introduction

II.  Opening

III.  Workshop Proceedings

IV.  Closing


I. Programme

II. Addresses

III. List of Participants

IV. Presentation Papers

V. Country Reports

I. Introduction

In 1991 UNESCO spearheaded the creation of INFOYOUTH, a worldwide networking project mandated to improve youth information exchange at the international level. The Korean National Commission for UNESCO was designated as an Asia-Pacific correspondent for the INFOYOUTH project in 1995, and since then has endeavored to establish and develop related networks in the region.

KNCU aims to encourage capacity-building in the fields of communication and information for the purpose of bridging the digital divide. As part of its INFOYOUTH activities, KNCU co-organized an “ICTs training workshop for Youth in the Asia-Pacific Region” from 8 to 11 November, 2005 in the Republic of Korea, with the Korea Agency of Digital Opportunity and Promotion, and received the financial support of UNESCO Paris. The Workshop was held at the offices of the Korea Agency of Digital Opportunity and Promotion, Seoul.

Representatives from ten youth organizations participated in the workshop, including 7 national youth organizations, two National Commissions for UNESCO. (Refer to Appendix – List of Participants)

The Workshop sought to attain the following objectives:

- to provide skills in content development for CIOs of youth organizations;

- to promote understanding of youth culture and ethical aspects relating to ICTs;

- to expand networking among CIOs of youth organizations in Asia;

- to increase awareness of HIV/AIDS prevention among young people through ICTs.

II. Opening

The Training Workshop was opened by Dr Yongi SON, President of the Korea Agency of Digital Opportunity and Promotion (KADO), followed by welcoming remarks from Mr. Seung-hwan LEE, Assistant Secretary General of Korean National Commission for UNESCO.

Dr. SON welcomed all participants and gave particular thanks to Dr. Samuel LEE, Secretary General of KNCU. Dr SON then spoke about UNESCO’s role as an international organization working to narrow the digital divide. He also mentioned KADO’s continuous efforts in bridging the digital divide for the underprivileged, such as the disabled, elderly, and low-income classes.

Mr. LEE expressed his gratitude to KADO for their financial and technical assistance in organizing the Workshop. He emphasized that information and knowledge are increasingly becoming the principal factors of social transformation with the advent and spread of ICTs, and especially emphasized the importance of youth and youth information in this context.

On behalf of the participants, Mr. Keembiyage Prasanna Chandith, Deputy Secretary-General, Sri Lanka National Commission for UNESCO, expressed his appreciation to KNCU and KADO for hosting the Workshop.

III. Workshop Proceedings

The training took place from 8 to 11 November at KADO, Seoul, which is the national focal point for the Asia-Pacific Information Network (APIN). The training aimed to provide the basis to share and exchange information among youth organizations in Asia and the Pacific.

On 8 November, the first day of training, Prof. HWANG Sang-min, Yonsei University, gave a lecture on “Youth Culture in the Digital Age”. Mr. KIM Hoon-su, Executive Officer of Korea Federation for AIDS Prevention, presented a paper on “the Prevention of HIV/AIDS and ICT.” Ms. JOH Jihye, member of UNNINETWORK ( guided the Mini-Project which taught participants how to make youth-friendly websites to provide useful information on topics such as HIV/AIDS, discrimination, human rights, tolerance, and peace.

All participants gave Country Report presentations in a session moderated by Mr. LEE Sun-jae (Program Specialist, Youth Team of KNCU) at the Korea UNESCO Building in the morning of the 9th. In the afternoon, participants visited the Ubiquitous Dream Hall (Ministry of Information & Communication) and the MIZY Center (Myungdong Info Zone of Youth, KNCU).

On the 10th, Dr. CHO Jung-moon, Director, Division of International Cooperation & Planning of KADO, and Ms. LEE Eun-ah, Program Specialist, Division of Internet Addiction Prevention, KADO, introduced KADO’s global and domestic activities, such as the Korea IT Learning Program, Korea Internet Volunteers, and Information Access Center Project. Dr. NAM Jung-lim, Standing Expert Committee Member, Information Communication Ethics Committee, explained ICEC activities for youth internet culture.

In the afternoon, the Mini Project on youth-friendly websites continue led by Ms. JOH Jihye, member of UNNINETWORK participants were into two groups.

On the 11th, there was a Mini Project presentation. Each group presented the websites which they had made. Various comments and suggestions were offered.

III. Closing

Dr. SON Yeongi expressed his appreciation to all the participants for their presence and contributions to success of the Workshop. On behalf of the participants, Mr. Baddlan Raul Dominic, Executive Director, Philippines National Youth Commission, expressed his appreciation to the organizers of the Workshop and all the participants, and highlighted the need to expand networking among CIOs of youth organizations in Asia.


I. Programme
Tuesday, 8 November 2005 (Day I)

09:30-10:00 Opening

Welcoming Address

Dr. LEE Samuel, Secretary-General of KNCU

Opening Address

Dr. SON Yeongi, President of KADO

10:00-10:30 Program Orientation

Self-Introduction of Participants

10:30-12:00 Lecture 1: Youth Culture in the Digital Age, by Dr. HWANG Sang-min, Prof. Yonsei University

12:00-13:40 Lunch

13:40-15:00 Lecture 2: Prevention of HIV/AIDS and ICT, by Mr. KIM Hoon-su, Korea Federation for AIDS Prevention

15:00-16:20 Mini project: guided by Ms JOH Jihye, Member of UNNINETWORK

Making youth-friendly websites providing useful information such as HIV/AIDS, discrimination, human rights, tolerance, and peace

16:20-16:40 Break

16:40-18:00 Mini project (Continued)

18:30-20:00 Welcoming Reception

Wednesday, 9 November 2005 (Day II)

09:30-12:00 Country Report Presentations

moderated by Mr. LEE Sun-jae, Youth & Cultural Exchange Team, KNCU

12:00-13:30 Lunch

13:30-18:00 Field Trip:

IT World (KADO)

Ubiquitous Dream Hall (Ministry of Information & Communication)

Mizy Center (Myungdong Info Zone of Youth, KNCU)

Thursday, 10 November 2005 (Day III)

09:30-11:00 Case Study 1: KADO

LEE Eun-ah, Division of Internet Addiction Prevention, KADO

11:00-12:30 Case Study 2: ICEC (Information Communication Ethics Committee)

NAM Jung-lim, ICEC

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-18:00 Mini project: guided by Ms JOH Jihye, Member of UNNINETWORK

Making youth-friendly websites providing useful information such as HIV/AIDS, discrimination, human rights, tolerance, and peace

Friday, 11 November 2005 (Day IV)

09:30-11:30 Mini Project Presentation and Discussion


11:30-12:00 Closing Ceremony

12:00-13:30 Lunch

Saturday, 12 November 2005

Departure of Participants

II. Addresses

Opening Address

Dr. Yongi Son

President, KADO

Dear Participants 9 countries from Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam,

It is indeed a great pleasure to be here with you to deliver my welcoming speech for the “2005 ICT Training Workshop for Youth in the Asia-Pacific Region”, jointly held by KADO and Korea National Commission for UNESCO. I would like to begin by extending my thanks to all 12 participants and Korean National Commission for UNESCO.

As you have already known, ICT has played important role, creating new jobs, making easy to access to education and global market. In that sense, we believe,all social participants should equally be encouraged to reach and to get Information and Technology.

With that goal, we KADO has been trying to promote more digital opportunity for all social citizens without boundaries. For the foreign partners, in particular, we have conducted Korea IT Learning Program, encouraging to upgrade global digital life quality and overcoming the global digital divide.

So far, from 1998, we've invited and provided ICT courses for 1,772 people from 87 countries. So, it is meaningful and grateful to jointly hold ICT Training Workshop for Youth in cooperation with Korea National Commission for UNESCO.

Korea National Commission for UNESCO has also endeavored for encouraging the capacity-building in the field of ICT, especially for youth. With a same goal to encourage ICT use, I hope, our 4-day coalition program will make you more closer to ICT field.

Once again I warmly welcome all the participants from 9 countries. I wish you got a great and meaningful experience with us during 4-day visit to Korea.

Thank you very much.

Welcoming Address

Dr. Samuel Lee

Secretary General, KNCU

Good morning!

It is a great pleasure to welcome you all to ICT Training Workshop for Youth in the Asia-Pacific Region. On behalf of the Korean National Commission for UNESCO, I am particularly thankful to participants from abroad for their willingness to bear the burden of traveling long hours to come here and share their thoughts and experiences with us.

And I would also like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Dr. SON Yonggi, President of the Korea Agency for Digital Opportunity & Promotion, for his collaboration in organising this workshop.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are all living today in the Information Society, and the revolutionary impact of ICTs has tremendously influenced the way we live, learn, work and communicate. With the advent and spread of ICTs, information and knowledge are increasingly becoming the principal factors of social transformation.

While new technologies offer vast and unprecedented opportunities for human development, they are also some of the key contributing factors to social and economic disparities across different social and economic groups.

So it is very important to work together to meet these challenges and to struggle to overcome the digital divide through the improvement of digital training, especially in Asian countries with serious digital divides.

We are all aware that knowledge is power. However, in this information society, managed by digital communication technologies, knowledge is not accessible if one is not equipped with the skills and instruments to access digital information.

In this context, UNESCO has been launching a number of international and regional initiatives to help in narrowing the digital divide, such as UNESCO's Information for All Programme (IFAP) and the INFOYOUTH Programme. Actually, this workshop was initiated by UNESCO Headquarters as part of the INFOYOUTH programme.

As you may know, UNESCO was the first international organization to recognize the importance of youth in the process of social change. Young people are always sensitive to the changes taking place in the world.

The participation of young people in the information society will greatly contribute to their social and economic advancement and to sustainable development for future generations on a global scale.

In this respect, the ICT Training Workshop for Youth in the Asia-Pacific Region is very significant, because it provides us with the valuable opportunity to understand and learn more about practical solutions to overcome the digital divide.

The Korea Agency for Digital Opportunity and Promotion is a truly venerable institution that has strenuously strived to bridge the digital divide for the underprivileged, such as the disabled, elderly, and low-income class. KADO's efforts to close the digital divide are not limited to Korea alone, but reach out to share Korea's experience with late starters in the informatization process.

I sincerely hope that KADO will continue to play an important role in bridging the digital divide in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.

I hope this workshop will be a fruitful one and for those of you who are visiting Korea, may your time here be pleasant and enjoyable. I would like to thank you again, and look forward to your active participation.

Thank you very much.

Closing Address

Dr. Yongi Son

President, KADO

Dear 10 participants from 9 countries, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, congratulations on successfully finishing ICT Training Workshop.

Distinguished participants,

I am pleased today to deliver my congratulation speech again before all of you as I did at the beginning of this course. You might have had tight schedule, from 9 in the morning to 6 in the evening, during this 4-day workshop. Anyway, you successfully accomplished, so I am satisfied to see all 10 participants returning in safe. Thank you very much.

Currently, we are living in Information Society. ICT has became our part of life, even it influences the welfare, the quality of life. The fast growing technology, however, will make itself within the reach of the served, not the unserved.

That's why we have to make an effort domestically and globally to create the healthy digital world, with bridging the digital divide, in which everyone can equally reach the benefit of ICT.

And that's why KADO and Korea National Commission for UNESCO jointly organized this workshop to promote and to realize the equally reachable healthy and warm ICT world.

In that sense, as one of representative of host organizations, it was so meaningful

that we could have a time to contribute to concrete the healthy IT culture in youth

who would lead the future ICT.

I believe, the participation of young people in the information society will greatly contribute to their social and economic advancement for future digital society.

I believe all participants had a fruitful time in this workshop, getting knowledge and exchanging friendship. I would like to thank all ten participants here again, and look forward to your active participation in your country.

Thank you very much.

III. Participants

Cambodian Youth Development (CYD)

Chin Mardy (Mr) 73D, Street 95, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Executive Director Tel: +(855-23) 996 677


Lao People Revolutionary Youth Union (LRYU)

Somkiao Kingsada(Mr) Phonthan Rd, Xaysetha District, Vientiane capital

Staff , Department Of Tel: (856) 210 951067

Youth Information and Media Fax: (856) 210 416012


Malaysian Youth Council (MYC)

Noorlina Mohd Yusuf(Ms) Wisma MBM. No.1, Jln. Tasik Permaisuri2, Bandar Tun Razak,

Executive Committee Member 56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Tel: 603- 91732761

Fax: 603- 91732759


Abd Rashid(Mr) Wisma MBM. No.1, Jln. Tasik Permaisuri2, Bandar Tun Razak,

Assistant Manager 56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Tel: 603- 91732761

Fax: 603- 91732759


Mongolian Youth Federation (MYF)

Otgonbat Davaasambuu (Mr) Executive Committee Building of the Mongolian Youth