Name: ______

30 Days: Minimum Wage

  1. Morgan Spurlock is best known for which movie?
  1. Morgan is dragging his finance Alex along. What does she work as?
  1. What are the three rules they must live by?
  1. They decide to move to which state?
  1. They find an apartment for $______per month. The deposit is $______.
  1. Their goal is to make at least $______by the end of the month.
  1. Morgan goes to a ______to find a job. How much will he make an hour there? ______
  1. Riding the bus costs $______each way so Alex decides to walk both ways to her job.
  1. What year was the minimum wage law established?
  1. Minimum wage during filming in 2005 was $5.15. It hadn’t been raised since the year______.
  1. During that same time period. Congress gave themselves ‘cost of living’ raises of $______.
  1. On Day 4, Morgan and Alex discover that their apartment is infested with?
  1. What is the most common food Morgan and Alex get stuck eating?
  1. Morgan & Alex are lucky enough to find a church free store where they get a variety of free items. List a few of the items they received.
  1. Why does Morgan take a harder job even though it hurts his arm?
  1. Morgan’s arm finally hurts so bad the he decides to go the ______but can’t get in.
  1. What amount do they have to pay for an electric deposit? Why does Morgan think they are being asked to pay the deposit?
  1. Alex gets a bad infection and has to go to the ______.
  1. Morgan decides to get a second job to help with the bills. Between his two 8-hour shifts, plus 2 hours driving/bus time, he is away from home for ______hours per day.
  1. What activities did the website suggest for free entertainment?
  1. 1 out of every ______kids goes to bed hungry every night because there isn’t food in the house.
  1. Morgan’s niece and nephew come to stay with them for the weekend so they can see what it’s like to live on minimum wage. What do they end up doing for entertainment?
  1. How much money do Morgan and Alex up spending while the kids are there?
  1. Alex’s 30th birthday is coming up and Morgan decides to splurge and take her ______? How much do they spend there?
  1. How much is the final hospital bill for Alex? $______How about Morgan? $______Total: $______