Council Members Present: Michael Clark,Melissa Schellenberger, Meg Hiser,Barbara Murray,

Jim Evrard, Chuck Hess

Regrets: Charles Ringle, David Henke, Dawn Hublar

Others Present: Fr. Bob St. Martin, Deacon Rick Cooper, Steve Smith, Dan Schmelz, Louise Richmer

Opening Prayer

Michael called the meeting to order at 7:00. Father Bob said the opening prayer.

Approval of Minutes

The June minutes were emailed to members but not printed out, so we will review and approve minutes at the next meeting.


We had elections for Parish Council offices for the new year.

  • Melissa nominated Michael to be president, Barbara seconded it. It was approved.
  • Barbara nominated Melissa to be vice-president, Michael seconded it. It was approved.
  • Barbara was not sure if she wanted to continue being secretary. Melissa messaged Dawn about being secretary (she declined). So Barbara will need to be officially voted in as secretary at the next meeting.

Committee Reports

Buildings and Grounds

Dan Schmelz was present to deliver the report from the Building and Grounds meeting.

  • No gutter guards yet, waiting on a lift.
  • Nothing new with the stairway by lower parking lot. Paul's son is done with his Eagle project, so they will ask other people about doing this as a possible Eagle scout project.
  • Erosion problems will be fixed after the picnic.
  • They have started on a work list from maintenance.
  • They added a 3 way switch for choir loft lights. Material was donated by committee members.
  • Schickel Restoration estimate to fix the grotto was $7-8,000.There are 50 stones being replaced then sealed. The stone in the grotto is a softer stone that is prone to flaking off. Conduits are being eroded through the wall. There was nothing in the estimate that dealt with conduit or electrical issues.
  • They patched all the holes in the parking lot. No work has been done to reseal the parking lot.
  • The white barn in the field at the bottom of the hill is not used for anything. They will put a notice in the bulletin and offer any parishioner who is interested to take the barn.
  • They have a picnic freezer that is broken. They are not sure on the status. They don't know if it's needed.
  • Going to need extra summer help to cut grass. Volunteers have done it before. They are not sure if that will continue.

Faith Formation

Louise was present to deliver the report from the Faith Formation Committee. She passed out the June 8th meeting minutes.

  • Interviews for the new DRE/Youth director have been going on. It is narrowed down to 2. They are going to have another meeting to decide.
  • Michelle has done a lot of prep work already:
  • She scheduled the classes for the year (31 classes)
  • Teachers are ready.
  • She purchased the software for a year trial. They can get things for free if people use it. It has Bible study and Religious Ed content. Michael will talk to Michelle about wifi issues for the school.
  • She is looking for a moderator to give a talk about the Catholic approach to elections.

Finance Committee

Steve Smith was present to deliver the report from the Finance Committee.He passed out the June revenue and balance sheet.

  • The money of the recent bequest ( $117,790) was transferred out of the budget and moved to Deferred Maintenance. This account is for future projects and improvements.
  • Collections are at 93% of the of the budget for the year. We collected $3,000 more than last year.
  • We were ahead by $6,439 for the fiscal year. June was the last month of the fiscal year.
  • Steve will prepare the annual report for the archdiocese.
  • There are no new Finance Committee members.

Liturgy Committee

There was no representative from the Liturgy committee.

St. Anne’s

There was no representative from St. Anne's.

Youth Committee

There was no representative from the Youth Committee.

Old Business

Windows in church.

  • Fr. Bob said that the reason for the delay is that the man who inspected the stained glass windows after Easter has been battling cancer.

Endowment Fund

  • Fr. Bob said that they would like to use the Endowment Fund for new office furniture.
  • Barbara asked Deacon Rick about the Endowment Fund draws. Deacon Rick said that, since the fund was established November 2014, that a draw needs to be taken by November 2016.

New Business

Reception of Sacraments

  • Go to the office and ask for the policy.

Annual Incorporation Meetings

  • Rena will give us information on this. Michael will email Rena about this.

Connected in the Spirit

  • Deacon Rick said the preliminary recommendations are back from the archdiocese.
  • We should know in the next couple of weeks

New Golf Cart

  • Jim said that Rick Geswein talked to him about getting a new 6 passenger golf cart for funerals from a golf cart auction that Jim is planning to attend.

Yearly Summary

  • Michael asked for volunteers to meet and go through minutes from the past year and create a list of what we did.
  • Melissa, Meg and Barbara agreed to meet and create the list.

No meeting in August because of the picnic.

Closing prayer was said by Fr. Bob.

The meeting was adjourned by Michael.

Next Meeting: September 21 @ 7:00 pm