Home-Academy Agreement

1 The Parents/Carers

I/We shall try to:

  • See that my/our child maintains a good rate of attendance at the academy (Please note that schools and academies are prohibited from approving holiday request except in exceptional circumstances)
  • Ensure that my/our child wears or brings clothing suitable for the day’s activities;
  • Let the academy know about any concerns or difficulties that might affect my/our child’s work or behaviour;
  • Inform the academy of reasons for my/our child’s absence from the academy;
  • Send any necessary medication to the academy via the escort on academytransport, and notify the academy in writing of any changes in medication to be taken at the academy;
  • Support the academies policies and guidelines for behaviour;
  • Support educational assessment at the academy by agreeing to the use of photographic and/or video evidence in the recording of achievement and the analysis of pupil progress. (This evidence will not be published in any way, it will only be used for internal recording and assessment purposes)
  • Support my/our child with opportunities for home learning, including any homework set;
  • Attend Parent’s Evenings, Person Centred Reviews and discussions about my/our child’s progress;
  • Get to know about my/our child’s life at Wyvern Academy;
  • Support social events organised by the academy, such as coffee mornings and the summer fete.

2The Academy will:

  • Take all reasonable steps to ensure your child’s safety and well-being;
  • Provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum to meet the individual needs of your child;
  • Contact parents if there are concerns about your child’s well-being or his/her attendance;
  • Contact you in the event of unexplained absence;
  • Let you know about any concerns or difficulties that affect your child’s work or behaviour;
  • Send home a detailed annual Academy Report;
  • Set and monitor homework/home learning opportunities;
  • Arrange Person Centred Reviews, at which your child’s progress will be discussed and his/her Statement of Special Educational Needs will be reviewed;
  • Involve you in the setting of Educational Targets for your child at Parents’ Evenings and through the Annual Review process;
  • Keep you informed about academy activities and special events through regular correspondence;
  • Be open and welcoming at all times and offer opportunities for you to become involved in the daily life of the academy;
  • Strive to help you and to work with other agencies for the benefit of your child.

3Together we will: support children and their learning to help them achieve their best.


Print Name:______(Parent/Carer)

Print Childs Name:______


Reviewed July 2015; R Holt