Although New America School - Phoenix (the “School”) is not yet subject to Arizona’s open meeting laws as considered under A.R.S. § 38-431 et seq., notice is voluntarily given in accordance with A.R.S. § 38-431.02 to the members of the School’s Governing Council and to the general public that the School will hold its Governing Council meeting open to the public at 3024 E. Fillmore Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85008 on Thursday February 25, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. The School will not be entering executive session during this meeting.

The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

I.  Call to Order.

II.  Roll Call.

III.  Reading of Mission Statement.

IV.  Call to the Public.

V.  Approval of Past Meeting Minutes.

a.  January 25, 2016 Board Meeting; and

b.  February 11, 2016 Special Meeting.

VI.  Facility.

a.  Discussion and update on facility improvements led by Michael Langley of New America Schools Network.

b.  Discussion on facility purchase transaction led by Mackenzie Woods of Carter Law Group, P.C.

c.  Discussion and possible vote to approve resolution ratifying the loan maturity term in the Raza Development Fund loan documents.

VII.  Financials.

a.  Discussion and possible vote to approve the School’s financials as presented by Michele Diamond of Diamond Financial Solutions, LLC.

b.  Discussion and possible vote for School to participate in the Arizona State Retirement System.

VIII.  School Operations.

Discussion and possible action on items included in the school start-up checklist provided by the Arizona Charter Schools Association.

IX.  Governance.

a.  Discuss and acknowledge Governing Council resignations of Jonathan Frump, Amanda Patrie, and Abigail Duarte effective February 25, 2016.

b.  Discussion and possible vote to appoint new Governing Council Secretary.

c.  Discussion and possible vote to approve Employment Agreement for Yvonne Watterson as School’s Principal.

d.  Discussion and possible board action to delegate staff hiring and firing authority to the School Principal.

e.  Discussion and possible vote to approve employment offers for various staff roles, including Coordinator of Enrollment and Records and Assistant Business Manager.

VI. Adjournment.


Amanda Patrie, Secretary

Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation, such as a sign language interpreter, by contacting Yvonne Watterson at (602) 313-5211 or . Requests should be made as early as possible to arrange the accommodation.