(Please type if possible)
The American Legion has fully accredited Service Officers located at each VA Regional Office. These representatives are at your service to help develop and file claims and assist you and/or your dependents in applying for the various benefits you may be may entitled to. Local American Legion Posts generally have a Post Service Officer who can provide guidance necessary in filing your claim. It is recommended you list numbers and locations of the following noted items so your family will have the details necessary to file for benefits if your are incapacitated or deceased. You should file this form in a safe place at home, bank, attorney, or provide it to your Post for safekeeping.
Full Date of
Name Birth
Location of
Birth Certificate
Military Branch of
SS # - - Service # Service
Dates of Service Entry Discharge
Service Location Type
Names/Addresses of Those
You Served With
VA Claim County/State Discharge
Number Is Recorded
Spouse’s Date/Place
Full Name of Marriage
Location of Names of
Marriage Certificate Children
Location of each
Birth Certificate
Other information:
Wills Mortgage
Insurance Bank
Policies Accounts
You have earned the right to certain veteran’s benefits. Use this form to make it easier for your family in case of an emergency. Make sure to retain a copy for your records, including one in a safe deposit box. If possible, attach a copy of your veteran’s discharge/separation papers. In order to have a record of this information to establish eligibility for veterans and widow benefits in the future, it is suggested a copy be furnished the Veterans Service Agency in your area. Plus, a copy of your discharge and this document should be filed in your County Clerk’s office.
If your or your spouse had a previous marriage, it is important you list how these marriages ended (death, divorce, and annulment) and you should list the dates and places of termination, as the VA needs marriage legality proof.
The American Legion Extension Institute Order Form
The Power of Knowledge
Selling (Recruiting) membership can be greatly enhanced when you know your product; The American Legion, that is. The more you know, the better the odds of attracting new veterans into the organization, and education is the key to identifying a program or activity that fits every veteran’s needs.
Gain this knowledge by enrolling in The American Legion Extension Institute course.
This course has been developed to provide every member of The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion an opportunity to learn and discover the rich history and tradition, programs, policies, developments, positions, and future goals of our organization.
It can be adapted for daily use or be utilized as an excellent source to reference…an educated and informed member spells success…if you are interested in knowing more about your American Legion, enroll today. Order Stock # 75175. $ 6.95 per set plus applicable state sales tax (CA, DC, ID, IN, MA, ME, ND, & NB only) plus shipping/handling…refer to current catalog.
Order several sets for your friends. Start a study group. Make it fun. Give prizes for completing the course. Graduates receive a cap pin and a certificate from National.
Send your enrollment(s) with the appropriate fee(s)...check or money order, to:
National Emblem Sales, Dept. W
P.O. Box 1050
Indianapolis, IN 46206or use your MasterCard, VISA or Discover credit card and place your order toll-free by calling 1-888-4LEGION (1-888-453-4466)
Quantity Ordered Amount Enclosed $
MEMBER (9-digit) ID #:
Circle One: MasterCardVISADiscover
Credit Card #: Exp. Date:
Signature: Phone #:
National Guard & Reserve Eligibility
The National Guard and Reserves are required to meet the same eligibility requirements as the full time federal active veterans.
To be eligible, the National Guardsman/Reservist must have served at least one day on federal active duty during any of the delimiting periods as set forth in Article IV, Section 1 of The American Legion National Constitution. The person must either have an honorable discharge or currently be serving either in the Guard/Reserve or on federal active duty.
The key to determining if a Guardsman/Reservist has been on or is currently serving on federal active duty is the “Authority Line” on the activation orders of the Guardsman/Reservist.
In both cases “Title 10, Subsection 672 or 12301” are orders from the Secretary of Defense and are federal orders.
The authority the Governor uses to activate the National Guard as an individual or unit is “Title 32” orders, i.e. Weekend Drills and Annual Training. These are not federal orders. The Reserves have similar reserve orders which are “Title 10, Subsection 270.” This authority code gives the reserve component the authority to activate the reserves for Weekend Drills and Annual Training.
Use the chart below when determining eligibility for National Guard and Reserves.
National Guard Title 10, Subsection 672 Title 32
or 12301*
Reserves Title 10, Subsection 672 Title 10, Subsection 270
or 12301*
*This Subsection was created following Desert Storm to replace 672.
The above information was taken from Military Law Chapter 39.
A DD-214 will be issued for the time on federal active duty or a DA-1059 for a completion of a school will be issued with a character type of discharge. All Reserve components send their service members to “Basic Training” using Title 10, Subsection 672/12301 orders.
Other Important
Internet Web Sites
(Associated Veterans’ Matters)The American Legion
Home Page –
Department of Veterans Affairs
DVA Home Page -
Veterans Benefits On-line Application (VONAPP) –
National Cemetery Administration Home Page –
Gulf War Veterans Illnesses Home Page –
Department of Defense
Health Care Program (TriCare) –
Military Funeral Honors -
Arlington National Cemetery –
American Battle Monuments Commission –
United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
Home Page –
Legislative/Employment/General Interest
Committee on Veterans Affairs (Senate and House of Representatives)
US Senate –
US House –
Replacing Military Records/National Archives –
Department of Labor Home Page –
Reemployment Rights –
Small Business Administration –
Federal Jobs for Veterans –
VA Home Loan –
“Hire Quality” Job Search for Members of the Military –
President’s Committee on Employment for
People with Disabilities –
Publication Number 30-118 (February 2002)