Suggested Audience:

Information Technology Staff


The following is intended to provide a clear understanding of how existing agency interfaces and data warehouse extracts will be impacted with the July 2010 System Release changes.

Agency Interface Changes:

Interface Name / Agency Name / Type of Change / Field Impacted / Change Description
78 File 1 / Department of Transportation / New mapping / Rates / Include CJIP rates
ZPI_PRO_095E / Departmentof Transportation / Correct existing defect / Anniversary Date / Populate in SES/SMS anniversary date
New mapping / Leave Accrual Service Date / Pull from new “Leave Accrual Service Date” – Currently pulls from a back-end SAP date
New mapping / New Original Appointment Actions / Send New Original Appointment actions as action code 01
New mapping / Separation Actions / All separations from the agency will be included in the interface file – no change in process, just higher volume
ZPI_PRO_095C / Departmentof Education / Add new field / Anniversary Date / Add SES/SMS Anniversary Date at the end of the file
Additional mapping of Action Codes (requested enhancement from DOE) / Action Code / Populate the following codes:
  • 03 – Promotion
  • 04 – Demotion
  • 05 – Reassignment

Correct existing defect / Life Insurance / Correctly populate life insurance indicator
New mapping / Leave Accrual Service Date / Pull from new “Leave Accrual Service Date” – Currently pulls from a back-end SAP date
New mapping / Separation Actions / All separations from the agency will be included in the interface file – no change in process, just higher volume
ZPI_PRO_092 / Department of Education / New mapping / New Original Appointment Actions / Send New Original Appointment actions as action code 01
ZPI_PRO_095B / Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles / New mapping / Leave Accrual Service Date / Pull from new “Leave Accrual Service Date” – Currently pulls from a back-end SAP date
New mapping / Separation Actions / All separations from the agency will be included in the interface file – no change in process, just higher volume
BNI – 001 / State University System / New Mapping / Reason Code / Move the following reason codes from Voluntary to Involuntary Separation:
  • 57 – Layoff
  • 60 – Death of Employee
  • 61 – Death of Employee in Line of Duty

Clean-Up / Reason Code / Remove the following Reason Codes from Leave of Absence with Pay
  • 82 – Military Leave with Supplement
  • 83 – Military Leave without Supplement

Clean-Up / Reason Code / Remove the following Pay Change Reason Codes:
  • 00 – Pay Change
  • 06 – Reduction in Pay
  • 19 – Increase in Pay Additives
  • 21 – Increase in Shift Amount
  • 23 – Increase in CJIP
  • 25 – Increase in On-Call
  • 28 – Decrease in Shift Amount
  • 30 – Decrease in CJIP
  • 32 – Decrease in On-Call
  • 39 – Special Other Increase (DOR)
  • 40 – Special Bonus Increase (DOR)
  • 48 – Special Other Decrease (DOR)
  • 49 – Special Bonus Decrease (DOR)
  • 51 – Special Productivity Correction
  • 52 – Special Other Correction (DOR)
  • 53 – Special Bonus Correction

F0001 / Department of Financial Services-- Bureau of State Payrolls / Clean-Up / Details Record / Prevent retro payments older than two pay periods
Update pay plan logic when an employee is in multiple pay plans during a given pay period
Prevent payments from incorrect agency
Include payments entered directly in the One-Time Regular Pay and Supplemental Payroll screens
Include payments from New Leave Payout Screen
Correctly calculate the employees salary when the employees FTE is changed in the middle of the pay period
Correct overtime rate of pay calculation when a Status Change is processed in the middle of the pay period
Correctly present military status and payment amount for employees on Military Leave Without Pay, when the employee is in multiple military status’ during the same pay period
ZPI_PRO_111 CJIP Interface / New Mapping / Reason Codes / Add reason code 60- Death of the Employee and 61- Death of Employee Line of Duty to Action code 23- Involuntary Separation