December 2017 Nelson Practice Newsletter
December 2017
Care Navigation
Doncaster has now launched Care Navigation. What on earth is care navigation you might ask? You might have seen on the news how busy GPs and Practice Nurses are these days, indeed you might have found that when you have rung for an appointment you might have had to wait longer than you would like to see the Doctor or Nurse. Care Navigation is a new initiative to get you to the right person more quickly.
How does Care Navigation work?
Some receptionists have received training to help get you the help you need as quickly and efficiently as possible. When you call you might be asked more questions about why you want an appointment. The receptionist’s additional training will mean that they might refer you to another health professional who is more likely to be able to provide the care you need. This could mean that you actually get help more quickly.
What other services or health professionals might I be directed to?
There are a wide range of other services that might provide you with help more quickly than your nurse or GP these might include:
- Pharmacy First
- Physio First
- Acute Ophthalmology Services
- Emergency Dentist (via 111)
- Mental Health Support
- Alcohol and Drug Support Teams
- Community Support Services
Why have you introduced Care Navigation?
We have introduced Care Navigation for two reasons. To help patients get to the right service more quickly and efficiently and to help reduce the ever increasing demand on practice doctor and nurse appointments. If used successfully Care Navigation will allow those needing to see a doctor or nurse to get an appointment and those who don’t to get to the right service for their needs more quickly.
Can I still see my doctor or nurse?
If you want an appointment and don’t feel comfortable answering the Care Navigation questions you will still be able to get an appointment.
Antibiotics – Time to change
A National campaign is underway to raise awareness of the inappropriate use of antibiotics. The Nelson Practice wants to make you aware that we fully support the drive to change patient’s expectations of receiving antibiotics.
The issue is that the over and inappropriate use of antibiotics is leading to something called Antimicrobial resistance or AMR. This means that bad bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics and means that eventually some bacterial infections might become immune to antibiotics completely. If this happens some bacterial infections might not be treatable and this could be dangerous for everyone in society.
The campaign and the practice are asking that patients listen when their doctor or nurse tells them that antibiotics are not appropriate for their health condition. Antibiotics do not work on any viral infections, so if you ask for antibiotics for a viral infection, then this will be declined. Viral infections include things like colds, coughs, sore throats and ear infections. These viral infections are best treated with rest, plenty of fluids and pain relief (as directed by your pharmacist).
We are asking that you heed this call to not ask for antibiotics from your doctor or nurse. They will prescribe you antibiotics if they are needed but won’t if taking antibiotics will make no difference to your illness. Tell your friends and family too and let’s make the future safer for everyone by only using antibiotics when they are really needed. If in doubt ask a healthcare professional, like your pharmacist, if they recommend visiting your GP.
If you want more information about antibiotics and when they should or shouldn’t be prescribed please pick up a leaflet in the practice or visit the website at
National Shortage of Travel Vaccines
Are you planning on travelling to a country where vaccinations are required? If so please plan ahead as there is a national shortage of vaccines for Hepatitis A and Typhoid. We might still be able to get you these vaccines if they are essential for your destination country but they are in short supply and difficult to get in stock.
Please look at the website, if you need one of the vaccines then we will look at if we can get them and if not advise on how best to reduce the chance of infection on your travels.
Please plan well ahead and get in touch with the practice to say that you intend to travel and think that you need Hepatitis A and or Typhoid vaccination in the coming months.
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Doncaster (IAPT)
Talking Sense is a service run by Talking Shop in Doncaster and they provide talking therapies for people experiencing common mental health problems.
If you have experienced any of the following for more than two weeks, you can contact Talking Sense directly:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Phobia
- Panic
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
For a confidential consultation please call Talking Sense on 01302 565556or visit their website
Currently recruiting befrienders in Doncaster
There are over 20,000 elderly people living alone in Doncaster. Many have little or no contact with family or friends. These people are isolated.
B:FriendDoncaster is a charity run by volunteers who pop in and visit their older neighbours for a chat and a cuppa. If you would like to know more about what befriending involves you can email them at , visit their website at , or follow them on Facebook
Circles help people to be happier, healthier and more connected with the support of those around them.Circles brings people together to help someone who needs it and gives them the opportunity to find out what they can best do to help. The Circle then helps to share tasks, and keeps everyone in the loop about how things are going. Members meet every few weeks with the person being supported and their Circle facilitator, who keeps things on track and makes sure conversations turn into actions.
Community Circles are a great way of helping you do more of what matters to you. The service is completely flexible and people explore all sorts of things from spending more time with friends, to getting back to their local church or getting out and about more.
If you would like more information visit
Your Life Doncaster
Your Life Doncaster is a website run by Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council providing resources for you to look after yourself within your own community, focusing on you keeping well, safe and connected.
It has information on the following:
- Staying healthy(support for veterans; recovery and reablement; hospital stays; alcohol, drugs and smoking; physical and mental health; keeping people safe)
- Staying independent(help living at home; housing; getting out and about; legal advice and support; caring for somebody)
- Local groups and activities
- Marketplace, where you can purchase products and services that help you stay independent.
For further information, visit their website
Patient Participation Group
If you are interested in joining the Patient Participation Group please leave your contact details with reception. Our next meeting will be in the New Year. We value your input in improving services to our community. If you can’t attend the meetings but would still like to be involved, please let us know.
Greetings from the Nelson Practice
The Nelson Practice would like to send all of our patients ourChristmas greetings and our best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year.