Welcome to our residents survey for ‘Your Sandyford’
We are inviting all residents in the area to complete the following survey to provide us with valuable information needed to inform future plans to protect and improve services in Sandyford.
Our aim is to bring together residents, local businesses, students, landlords and other stakeholders to share resources and develop a strong partnership for Sandyford. The partnership will work together to develop and implement a neighbourhood action plan for the area which will provide a long term benefit to everyone who lives and works in Sandyford.
Please complete the survey with as much detail as possible. We value all your comments and appreciate your time. If you need assistance to complete the survey please contact Caroline Collinson Tel. 0191 277 3625
The survey can also be completed on line at
SandyfordResidents Survey
All information in this survey will be kept confidential and will only be used by NewcastleCity Council for the purpose of improving our services to residents.
Please read the covering letter which accompanies this survey before completing.
Please tick boxes for your answers
Section A Your Property / Housing
Your Post Code- Do you live in?
Your own house or flat (owned or mortgaged)
A house or flat rented from Your Homes Newcastle
A house or flat rented from a Housing Association
A house or flat rented from a private landlord
A house or flat rented from a private landlord (Student)
Student accommodation block
Other (please specify)
- Who lives in the property
Number of adults (18+)
Number of children (11-18)
Number of children (5-10)
Number of children (under 5)
- Household makeup
Family home
Student house
Shared house (non student)
Single person
- How long have you lived in the area?
Less than a year
1 – 5 yrs
6 – 11 yrs
11 – 29 yrs
30 yrs or more
- How satisfied are you with the condition of your property?
Very satisfied
Not satisfied
Very unsatisfied
5a. Any commentsyou wish to make on the condition of your property?
- If you are a tenant, how satisfied are you with the overall service provided by your landlord?
Very satisfied
Not satisfied
Very unsatisfied
- If you are a Student, do you intend continue to live in this area in your following year of University or when you finish University?
If no can you please tell us why
Section B Crime and Community Safety
- Have you been a victim of crime in the last 12 months?
Yes / No
8a. If yes, what type of crime? (e.g. Car Crime, Burglary, Assault etc.)
9. Have you experienced behaviour that you consider to be Anti Social in the last 12 months?
Yes / No9a. If yes, what type of Anti Social Behaviour?
10. Do you feel safe in the Sandyford area?
Yes / No10a. If No, please explain why
Section C Environment
11. Do have any concernsabout the environment where you live?
12. What do you think would make the local environment better?
13What would you say are the top three problems in the area?
LitterFly Tipping
Street Cleaning
Vacant or derelict properties
Vandalism to buildings
Neighbours causing problems
Condition of walls and fences
Inadequate street lighting
Lack of green spaces
Stray dogs
Dog fouling
Lack of Youth activities
Other (please specify)
14. What one improvement would you like to see in the area?
Section D Community
15What do you like about living in Sandyford?
16Do you think that there are adequate activities in the area for young people?
Yes / No16a If No, what activities would you like to see provided in the area?
17. What do you think of the community spirit in the area?
Very GoodGood
Very poor
Not sure
- Are you aware of community / residents groups in the area?
Yes / No
- Would you like to receive details of resident’s group meetings / community events happening in the area?
Yes / No
- Are you aware / Do you use any of the following community facilities on a regular basis?
Aware / Use
Ouseburn Community Centre
St Andrews Kirk
St Catherine's School
Other (please state)
Section EMonitoringInformation - About You
- Gender. Are you?
Male / Female
Prefer not to say
22. Age. How old are you?
15 and under16-24
- Employment Status. Are you?
Self employed
Other (please state)
- Ethnic Origin. How would you describe your ethnic origin?
White / Mixed
British / White and Black Caribbean
Irish / White and Asian
Other / White and Black African
Another mixed background
Asian or Asian British
Indian / Black or Black British
Bangladeshi / Caribbean
Pakistani / African
Another Asian Background / Any other Black background
Chinese / Any other background
- Disability. Do you have a long standing disability or infirmity?
Yes / No
- Religion and Belief. What is your religion, if any?
None / Christian - Anglican
Buddhist / Christian - Roman Catholic
Jewish / Christian - Presbyterian
Sikh / Christian - Free Church
Hindu / Any other (please specify)
Prefer not to say
Section FContactDetails (Optional)
Tel No…………………………….. Email:…………………………………………….
Please return the completed questionnaire by 20th November to
Caroline Collinson
Communities Services
Newcastle Civic Centre
Barras Bridge
Complete the questionnaire on line at
For further information and additional copies of the surveys please contact
Caroline Collinson
Tel.no. 0191 277 3625