Constitution for the American Society of Civil Engineers the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Student Chapter
Article I: Organization Name
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers is commonly known as (ASCE). ASCE is a group of UNC Charlotte students that are currently in the William States Lee College of Engineering with the discipline of civil engineering or civil engineering technology. This will be the official name and acronym used to refer to our group on and off campus among ourselves and other organizations.
Article II: Purpose
Section I: The purpose of ASCE is work together as engineering students for common goals. These goals are modeled after the National ASCE Chapter and include upholding a common view of making society a better place through the continual improvement of transportation, environmental, geotechnical and structural advancements.
Section II: To represent the University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s Civil Engineering program around the Carolina’s Conference. The schools within the competition of the Carolina Conferenceinclude: Clemson University, The University of South Carolina, The Military College of South Carolina –The Citadel, North Carolina State University, Duke University, North Carolina A&T, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia State, and The University of Georgia. This competition consists of competing in civil engineering related activities, such as the concrete canoe and steel bridge.
Section III: ASCE will abide and respect all guidelines and regulations during on or off campus activitiesset by UNC Charlotte Student Organization policies.
Article III: Membership
Section I: Any currently active civil discipline or civil technology discipline major within the William States Lee College of Engineering can obtain membership with the UNC Charlotte student chapter. Dues are required annually and are mandatory for membership. Failure to pay dues will result in a member’s immediate removal from ASCE. Dues are determined at the beginning of the fall semester by a consensus of all ASCE officers.
Section II: Any member that is currently enrolled with ASCE may freely withdraw from the organization.
Section III: A member can be removed by a consensus of the ASCE board members for uncharacteristic behavior including but not limited too: number of absences, inappropriate conduct at meetings, events and/or conferences. The member will receive a verbal warning for correction during the first offense. If this is not corrected and a second offense occurs he/she will be asked to leave the organization for the remainder of that school year. The member will have the opportunity to join ASCE the next calendar year, but will have to meet with ASCE officers for reinstatement.
Section IV: ASCE will not participate in any discrimination for ethnic background, nationality, age, gender, any disabilities, personal orientation, or any characteristic.
Article IV: Officers
Section I: The president of ASCE will obtain order over all meetings. He/She will carry out all meetings or coordinate other officers to help or lead as well. He/She will guide all activities and act as a leader in all events carried out by the organization. If he/she can’t attend any event it is his/her responsibility to appoint another officer or member to carry out and lead the event.
Section II: The Vice President of ASCE will act as the president’s assistant and help him/her in all situations possible. If for some reason the president can not attend and has not appointed any instruction to another officer or member, the vice president has the assumed role for the president.
Section III: The Treasurer of ASCE is in charge of financial responsibilities. He/She will have bank statements and the ability to write checks, deposit checks, and have access to the ASCE account. Along with the membership chair, the treasure is responsible for the management of collecting dues and is responsible for keeping track of all members whom have and have not paid their yearly dues.
Section IV: The Membership Chair of ASCE has a responsibility of keeping a current account of active members. They also have a responsibility of collecting all membership forms of all new members joining ASCE.
Section V: The Co-Secretary’s of ASCE have responsibilities of keeping up with minutes of the meetings. They also coordinate who from the professional community of local civil engineering company’s come to ASCE meetings to speak on real world applications.
Section VI: The Carolina’s Conference Chair has thejob of coordinating the main event of ASCE. They coordinate travel and lodging for the weekend trip of the Carolina’s Conference. He/She also has the responsibility of contacting with the hosting school for rules and regulation changes. If UNC Charlotte is hosting the event, this Chair is the main coordinator.
Section VII: The ASCE Fundraising Chair’s responsibility is to coordinate all fundraising activities. Planning and carrying out the events and acting as the leader for these events is the main responsibility of this chair.
Section VIII: The Community Service Chair for ASCE is to coordinate helpful service events with the community. He/She will lead these events and plan them through the academic semesters.
Section IX: The faculty advisor for ASCE is to guide and mentor the officers, providing direction to the organization when needed.
Article V: Functions & Operations
Section I: Election of offices in ASCE are nominated during the nomination meeting. Any current member of ASCE can run for an officer position and a current officer can re-run for a position.
Section II. This meeting consists of all current officers and ASCE members, thus allowing for a viewpoint neutral election of new officers. The candidates for each officer position are filled by self nominations and/or those nominations by other ASCE members. There is no limit on the number of candidates that can run for a single position, but one person can be nominated for two positions.
Section III. Votes are held at basic majority while the nominees are out of site. The votes are tallied by the ASCE student advisor.
Section IV. Officers serve the full academic year endless removed from there position and new officer elections are held at the end of the spring semester.
Section V: Removal of an officer is decided on with the direction of the student faculty advisor. The officer can be removed through misconduct or two unexcused absences. In their defense a meeting with only ASCE officers and the advisor will be held for an explanation of any misconduct or unexcused absences. After hearing their side, a secrete ballot will be conducted and a majority vote of 2/3 is needed to remove the officer. When voted out, another vote must be held for that position to be filled.
Section VI. The role of ASCE’s advisor will be to direct the hearing and to count the votes of the secrete ballot.
Article VI: Finances
Section I. ASCE plans to finance its activities through the funds pre-determined for the student chapter, fund raisers and through the universities monies.
Article VII: Constitutional Amendments
Section I. Amendments can be proposed by a current ASCE member, officer or faculty advisor.
Section II. Rules regarding the proposal of amendments are as follows
1)The proposal must be submitted in letter form to the faculty advisor
2)The proposal must be considered by the current ASCE officers and then brought to a members meeting to be discussed with current members
3)After validating that the proposal is valid and in the best interest of the organization a vote for amendment will follow
Section III. The amendment(s) shall be voted on as follows
1)All current officers and members of ASCE will be allowed to vote and voice their opinion
2)The vote will be done by secrete ballot
3)The faculty advisor will be responsible for counting the votes
4)A 2/3 majority vote is needed to approve the amendment