Alter Servers Schedule April2018

1st Sunday / 2ndSunday / 3rd Sunday / 4th Sunday
5PM / Migura Clay
Migura Travis
Migura Madison
Proschko Logan
Netradus Matthew / West Victoria
Flores Gavin
Lawhorn Carson
Ackermann Dakotah
Smith Regan / Migura Clay
Migura Travis
Migura Madison
Proschko Logan
Netradus Matthew / West Victoria
Flores Gavin
Lawhorn Carson
Ackermann Dakotah
Smith Regan
8AM / Stancik Brian
Bendele Jackson
Bendele Joshua
Rocha Connor
Rocha Victoria
Ayers Joseph
Paniagua Lexie / Coronado Sebastian
Golla Lane
Golla Luke
Golla Levi
Ruane Megan
Garcia Jacob
Jean Ethan
Beeghley Paige / Stancik Brian
Bendele Jackson
Bendele Joshua
Rocha Connor
Rocha Victoria
Ayers Joseph
Paniagua Lexie / Coronado Sebastian
Golla Lane
Golla Luke
Golla Levi
Ruane Megan
Garcia Jacob
Jean Ethan
Beeghley Paige
9.30AM / McDonald John
Widhelm Joseph
Dorsey Eleanor
Skrivanek Wyatt
Nittinger Christian
Mclaughlin Maria / Skrivanek Peter
Lunkenheimer William
Lightsey Marlee
Kelley Allie
Pickett Joseph
Cox Carson / Pickett Thomas
Rosales Miriam
Rosales Theo
Weppler Charlie
Castillo Emily
Silva Joaquin / Ochoa Matthew
Minus Cade
Minus Kingsley
Cruz Marian
Cox Brendan
Bowen Jackson
Bowen Maxwell
11.15AM / Wallace Anthony
Wallace Justin
Wallace Mark
Traeger Ryan
Wallace Joseph / Sciantarelli Colin
Sciantareli Jack
Sciantarelli Abigail
Breitenkamp Hannah / Greenwell Kaitlyn
Merkel Ethan
Streeter Addilyn
Schlageter Jameson
Schlageter Wyatt / Perches Kyle
Gorman Matthew
Hoang Daniel
Perches Carolyn
Norman Tristan
5.30PM / McLaren Quinn
Chapa-Weber Nate
Ethridge Margo
Ethridge Maverick
Ethridge Marian
Fontaine Hunter / Hezel James
Miller Brynnleigh
Humpnrey Kasey
Pawelek Mathew
Geyer Jackob
Riley GennyRiley Nora / McLaren Quinn
Chapa-Weber Nate
Ethridge Margo
Ethridge Maverick
Ethridge Marian
Fontaine Hunter / Hezel James
Miller Brynnleigh
Humpnrey Kasey
Pawelek Mathew
Geyer Jackob
Riley GennyRiley Nora

St Tarcicius - was

a twelve-year-old

acolyte. He was sent

carrying the "Holy

Mysteries" to those in

prison. On the way, he

was stopped by boys his

own age who were not

Christians, boys noticed

that he was carrying

something. The small

gang of boys, anxious to

view the Christian

"Mysteries," became a

mob and turned upon

Tarcisius with fury. He

went down under the

blows, and it is believed

that a fellow Christian

drove off the mob and

rescued the young

acolyte. The mangled

body of Tarcisius was

carried back to the

catacombs, but the boy

died on the way from

his injuries.

John Kowalski – if your name looks like this it means that we haven’t seen you on January. What happened?!?

John Kowalski – if your name looks like this it means that we haven’t seen you for a long time. Are you still willing to serve???