Dyslexia Assessment and Intervention Service

Dyslexia Assessment and Intervention Service

Dyslexia is evident when accurate or fluent word reading and/or spelling develops very incompletely or with great difficulty. This focuses on literacy learning at the word level and implies that the problem is severe and persistent despite appropriate learning opportunities. It provides the basis for a staged process of assessment through teaching.

The Dyslexia Assessment and Intervention Service (DAIS) is part of the Oxfordshire School Inclusion Team (OXSIT), which, in turn, is part of the wider Educational Effectiveness Service. The dyslexia service has recently been re-launched to meet an increasing demand from schools. All teachers working for the team will have an additional qualification in Specific Learning Difficulties and many will be an Associate Member of the British Dyslexia Association (AMBDA). The key difference between this service and the SNAST service is that these teachers can come in for relatively short amounts of time specifically to teach small groups of pupils. The most cost effective way to purchase this service is to buy in time as a partnership.

What can a DAIS teacher do?

Ø  Carry out thorough assessments of pupils with literacy difficulties;

Ø  Write detailed reports with recommendations for action;

Ø  Make recommendations about classroom strategies to support individuals;

Ø  Build capacity within your school;

Ø  Support pupils to overcome barriers to achievement;

Ø  Support schools in following the

guidance given in The Oxfordshire Literacy Difficulties Policy and Advice.

What does the service offer?

Ø  In depth advice and guidance to support pupils with literacy difficulties;

Ø  Regularly working with individuals or groups of pupils to accelerate progress;

Ø  Building capacity within the school by training TAs to run appropriate; interventions based on a thorough investigation of need;

Ø  Detailed report writing to show next steps in learning that can be used in the classroom;

Ø  Liaison with parents.

What are the key benefits to the school?

Ø  Accelerated progress of this key group of pupils;

Ø  Increased parental confidence in overcoming barriers in literacy;

Ø  Building capacity within the school to support individuals and groups with literacy difficulties

Ø  Detailed reports which highlight next steps

Subscription Pricing

Dyslexia Support Teachers can be bought in for a minimum of two hours; this can be a weekly commitment or on a consultative basis.

Weekly commitment of two hours - £180

Weekly commitment of four hours - £300

Once a term commitment of two hours - £180

The service is available to Early Years settings, primary and secondary maintained schools, primary and secondary academies and PRU/ Special schools.

Pay As You Go Pricing

One off consultative session, two hours - £240

Consultative session plus a one hour follow up monitoring visit - £360

Consultative session plus two follow up monitoring visits - £600

Discounts for Partnerships

We would strongly urge schools to buy in Dyslexia Support as a partnership which would allow for easy movement between schools and keep down the costs for individual schools. Costs will be negotiated with partnerships or groups of two schools or more. Please contact if you would like to discuss this further.

Contact Details

Name: June Tyler

Job Title: Administrative Assistant

Telephone Number: 01865 897750
