NCDPI -- AIG Instructional Resource: Background Information

Date Submitted: Resubmitted on June 9, 2012
Resource Title: Helping Hands
Subject Area/Grade Level (s): 7th grade Social Studies / Time Frame 2- 3 class periods
Common Core/Essential Standard Addressed:
·  7.H.2 Understand the implications of global interactions
·  7.G.2 Apply the tools of a geographer to understand modern societies and regions.
·  7.C&G.1Understand the development of government in modern societies and regions.
Clarifying Objectives:
·  7.H.2.2 : Evaluate the effectiveness of cooperative efforts and consensus building among nations, regions, and groups (e.g. Humanitarian efforts, United Nations, World Health Organization, Non Governmental Organizations, European
·  7.G.2.2 Use maps, charts, graphs, geographic data and available technology tools (i.e. GPS and GIS software) to interpret and draw conclusions about social, economic and environmental issues in modern societies and regions.
·  7.C & G.1.4 Compare the sources of power and governmental authority in various societies (e.g. monarchs, dictators, elected officials, anti-governmental groups and religious, political factions).
Additional Standards Addressed:
(integration across topics, within or across disciplines)
Brief Description of Lesson/Task/Activity:
Students will review international relations concepts before researching non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working around the world. Armed with some knowledge about how NGOS operate, students will create their own NGOs to solve scenarios of international problems. These activities will help students to understand the roles that these organizations may take on in support of a nation or region in the world. Students will also make some generalities about NGOs and their involvement in the international community.
Type of Differentiation for AIGs (include all that apply)
Enrichment x Extension Acceleration
Adaptations for AIGs
x Content x Process x Product
Explanation of How Resource is Appropriate for AIGs
·  Students will take their basic knowledge of NGOs, create generalizations about their behavior and use this knowledge to create their own organization to solve a real-world problem.
·  Students will research to discover information about current NGOs and create generalizations based on their inquiry.
·  This activity will require students to draw their own conclusions about the effectiveness of NGOs in the world and incorporate those ideas into presentation of their ideas and research.
Needed Resources/Materials
ü  Internet access for research
ü  Posterboard, markers
ü  Outline map of the world for students to mark the location of NGOs and the areas that their work takes place.
ü  Articles about NGOS and Haiti
Sources (all sources must be cited)
Beavis, M. (1999). IR Theory. Retrieved June 9, 2012, from IR Theory:
Clinton, B. (2012, January 14). What Haiti Needs. Retrieved June 4, 2012, from Time:,28804,1953379_1953494_1953521,00.html
Ferreira, S. (2012, January 10).,8599,2104175,00.html. Retrieved June 4, 2012, from Time Magazine:,8599,2104175,00.html
Journal, T. G. (2012, January 23). 2012 Top 100 Best NGOs by The Global Journal. Global . The Global Journal.
Rasmussen, D. E. (2006, April 4). Retrieved June 4, 2012, from Peace and Security Studies Thesaurus:
Red Cross. (2012). American Red Cross Helping Haiti Recover and Rebuild at Two-Year Anniversary of Earthquake. Retrieved June 4, 201, from America Red Cross:
Spivack, J. (n.d.). Retrieved June 4, 2012, from NGO Global Network:

NCDPI AIG Curriculum Resource Outline

Describe processes, steps, and materials needed at each stage of the lesson/activity.

  Prior knowledge
  Instructional input
·  Non-governmental organization (internal vs. external)
·  global cooperation
·  globalization
·  multinational cooperation
·  transnational agencies
·  cost-benefits
·  resources
Students should be exposed to these terms before beginning the activity. A website like IR Theory or Peace and Security Studies will provide definitions that students can use.
Alphabet Soup
·  Using the article, "2012 Top 100 Best NGOs,” have students research at least 6 different NGOs. You may want to assign students specific organizations to research based on the article. You can assign students to create lists of NGOs that work in specific regions, particular areas (health, etc.), or countries of origin. As students investigate their NGOs, have them create a graphic organizer of their own design that organizes the information listed below. Students should label the nation of origin and region where the NGO works on a large outline map posted somewhere in the classroom. After students complete their graphic organizers, have them work with a partner to edit and revise their lists. Then, have the class come together and review the list and identify all the organizations that are listed.
Information to include on the graphic organizer:
§  NGO's name
§  NGO's country of origin
§  NGO's purpose
§  Example of situation where the NGO has been working
Teacher Notes
·  Share quick notes with students that are organized into the following sections.
§  NGO definition
§  Purpose of NGOs
§  Characteristics of NGOs (Students should share what they think based on their Alphabet Soup work)
§  What strategies do they have to use to work within the nations, regions, areas that they do?
  Guided and independent practice
  Guiding questions
Guided Practice:
·  Divide students into groups and give each group one of the articles about Haiti to read. Students should make notes as they read, then share what they have learned with the class.
§  Reading/Thinking questions
ü  What is the situation that they Red Cross is helping with? (Be specific and list all of them)
ü  What strategies did the Red Cross use to help solve the problems that they found in Haiti?
ü  Assess each strategy's success.
ü  Based on the actions of the Red Cross, what general ideas do you have about how NGOs work?
Independent t Group Practice
Students will be given a global problem that needs to be solved. These problems are real world that could occur. With a partner or team, students should create an NGO to address the problems in their scenario. Students will present their NGO to the class for evaluation and feasibility.
·  Student Presentation should include:
ü  Name of their NGO
ü  Symbol for the organization
ü  Purpose/Mission Statement
v  Goals of the organization
ü  3 possible solutions/options to help address the needs shared in the scenario
v  Resources needed
v  Who will you work with in the region to accomplish your mission?
v  What possible complications may arise due each course of action?
ü  Costs/Benefits of solutions offered
ü  Plan of action
v  What will you do to help?
·  Class will evaluate NGOs for the following:
ü  Feasibility
v  Are the solutions put forward realistic and possible? Why or why not?
ü  Costs/Benefits of each solution
v  What resources are needed to resolve the situation?
v  Have the consequences for each solution been thought out? Why or why not?
ü  Overall solution
v  Do this NGO and its activities fit in with the generalities that the class discussed earlier on? Why or why not?
After all groups have shared their solutions and the class has selected the best ones, share how the problems were addressed by real NGOs. Have students evaluate their solutions and decided whether or not their plan would work.
Possible Scenarios:
1.  Two hundred thousand people are displaced by a civil war in the north of France between pro-immigrant and pro-nativist groups. Huge refugee camps have been created in southern France, but local governments are refusing to help.
2.  Violence along the Mexico/United States border breaks out leaving 10, 000 Mexicans and Americans without food, water, and shelter.
3.  A volcano in South Korea erupts sending lava into many towns and villages in the area. The toll of missing people is in the hundreds and the number of injured continues to grow.
4.  An earthquake occurs along the Columbian coast.
Students will write an essay that addresses the following question:
Anne Frank once said, "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." How does this idea apply to the work that NGOs do all over the world? What ideas and strategies may govern their actions, regardless of mission? What can they accomplish in their work that a single individual or government might not?
Students will be evaluated using the following criteria:
ü  Introduction
Ø  Is there a statement that connects to quote to the work of NGOs?
ü  Content:
Ø  Definition of an NGO
Ø  Description of how they work
Ø  Appropriate vocabulary and information about NGOs is present
Ø  Generalizations about NGOs are included and discussed where appropriate
ü  Supporting Evidence
Ø  Ideas are supported with thoughts and ideas gotten from the activity
ü  Organization and style
Ø  Ideas flow from one paragraph to the next
Ø  Essay is written in a clear, concise style
ü  Conclusion
Ø  Expression of NGOs value in the world is made
ü  Grammar and Mechanics