Release Notes for SACWIS Build 2.04

(Scheduled for release on 11/15/2012)

  • The defects listed below are scheduled for release in this build.
  • Release in this build is dependent upon successful testing of the fix for each defect.
  • Defects that are not successfully tested by the closeout time, for this build, will be re-scheduled for a subsequent build.

Functional Area / Defect ID / Ticket # / Report ID / Summary of Defect / Resolution Comments
AFCARS Reporting / 18426 / PM01 - CHARACTERISTICS SCREEN Modification's based upon Federal Review in Aug of 2012 / Language on the Characteristics screen has been changed and no longer indicates 'disability' as most of these characteristics do not meet the standards for a disability.
Intake / 18545 / 72800 / CM49 - Ongoing Assessment Validation is Not Recognizing that Linked Intake has a Waived Safety Assessment / On Ongoing Assessments that have multiple intakes linked to them, the assessment can be validated if one of the intakes has an approved justification waiver for the completion of the Safety Assessment.
Intake / 18456 / 72765 / IN03 - Intake Screening Decision Utility updating Work Assignment date incorrectly / When the state system admin utility is used to change a screening decision date/time on an intake and it backdates the case assignments - the START_DATE field on the WORK_ASSIGNMENT table will be updated with the date only.
Intake / 18499 / IV18 - Roles on AR intake not updating when a screened in traditional intake is linked to a case. (Ambiguous column reference bug) / When a traditional intake is linked to an open AR assessment case, the participant roles on the undisposed AR intake will be automatically updated to traditional intake participant roles.
Intake / 17838 / 48 / Rpt. 048 - CM30 Multiple Sub Category Impact – A/I Checklist Report / The "A/I Checklist report" impact from the multiple sub-category activity log enhancement.
Intake / 17835 / IN15 - CM30 Multiple Sub Category Impact – moves/copies/adds activity logs / When an intake is unlinked and/or relinked, the corresponding activity log will be moved, copied, or added.
Intake / 17836 / IN07 - CM30 Multiple Sub Category Impact / "Investigation Initiated" display impact of the multiple sub-category activity log enhancement.
Case / 18547 / Case Review Services Unlinked/Never Linked Progress Review / When completing a Case Review/SAR for the Unlinked and Never linked services, if services exist on these tabs, the Edit Progress link will now be required in order to approve the Case Review/SAR
Case / 18692 / Activity Log Duplicating Intakes / Intakes with multiple intake types will no longer displaying Activity Log as duplicated on the intake info tab.
Case / 18313 / CM53 Case Merge Impact due to tracking CM30 Activity Log Moves / A new table will be created with new case id columns when the move Activity Log functionality is used. The Case Merge process was modified so it updates these two new case id columns from the removed case id to the retained case id if involved in the merge.
Case / 18123 / 005 / Rpt. 005 - JFS 01403 Specialized Assessment Report / The JFS 01403 Specialized Assessment Report query was updated to include the new functionality that allows for the selection of multiple sub categories in the Activity Log.
Case / 18124 / 006 / Rpt. 006 JFS 01402 Ongoing Case Assessment Investigation / The JFS 01402 Ongoing Case Assessment Investigation Report query was updated to include the new functionality that allows for the selection of multiple sub categories in Activity Log.
Case / 18125 / 054 / Rpt. 054 Actual vs. Attempted Report / The Actual vs. Attempted Report made reference to activity log sub category; however, the report query did not use the sub category. Reference to activity log sub category was removed from this report.
Case / 17837 / CM30 Multiple Sub Category Impact – Ticklers and Tickler Batch / Ticklers and tickler batch were updated to include the new functionality that allows the selection of multiple Sub Categories in the Activity Log.
Case / 17839 / 118 / Rpt. 118 CM30 Multiple Sub Category Impact – Activity Log Report / Report 118, Activity Log Report was updated to include the new multiple sub category functionality.
Case / 17840 / 119 / Rpt. 119 CM30 Multiple Sub Category Impact – Activity Report / Report 119, Activity Log Report was updated to include the new multiple sub category functionality.
Case / 17841 / 269 / Rpt. 269 - CM30 Multiple Sub Category Impact – Ongoing Closure Checklist Report / Rpt. 269 - Ongoing Closure Checklist Report has been updated to include the new functionality that allows for the selection ofmultiple Sub Categories in the Activity Log.
Case / 17829 / CM30 - Tickler Disposal Changes to not use Case Category and Category and also update the date disposal rule / The Tickler Disposal rule has been changedto not use Activity Log Case Category and Category. In addition the disposal rule date has also been updated.
Case / 17830 / CM30 Multiple Sub Category Impact – Change some subcategory ref value short description and use short description on online screen / Some of theActivity Log sub - category reference value short descriptions were changed because of their length. In addition,we are using theshort description on the screen.
Case / 17831 / CM30 Multiple Sub Category Impact – Update Tickler Jump List / The Tickler Jump List has been updated to include the new functionality that allows the selection ofmultiple sub-categories in the Activity Log. The tables were updated to include the new tickler disposal rulesthat remove case category and category, and add subcategories from both lists of A/I mandate and Ongoing.
Case / 17833 / CM30 Multiple Sub Category Impact – Linking of activity logs to work items (Safety Assessment, Specialized Assessment, Visitation Plan, Case Transfer, Case Closure) / Linking of activity logs to work items (Safety Assessment, Specialized Assessment, Visitation Plan, Case Transfer, Case Closure) have been updated to include the new functionality that allows for the selection of multiple Sub Categories in the Activity Log.
Case / 17834 / CM30 Multiple Sub Category Impact – Admin Case Closure (CM17a) process to add an activity log / The Admin Case Closure (CM17a) process has been updated to addthe new functionality that allows for the selection of multiple Sub Categories in Activity Log.
Case / 2471 / 23592 / CM30 - Create Activity Log Following Generation of a letter / When generating and saving the following letters, an Activity Log will automatically be created:
Help Me Grow Referral Letter
Assessment/Investigation Disposition Letter-AP
Assessment/Investigation Disposition Letter – Parent/Custodian
Assessment/Investigation Disposition Letter – ACV/CSR
Mandated Reporter Letter Initial
Law Enforcement Notification
Mandated Reporter Letter Disposition
Cross Referral Letter to Licensing Authority
Law Enforcement Request for Assistance
Licensing/Supervising Authority Disposition Letter
OHC Entity Administrator/Owner Disposition Letter
Alternative Response Mandated Reporter Letter
End of Assessment for Mandated Reporter Letter
Case / 2534 / 24999 / CM30 - Create "Move" Activity Log Functionality / User will now have the ability to "Move" an activity log from one case to another case.
Case / 12390 / CM30 - Activity Log - Allow multiple Sub Category types / User will now be able to select multiple sub categories in an Activity Log.
Case / 12523 / CM30 - Allow drop down boxes to be editable after the act. log is marked as complete / User will now be able to edit activity log information even when it is marked as "complete".
Case/Adoption / 18509 / 204 / RPT204 Multiple Subcategory technical impact on JFS01699 Pre-finalization Adoption Assessment Report / Multiple Subcategory values can be selected in a case activity log (i.e.: Date of Adoptive Placement & Adoption Information Disclosure provided to Adoptive Parents were both documented within the same activity log record) and all appropriate information maps to and displays in the Pre-finalization Adoption Assessment Report when generated.
Provider / 12468 / RM 08- Providers with large numbers of services not loading when user has Service Credential Admin. Security. / Service Credential Administrator security can now view services on an Agency that has a large number of services without getting timed out.
Provider / 18085 / RM03b: Allow user to update Session date and Actual Number of Hours on a training session / User can now update Training Session date and Actual Number of Hours on a completed training session. Any payments associated to the training session will be marked for review.
Provider / 18355 / RM24 - Agency Certification - System does not work correctly when certification span immediately saved as Certified / When entering a new certification span for Agency Certification and span is immediately saved as certified, system now maintains the previously entered statuses for each of the historical certification spans.
Provider / 18540 / RM01 - Agency display on inquiry / Code changes made to display the Agency Name for new and existing Inquiry. (Member, address and Share home agreements).
Provider / 18734 / RM01 Add Inquiry ID to Linked Inquiries list / An Inquiry ID column has been added to the completed inquires/link list page.
Provider / 18436 / RM03b Allow participant to be deleted if a payment exists / Allows a participant to be deleted from a completed training session even if a payment exists. Payments are marked for review.
Provider / 14336 / RM01- Inquiry ID should be presented after inquiry is created and saved. / A Provider Inquiry ID number now display upon save with the message "your data for Inquiry ID Number has been saved" In addition to once a Decision of "Screen in-Application Received" is enter a message display that a "Inquiry ID number has been saved and now is completed".
Provider / 17832 / CM30 Multiple Sub Category Impact – Provider Activity Log copy to activity log / When a Provider Activity Log is created and saved to a Child record, case activity log displays the sub category of 'other' for the activity log record
Provider / 12412 / RM01- viewed inquires will display with a 'v' next to the inquiry / When a user views or edits a Provider Inquiry from a list of search results, a "v" will display next to the viewed inquiry upon return to the search results page.
Provider / 14806 / RM01b Add Inquiry ID as a column on Completed Inquiries tab / Inquiry ID for provider inquiries will now display on the Completed Inquiries tab.
Provider / 14807 / RM01 Add Inquiry ID to Resource Inquiry Members page. / The Inquiry ID will now display on the members page of the provider inquiry.
Admin / 11149 / CF24-Add AR Flag to Agency Information Screen / Updates made to the AGENCY_CONFIG table to add AR flag to Agency Information Screen.
Admin / 13989 / 54324 / PM04-Do Not Allow Person Merge of Employee PID by Other Counties / SACWIS now prevents person merge attempts when the Retain and/or Remove Person(s) is/are an active Employee and the current user (1) is not a state employee and (2) does not work for the same agency.
Admin / 14735 / 58185 / PM04 - Person Merge Enhancement - Address Effective Date / The address effective date now displays on the person merge compare information page for both the remove and retain person ids.
Finance / 18116 / FM30 Invalid Payment Process update for training payment changes / Defect Issue: Modifications are being made in the training session area that will permit users to edit some information once a session has been created and saved. The system should account for these changes if payments exist in the system.
Resolution: The system will automatically mark all training session payments associated to a training session as invalid when:
1. the number of hours on the training session is changed,
2. the session date is changed.
3. a specific participant is deleted from a training session (only the payment request(s) for that participant shall be marked as invalid)
Finance / 17986 / 70252 / FM06 - Training session not being reimbursed / Defect Issue: Users are receiving an erroneous reimbursement exception message indicating the training ceiling is exhausted for some training session participants.
Resolution: The functional issue has been addressed and the exception should no longer be received when the training ceiling has not been exhausted. A data fix will be completed after Build 2.4 goes to production which will capture these payment requests and ensure they are reimbursed when the next monthly reimbursement job is run.
Finance / 18023 / MITS 330 Update to support Reconciliation Certification / Issue: A process needs to be implemented to reconcile daily transactions sent in the 330 batch file (Medicaid Eligibility spans) to daily transactions processed by MITS.
Resolution: Coding changes to FM25_exchange_info_mmis.sql have been completed to support this daily transactions reconciliation process.
Finance / 16008 / FM09 Recoupment Actions Updates / Defect Issue: A new recoupment action of 'Created in Error' should be added in the actions drop down menu presented when the user selects the Add Action button within an Invalidate payment record.
Resolution: A new recoupment action of 'Created in Error' has been added in the system. When the users selects the new value of 'Created in Error' or the existing values of 'Provider Payment' or 'Check Returned' the payment amount will be displayed as a negative amount on the following reports based on the Action Date (similar to using disbursement date, but these actions do not get disbursed in system so use Action Date for reporting purposes):
RPT 243 -Final Pmt Report
RPT 242 -Pmt History Detail Report
RPT 322- Pmt Allocation Report
RPT 244- Receivables Report -Provider Detail
RPT 312 Payment Reimbursement Detail Report
RPT 312 Payment Reimbursement Summary Report
Finance / 16666 / Adoption Subsidy tab under Eligibility / Issue: A JAVA error is being received when the 'View' hyperlink is clicked for the ADC Relatedness within a denied adoption subsidy record.
Resolution: The problem has been corrected in the coding and a JAVA error is no longer being received.
Finance / 16988 / FM20 End IV-E Init Elig Batch job failing / Issue: FinancialDaily batch job that creates a new Ongoing Program Eligibility record on the 31st day for a child that came into custody of a VAC was failing. The batch job was having problems copying the worksheet for a child that was not a US citizen.
Resolution: The batch job will now create the Pending Ongoing Program Eligibility record on the 31st day without failing.
Finance / 17058 / FM02 - Adoption Assistance services is loading State payments when saving the record / Issue: State workers were getting a Java error when trying to update a Subsidy record with the Adoption Subsidy State Utility.
Resolution: Java error is not occurring now when trying to update a Subsidy record with the Adoption Subsidy State Utility.
Finance / 17250 / FM05- Case Services Type Service Auth Pulling in Placement Add-On Costs / Add-On Costs will only be applied to Service Authorizations associated to Placements, not service auths for case services.
Finance / 18696 / 73604 / FM20- JAVA Error When Trying to Add SFU Members / Issue: Users was getting a Java error when adding SFU members in the eligibility record. User was not able to move forward in completing and determining eligibility.
Resolution: CRIS-E records are now mapped correctly to the verification codes and will display correctly in the income worksheet with the eligibility record. User should be able to add SFU members without receiving a Java error. User should be able to also select the SFU member to verify the income, assets and resources without getting a Java error. This defect associated with defect 18695. One was for the adding a SFU member and this one are for the income/resourceworksheet.
Finance / 18702 / Process Reimbursement Changes (BabyFM) batch job fails due to time out / Defect Issue: The batch job that processes all reimbursement changes is timing out when a change occurs that impacts thousands of payments.
Resolution: The batch job code has been updated to commit changes for every 3,000 transactions processed as the job runs rather than waiting until all changes have been processed to commit changes. This will prevent the job from timing out and not completing.
Finance / 18642 / Avondale Payments are Being Reimbursed Twice / A data fix will be creating to correct duplicate reimbursements to the Muskingum County PCSA.
Finance / 18631 / FM06 - Updates Units two decimal places for Training Session Payments / Defect Issue: Current functionality only permits the user to update the number of units on a training payment in whole hour increments (e.g., 1,2,3). The user needs the ability to enter quarter hour increments for training allowance and stipend payments.
example - if the training session is entered as a 5 hour session then payments will be generated for all participants for the five hours, however if one of the participants only attended 2 1/2 hours, the payment request for that participant can currently be updated to 2 hours but the .5 cannot be entered. Please update the code to permit the updating of units out to two decimal places and per quarter hour for training session payments (.25, .5, .75)
Resolution: The user now has the ability to update the number of units on a training stipend or allowance payment request out to two decimal places. The number of units for a training session cannot be greater than 24.
Finance / 13949 / 54111 / FM13 Client Benefit Validation Message Error / The system will no longer display the 'Agency does not have custody for tor the entered dates' in error when the PCSA does have a legal custody status for the time period.
Finance / 16306 / Reports - Offline indicator on Admin Reports / RPT323 Invalid Payment Export Report has been removed from the Admin Reports Tab.This report is accessible from within the Invalid Payment Process on the confirmation page.
The offline indicator (red *) has been added for the following reports:
RPT238c Reimbursement Summary Report - Training Stipend,
RPT238d Reimbursement Summary Report - PASSS,
RPT238e Reimbursement Summary Report - Non Recurring:
Finance / 18675 / Medicaid "Triggers" should not look at recipients over the age of 21 years and 6 months / Issue: The Medicaid "triggers" built into SACWIS which flag the recipient's information to be picked up and sent to MITS in the MITS Update file (330 file) such as a change in the child's address, name, gender, SSN, etc., should ignore recipients over the age of 21 years and 6 months as of the current system date. These recipients should not be flagged for inclusion in the 330 file as they would not be IV-E Medicaid eligible.
Resolution: A new function has been added which will ignore SACWIS transactions for recipients over the age of 21 years and 6 months.
Finance / 18508 / FM25 Exchange Info with MMIS impact due to multiple subcategory changes / Issue: Technical impact due to the multiple subcategory changes scheduled for build 2.4. The FM25_Exchange_Info_MMIS package needs updated to use the new table location for activity log subcategory. This package currently uses activity log subcategory for ICAMA cases to pass the 'annual review form completed' date to MITS and it now needs to find the subcategory in a different table, Case_Act_Log_Sub_Category.
Resolution: GET_REVIEW_DATES, ICAMA section updated to use the new table. Currently, there are no instances in production where this code returns a value.
Finance / 18695 / 73613 / Correct Eligibility Record / Issue: Users was getting a Java error when adding SFU members in the eligibility record. User was not able to move forward in completing and determining eligibility.
Resolution: CRIS-E records are now mapped correctly to the verification codes and will display correctly in the income worksheet with the eligibility record. User should be able to add SFU members without receiving a Java error. User should be able to also select the SFU member to verify the income, assets and resources without getting a Java error. This is associated with defect 18696. One was for the adding a SFU member java error and one is for the income/resourceworksheet java error.

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