1. The three types of lipids are Triglycerides, Phospholipids, Sterols
  2. Saturated fat is the name of fat with no double bonds
  3. Polyunsaturated fat is the name of fat with multiple double bonds
  4. Canola Oil has a high % of monounsaturated fat
  5. Coconut oil has a high % of saturated fat
  6. Sunflower oil has a high % of polyunsaturated fat
  7. Hydrogenation is the process of using Hydrogen to remove double bonds from unsaturated fats
  8. The monounsaturated fatty acids are the healthiest of the fatty acids
  9. Micelles emulsify fat in the beginning of the small intestine with the help of bile, later to be broken down by enzymes into glycerol and fatty acids and then repackaged into chylomicrons
  10. HDL is the lipoprotein that carries chlolestrol back to the liver for reuse
  11. LDL is the lipoprotein that is synthesized in the liver and transports cholesterol to the body
  12. The six risk factors for developing CVD are: High blood cholesterol, diabetes, cigarette smoking, hypertension, family history, and age
  13. Essential amino acids are amino acids that you must consume from diet because your body cannot make them
  14. Peptide bonds are the bonds that hold amino acids together
  15. The tertiary structure is the level of structure that decides the shape of the protein
  16. Denaturation is the unfolding of the shape of the proteins
  17. HCl denatures proteins when they enter the stomach
  18. A pregnant woman would have a positive nitrogen balance
  19. A sick patient would have a negative nitrogen balance
  20. The RDA for protein consumption is .8 g/kg of body weight
  21. A protein that has all essential amino acids in a good pattern is a considered a high biological value protein
  22. Complementation is a method used to improve protein quality by eating two foods that combined have a high biological value
  23. Kwashiorkor is a malnutrition disease when a child consumed enough energy, but not enough protein
  24. A vegan won’t eat any products from animals such as eggs, meat, and milk products
  25. Anabolism is the process of forming bonds and it requires energy
  26. Catabolism is the process of breaking bonds and energy is released
  27. Glycolysis is the process of converting to glucose to pyruvate
  28. Beta Oxidation is the conversion of fatty acids to acetyl CoA
  29. Deamination is the removal of the Amine group from the amino acids
  30. Gluconeogenesis is the process of converting pyruvate to glucose
  31. FAD and NAD are carrier proteins that transport Hydrogen to the electron transport chain
  32. List 4 of the major factors related to absorption and metabolism of alcohol: