Present: Cllr J Smith (Chair), Cllr A Higgins, J Edwarde and Cllr M Colenutt.

Absent: Cllr H Searle, Cllr D Maher and Cllr E Patry.

1.  To accept Apologies for Absence

Cllr D Maher and Cllr H Searle

2.  To hear members’ declarations of interests in matters to be discussed


3.  To approve previous minutes as attached.

There was a typo to amend on item 13. With that corrected the minutes were proposed by Cllr Higgins seconded by Cllr Colenutt and unanimously approved.

4.  Matters arising.

Cllr Colenutt confirmed the pump had not been resolved yet.

The Clerk confirmed the new net had been installed at the playground.

Cllr Edwarde suggested the newsletter advertise the possibility of donating a bench this was agreed by the Committee.

5.  Correspondence.

The Clerk would forward the ROSPA report to members and outlined the minor issues raised.

The Clerk was dealing with the action points.

The Committee asked the Clerk to put up some new signs to ‘Close the Gate’ and ‘No Dogs’

The letter sent to HPC by Playschool re the beech tree was discussed by the Committee.

It was agreed that the tree should be monitored and any dead wood and ivy removed. An annual assessment should also be made.

Correspondence regarding the external village hall light had been received.

The Parish Clerk was asked to investigate ownership and responsibility and arrange accordingly if the light was the responsibility of HPC.

6.  Financial Summary.

This had been circulated to the Committee prior to the meeting. This was briefly discussed by the Committee. The account was running to plan and there were no items of concern.

7.  Playground report.

This had been covered under item 5.

8.  Reactive repairs report.

The extensive vandalism was subject to an insurance claim. There was a £250 excess charge which would be posted to this account.

The Clerk reported that the alarm had been fixed.

The roof, gutters and lights would be remedied ASAP and the Clerk was chasing the quotes.

The Clerk was asked to arrange smartwater anti vandal paint to be painted on the pavilion with appropriate signage.

CCTV was also being investigated and the Clerk would revert with quotes in due course.

The Council agreed for the Clerk to arrange removal of the carpet and the chest freezer (the latter she would contact the Horticultural Society as it was thought it was theirs’.)

9.  Planned repairs report.

It was noted all the other planned repairs had been auctioned to date.

The Clerk was asked to action a repair and maintenance schedule on all finger posts.

10.  Telephone boxes.

The telephone box issue had not progresses as Cllr Maher had been absent.

The Clerk was asked to speak to BT about removal options.

11.  Asset review.

This item would be deferred until Cllrs Higgins and Edwarde carried out an asset review update.

12.  Budget 2015/16

The Committee agreed to propose increases in the budget 2015/16 to reflect the same percentages that the Council set in the precept request.

The Committee approved the three year schedule and charges from Bourne Amenity.

13.  Matters for Reporting and Inclusion in Future Agendas.

The Clerk was asked to get some bin quotes for further discussion at the next meeting.

14.  Date of next meeting at 9th December 2014 7:30pm.

Meeting closed at 10pm.