EOC Study Guide

US History 11A

Revised October 2012

I.  Unit 1: Industrialization, Immigration

& Progressivism


·  Alexander Graham Bell

·  Andrew Carnegie

·  Henry Ford

·  Industrialist

·  John D. Rockefeller

·  JP Morgan

·  Labor unions

·  Laissez faire

·  Monopoly

·  Orville and Wilbur Wright

·  Philanthropy

·  Robber Baron

·  Sherman Anti-Trust Act

·  Social Darwinism

·  Steel/new technology

·  Thomas Edison

·  Trust

·  Urbanization


·  Angel and Ellis Islands

·  Assimilation

·  Nativism

·  Quotas/Limitations on immigration:

Gentleman’s Agreement and Chinese Exclusion Act


·  17th Amendment

·  19th Amendment

·  Labor Laws

·  Labor Unions

·  Muckraker

·  Populism

·  Spoils System

·  Suffrage

·  The Jungle

·  Theodore Roosevelt

·  Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

·  Upton Sinclair

Revised October 2012

Revised October 2012

II.  Unit 2: Imperialism and WWI (1880-1919)

Identify on a Map

·  China

·  Cuba

·  Guam

·  Hawaii

·  Panama Canal

·  Puerto Rico

·  The Philippines


·  China

·  Cuba

·  Hawaii

·  Imperialism

·  Isolationism

·  Joseph Pulitzer

·  Open Door Policy

·  Panama Canal

·  Philippines

·  Rough Riders

·  Spanish American War

·  Theodore Roosevelt

·  USS Maine

·  William Randolph Hearst

·  Yellow journalism


·  Allied Powers/Triple Entente

·  Archduke Franz Ferdinand

·  Central Powers/Triple Alliance

·  Contributing Causes: Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism, Alliance System

·  Czar Nicholas II

·  Influenza Pandemic

·  Kaiser Wilhelm II

·  League of Nations

·  Lusitania

·  New Military Technology

·  Reparations

·  Russian Revolution

·  Treaty of Versailles

·  Trench Warfare

·  U-boats

·  Vladimir Lenin

·  Woodrow Wilson

·  Zimmerman Note

III.  Unit 3: From Boom to Bust

(1920’s & 1930’s)

Roaring Twenties

·  Bootlegging

·  Charles Lindberg

·  Communism

·  Flappers

·  Harlem Renaissance

·  Jazz

·  John Scopes Trial

·  KKK

·  Louis Armstrong

·  Prohibition/18th Amendment/21st Amendment

·  Red Scare

·  Speakeasies

Great Depression

·  Black Tuesday

·  Bonus Army

·  Causes of the Great Depression

o  Credit/banking/investments

o  Poor farming and industry practices

o  Unequal distribution of wealth

·  Dust Bowl/Causes

·  Franklin D. Roosevelt

·  Herbert Hoover

·  Hoovervilles

·  New Deal

·  New Deal Programs


·  Stock Market

Revised October 2012

Revised October 2012

IV.  Unit 4: World War II (1933-1945)

Mapping (Post WWI Political Map of Europe)

Timeline Skills (order of events)


·  Blitzkrieg

·  D-Day

·  Douglas MacArthur

·  Dwight Eisenhower

·  George Marshall

·  Hiroshima

·  Island hopping

·  Manhattan Project

·  Midway

·  Pearl Harbor

·  Poland

·  Stalingrad

·  Total War

·  VE Day

·  VJ Day


·  “Big Three” Leaders

·  Adolf Hitler

·  Allied Powers

·  Appeasement

·  Atlantic Charter

·  Axis Powers

·  Benito Mussolini

·  Britain

·  Communism

·  Conversion of industry for war

·  Emperor Hirohito

·  Fascism

·  France

·  Franklin D. Roosevelt

·  Germany

·  Harry S. Truman

·  Hideki Tojo

·  Holocaust/Genocide

·  Home Front

·  Isolationism/internationalism

·  Italy

·  Japan

·  Japanese Internment Camps

·  Joseph Stalin

·  Lend Lease Act

·  Militarism

·  Munich Pact

·  Neutrality Acts

·  Neville Chamberlain

·  Nonaggression Pact

·  Rationing

·  Selective Service/Draft

·  Social changes for women and minorities

·  Soviet Union

·  Totalitarianism

·  Winston Churchill

Revised October 2012

Revised October 2012