COM 167 Broadcast News I Fall 2015

Instructor: Laura M. Trendle Polus, M.S.

Office: Fell 025C (in the TV-10 Newsroom)

Phone: 309-438-5484 (office) 309-532-1024 (cell)



Office Hours: TWR 9:00-10:30 am and by appointment

This course provides an introduction to radio and television newswriting style and formats.
It is an applied course, with a strong emphasis on developing and practicing writing skills.


By the completion of this course, students should be able to:

-  Identify and apply news values

-  Identify news story formats as both a viewer and a writer

-  Follow broadcast writing guidelines in a variety of applications

-  Demonstrate knowledge of the workings of radio and television newsrooms

-  Perform entry-level newsroom duties

-  Demonstrate knowledge of the education and experience needed for a broadcast journalism career

-  Demonstrate understanding of the role of the journalism profession in society

-  Identify and summarize current issues facing the journalism profession

-  Become a more informed and critical consumer of broadcast news

-  Demonstrate knowledge of the community and news events within it


> Text: Broadcast News Handbook: Writing, Reporting, and Producing in the Age of Social Media Fifth Edition Tuggle, Carr & Huffman McGraw Hill Publishers

> Inception - this news scripting system is available online, at Login and password will be assigned.

> Website:

> E-mail check your ilstu account regularly (daily)


Your active participation in this class is expected and valued. Please come prepared to discuss current news coverage, readings, and assignments. Feel free to bring in a file or a link to news stories, newscasts, live shots, etc. that you find interesting. Because the class is small, constructive and relevant participation by each student contributes to the whole class’s success.

If you need a special accommodation to fully participate in this class, please contact ISU’s Office of Disability Concerns at 438-5853 (voice), 438-8620 (TDD).


·  Cheating and/or plagiarism will not be tolerated, and will result in failure of the course and possible removal from the School of Communication and the university.

·  All assignments must be word-processed. Handwritten work will not earn any points.

·  Multiple page assignments must be stapled. Bring a stapler to class with you.

·  Accuracy is critical.

o  Proofread each assignment before turning it in.

o  Accuracy of proper names is especially important. Errors involving proper names will substantially affect your grade

o  Fact errors will substantially affect your grade

·  Deadlines are critical.

o  Like a news story, each assignment has a deadline. If you miss a deadline, I will accept the assignment and provide feedback, but you will earn NO points.

o  Some assignments and activities will be completed during class time. If you are not in class, you will miss out. Any possible exceptions are at my discretion.

o  Some assignments will be due at the start of a class period. If you are not in class that day, you will miss that deadline. If you are late, you will likely miss the deadline.

o  Computer/printer problems are not acceptable excuses. Save often. Plan ahead.

o  Print BEFORE you get to class – don’t delay the start of class with printing.

o  Lab printers use a Redbird Card reader – so in order to print during classtime or in any lab, you must have money on your Redbird Card.

·  If you miss a class, you are responsible for all material covered. I do not hand out my notes and cannot do personalized updates. This means you should set up something NOW – with 1 or 2 other students – and if you miss, contact that person right away; don’t wait until the next class period to find out what you missed.

If you have a legitimate need to miss class, contact me before, or you forfeit any possibility of making up missed work. Contact me by phone, e-mail or in person. Any explanation after an absence will not be accepted.


Newscast Analyses 5 points each 50

Activities/Exercises/Homework 2-5 points each 20-25

Newswriting Assignments 10-25 points each 135

Unit Quizzes 25 points each 50

Final Exam 60

Final grade will be on a 90-80-70-60 scale 300

About grading: The volume of small assignments can be deceiving. You may be getting Bs and Cs on each assignment (7 or 8 out of 10) – and then if you miss an assignment and get a 0, you will be in D territory. I’ve seen it happen. Please don’t let it happen to you.

In addition to the above assignments, each student is required to complete a weekly
TV-10 experience. Details on these options will be covered during class. You are not graded on these; you just have to do them. Any student not completing these experiences will not pass.

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