“From the Region to the Region: creating a lasting legacy” 19th Plenary CGPCS Session, International Conference Centre of Seychelles (ICCS), Victoria, Mahé, Seychelles

May 31st to June 3rd, 2016.


Draft 18 (final)

Day 1: Tuesday May 31st

08:30 - 9:30 Registration at ICCS

Session 1

10:00 19th Plenary Part I commences (auditorium)

10:00-10:45 Introduction & opening remarks

Opening prayer

·  Short video presentation “From the Region to the Region: creating a lasting legacy” (8m)

·  Welcome and overview by CGPCS Chair Minister Joël Morgan (8 min)

·  Welcome by Deputy Prime Minister of Somalia, H.E. Mohamed Arte (8 min)

·  Opening address by the Vice President of the Republic of Seychelles H.E. Mr. Danny Faure (8 min)

10:45-11:15 Group Photo + Coffee break (30 min)

Session 2

11:15- 11:20 Presentation by the CGPCS Chair of the 19th Plenary session agenda for adoption by the participants (5m)

Session 3

11:20- 12:30 Reports/Update by CGPCS Key Stakeholders (4 in total)

·  Report on Mumbai recommendations made at the CGPCS Strategy Meeting and Master Message by the CGPCS Secretariat (15m)

·  Update by the EU on outcome of review process by H.E. Mrs. Marjaana Sall (15m)

·  Operational update by EUNAVFOR by Col. Copinger-Symes (15m)

·  Report by the UNODC on Somali Piracy Prisoners in the region and around the world by Mr. Alan Cole (15m)

12:30-14:00 Lunch and administrative time (1h30 min)

Session 4

14:00-16:00 General discussion session on:

-  Follow-up on Mumbai recommendations (60 min)

-  The Future of the Contact Group (including update by the ‘Lessons Learned Consortium’ Dr. Christian Bueger) (60 min)

16:00-16:15 Coffee break (15 min)

Session 5

16:30-17:30 General discussion session (continuation) on:

-  The Future of the Contact Group (60 min)

18:00-19:30 Welcome Reception hosted by the Government of Seychelles at ICCS (all participants)

Day 2: Wednesday June 1st

08:30- 12:30 Working Group meetings

Session 6

08:30-10:30 i. WG1:Capacity Building (led by IOC/UK) (room 1- 2nd floor)

in parallel

ii.  WG5: Disrupting Pirate Networks Ashore (led by Italy) room 2- 2nd floor)

10:30-10:45 Coffee break (15min)

Session 7


i.  WG1:Capacity Building (led by IOC/UK) (room 1-2nd floor)

in parallel

ii.  Legal Forum (led by Mauritius/Portugal) (room 3- 1st floor)

in parallel

iii.  WG5: Disrupting Pirate Networks Ashore (led by Italy) (room 2- 2nd floor)

12:45-14:15 Lunch and administrative time (1h30 min)

14:15-18:15 Other side meetings / Site visits (1)

Session 8


i.  UNSC Res 2244 implementation Meeting (Coordinated by UNODC) (room 1- 2nd floor)

in parallel

ii.  BIMCO meeting (led by Giles Noakes/John Stawpert)(room 2-2nd floor)

16:00-16:15 Coffee break (15min)

Session 9

16:15-18:15 Site Visits (1)

a)  Seychelles Coast Guard Base at Perseverance Island

In parallel

b)  UNODC Judicial Court at Ile du Port

19:00-21:00 Reception hosted by the Australian High Commission aboard HMAS Darwin at New Port (by invitation)

Day 3: Thursday June 2nd

08:30-12:30 Working Group meetings / other side meetings

Session 10

08:30-10:30 i. Maritime Security Coordination Committee (MSCC) (led by IGAD) (conference room 2- MFA)

in parallel

ii.  Trust Fund Board Meeting (election of board members) (led by CGPCS Chair) (room 3- 1st floor)

in parallel

iv.  WG3:Maritime Counter Piracy and Mitigation Operations (led by Seychelles/Japan/UAE) (room 2- 2nd floor)

10:30-10:45 Coffee break (15 min)

Session 11 Working Group/ Other side meetings


i.  Maritime Security Coordination Committee (finalization) (MSCC) (led by IGAD) (conference room 2- MFA)

In parallel

ii.  Trust Fund Board Meeting (continuation) (led by Mr. Zerihoun) (room 3- 1st floor)

in parallel

iii.  WG3:Maritime Counter Piracy and Mitigation Operations (Seychelles/Japan/UAE) (room 2- 2nd floor)

12:45-14:15 Lunch and administrative time (1h30 min)

14:15-18:15 Communiqué meeting / Site Visit (2)*

Session 12

14:00-16:00 i. Communiqué meeting (led by Amb. Nourrice ) between the CGPCS Secretariat and Chairs of UN Trust Fund Board, Working Groups 1,3,5, Legal Forum, UNODC, SHADE, BIMCO (conference room 2- MFA)

in parallel

ii.  Trust Fund Board Meeting (finalization) (led by Mr. Zerihoun) (room 3- 1st floor)

16:00-16:15 Coffee break (15min)

Session 13

16:15-18:15 i. Communiqué meeting (finalization) (led by Amb. Nourrice) between the CGPCS Secretariat and Chairs of UN Trust Fund Board, Working Groups 1,3,5, Legal Forum, UNODC, SHADE, BIMCO (conference room 2- MFA)

* Site Visit (2) (in parallel to session 12 & 13)

a)  Visit to NISCC (Reflecs3 building) at Old Coast Guard Base (Coordinated by UNODC)

- Presentation on Regional Fisheries Crime Investigation Cell

- Demonstration by Seychelles Marine Police Unit

Evening Free

Day 4: Friday June 3rd

Session 14

08:30-09:50 19th Plenary Part II continues (auditorium)

·  Report by UN Trust Fund Chair (15 min)

·  Reports by WG Chairmen

o  WG1: Capacity Building + MSCC (30 min)

o  Legal Forum (15 min)

o  WG3: Maritime Counter Piracy and Mitigation Operations (15 min)

o  WG5: Disrupting Pirate Networks Ashore (15 min)

·  Other Reports by BIMCO (10 min each)

10:00-10:30 Coffee break (30 min)

Session 15

10:30-12:30 Finalizing discussion on the communiqué (including the decision on the future of CGPCS) (2 hours)

12:30-14:00 Lunch and administrative time (1h30 min)

Session 16

14:00-16:00 19th Plenary Part III ends (auditorium)

·  Wrap-up by the Chair (30 min)

·  Adoption of the communiqué (60 min)

·  Closing remarks by the Chair (30 min)

16:00-16:15 Coffee break (15min)

Session 17

16:15-16:45 Press event (30 min) (room 3- 1st floor)

CGPCS Chair & Secretariat

Working Group Chairs

Evening Free

Day 5: Saturday June 4th Delegations depart

May, 2016