9/21/2015 12:00 PM
In Attendance: Sarah Ponath, Tom Hofbauer, Kim Haines, Ryan Harrington, Eric Love, Amy Freiman, Sharron Stolpa, Linda Coyle. Ron Sonderhouse arrived after the meeting began
Call to Order: The meeting was duly called to order by President Sarah Ponath
Minutes of the June 16, 2015 meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s report was presented and received
Old Business:
a. Board of Governor’s Update: Kim Haines provided an update as follows: the new President of the Illinois Bar Association, Umberto Davi, was sworn in as a member of the Wisconsin Bar Association. The Board of Governors is discussing the Keller Dues Reduction Process.
b. Membership update: Sharron Stolpa provided an update on members. As in past years, many members join in the fall to be able to attend the Ethics Seminar.
c. Fridays at Four: the most recent Fridays at Four, held at Hippenmeyer Reilly Moodie & Blum was a success. D’Angelo and Jones may host the next event.
d. Cabinet Committee: Amy Freiman and her committee have revamped the WCBA cabinet.
e. Ethics Seminar: Eric Love reported that plans for this year’s Ethics seminar are proceeding smoothly. At six weeks out, he will be securing materials. He has the three speakers lined up and will have materials at the meeting available via projection screen. The RSPV will again be online only.
f. State Bar grand application: Amy Freiman reported that Attorneys Chelsea Williamson and Jessica Klein are planning a young lawyers’ seminar and that Kris Wenzel will apply for a State Bar grant to help fund the seminar.
g. Judge’s Night Out – Sarah Ponath reported that 8 judges have confirmed attendance.
New Business:
a. Website updates: the website has been updated to accept tiered reservation pricing.
b. Newsletter: Jesse Blocher has volunteered to handle the newsletter.
c. Judicial Portraits: Judge Davis has indicated that he does not want to sit for an additional portrait but that we can use the former one. Judge Hassin’s glass on his portrait will be replaced. Mike Neimon is working on a group portrait of the judges. Portrait sittings are scheduled for Judges Kieffer and Van De Water.
d. Holiday Party: Linda Coyle will attempt to get the final estimated cost from Bullwinkle’s.
e. WCBA/social media – the Board is in favor of the WCBA having a role on social media.
f. GAL seminar for juvenile court will be the week of December 7th.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:05 pm.
Respectively submitted,
Linda S. Coyle
Past President