SnackSchedule for week of Feb.17-21, 2014
Mon. 2/17 No School Mon.2/17 No School Mon. 2/17 No School
Tues. 2/18 PontingTues.2/18 Kutchera Tues.2/18 Goodin
Wed. 2/19 ManuelWed.2/19 Jackson Wed. 2/19 Korte
Thur.2/20 TaphornThur.2/20 Lewis Thur.2/20 Mitiska Fri.2/21 Kelly
Miss Michelle’s Classes-Last week we had a blast with Valentine activities. This week we're going to start learning some nursery rhymes and focus on rhyming words. We're also going to start working on recognizing our last names.
Miss Wanda’s Classes-A big THANK YOU to all for making our Valentine parties such a success. The childrenreally had a great time. This week our letter is "Q" and we'll be learning about patterns. We encourage you to attend Little Bud Sunday, February 23, at the 11;00 service. The children have worked hard to learn all the songs to sing during church and there will be lunch and carnival/face-painting activities afterwards in the gym. Please sign up in the classroom.
Miss Jan’s Class-This week the children will be working hard practicing to sing in church on Sunday. Church starts at 11:00. After church there will be lunch and a program. Our letter for the week is D. How many words do you know that start with D. Most of the children already know the numbers on their house and the name of the street. YEA! Since we had a snow day on chapel day we will go to chapel this Wednesday.
Little Bud Sunday- We will host Little Bud this Sunday, February 23rd at the 11am service. You won’t want to miss an opportunity to see your child sing! We will also have a luncheon following the service with a mini carnival with face painting. Please sign up in your child’s classroom so that we can get a count of how much food we will need.
We Need Help! We are planning the luncheon food for Little Bud Sunday and we ask that you bring in a dessert to share. If you would like to donate a dessert, please bring it in this week with your child or by Friday at noon. Thank you in advance for sharing a dessert with our families!
Registration- We are so excited to start our registration for next school year. The fee is $40 and that holds your spot for next year. There are forms and a box on our preschool table. It’s hard to believe that we are planning for next year already. Please see Miss Teresa if you have any questions or concerns about next year.
Open House- Don’t forget to remind your friends and family that there will be an Open House at Little Bud on Saturday, March 8th from 10am-noon. We would love to see some new faces to share our amazing school.
Christ Lutheran Services- If you are looking for a new church, please consider Christ Lutheran. Services on Sunday are at 8:30am and 11:00am. There is also Sunday School offered for your child at 9:45am. Christ Lutheran also has many groups that would surely keep your family busy. This church offers great fellowship and faith.