Spruce Pine United Methodist Church
11090 South Highway 226
Spruce Pine, NC 28777
Church: (828) 765-7446
Pastor: (828) 467-8743 cell
Parsonage (828) 765-2723
Web: www.sprucepineumc.org
Email: (office)
Facebook: Spruce Pine United Methodist Church
March 23rd, 2014 / Third Sunday in LentJeremy I. Troxler, Pastor / Kathey Hollifield, Music Director
Kathy Miller, Organist
WELCOME TO WORSHIP! The word “worship” comes from the old English word for “worthy.” When we gather to worship God, we are declaring that God alone is “worthy” of our lives and our praise. Today is the third Sunday in the Christian season of Lent. Lent is a period of roughly 40 days before the great celebrations of Holy Week and Easter: it is a time of spiritual preparation, self-examination, repentance, giving, praying, fasting, and study. Last week we read the story of Nicodemus, the religious teacher who visits Jesus by night, and whom Jesus invites to be born again, from above. What new thing to do you think God might be birthing, or about to birth, in your life right now?
Chiming of the HourWelcome and Announcements / Melanie Murphy
Prelude / “Lenten Prayer” / Glyncannon
Entry of the Light of Christ
please use this time to focus your whole self – mind, body, and spirit –
on worshipping God, The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
^Song of Praise / “Come, Now is the Time to Worship” / Worship & Song 3176
^Prayer of Confession and Forgiveness Melanie Murphy
We know that nothing is able to separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ.
Let us, therefore, be free to confess the wrong we have done.
God of mercy; as we gather to celebrate your gift of love
we recall with sorrow the times when we forget you and are divided one from the other.
How often our thoughts, our words, and our actions
have betrayed the goodness you have shown us.
Forgive us, merciful God.
Mend what is broken.
Heal the wounded relationships that separate us from you and one another;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
While it is true that we have sinned, it is a greater truth that we are offered forgiveness
through God’s love in Jesus Christ.
To all who humbly seek the mercy of God through him, I say,
In Jesus Christ your sin is forgiven.
Thanks be to God.
May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
And also with you.
Let us offer each other a sign of peace.
The peace of Christ be with you.
^Sharing the Peace of Christ “The peace of Christ be with you.” “And also with you.”
(Through the gift of Jesus Christ, we have been granted forgiveness and peace with God and with one another. As a sign and celebration of the peace we have been given, we invite you to turn to your neighbors, extend your hand, and greet/bless them with the words, “The Peace of Christ be with you.”)
^ Hymn of Praise / “Fill My Cup, Lord” / Worship & Song 3093
Offering Our Praises and Thanksgivings / Marvin Walker
The Gloria Patri / (“Glory Be to the Father…”) / UMH 70
Offering Our Gifts to God
Offertory / “Cares Chorus with ‘Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” / Kathy Miller & Kathey Hollifield
^Doxology / “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” / UMH 95
Prayers of the People / The Lord’s Prayer / Tracy Carroll
Children’s Message and Children’s Change Offering / Sharon Drum(Following the children’s change offering, parents of small children are welcome to escort their little ones to our church nursery: our nursery volunteers will meet you in the welcome center.)
Anthem / “God So Loved The World” / Chancel Choir
^Scripture Reading / John 4:5-42 (dramatized reading) / NT #90
Proclamation of the Word / “Jesus at the Well” / Lay Leader: Bruce Ikard
^Sending Hymn / “You Who Are Thirsty” / TFWS 2132^ Benediction
^Choral Response / “Jesus, Name Above All Names” / Chancel Choir
^ Postlude
^ If able, please stand
¨ PASTOR JEREMY IS AWAY FROM THE PULPIT TODAY – Jeremy, Margaret, and the girls are back in Greensboro this weekend visiting with family. Our lay leader, Bruce Ikard, will be preaching in Jeremy’s absence. Thanks to Bruce and to all of those who will offer leadership in worship today.
¨ IF YOU’RE NEW HERE . . . WELCOME! We’re glad you could join us, whether you’re new to the community, new to our church, or if you might be new to this whole “church” thing altogether. We hope you won’t be nervous: it doesn’t matter who you are, what you’ve done, what you’re wearing, what you believe, or what you don’t believe – you are welcome here. You are among friends, and we hope you feel at home in this place of grace.
¨ A SPECIAL WELCOME TO CHILDREN! Parents, we are so grateful that you and your children are here to worship with us! We believe that children have much to teach us about how to receive the Kingdom of God, so please don’t worry about your kids being a distraction in worship: the sounds that children make are music to our ears, and we are genuinely grateful that they are in our midst.
¨ CHURCH NURSERY If it might be helpful to you, you are welcome to leave your child with the caring and trained volunteers in our church nursery, which is located in our Sunday School hallway; or, if you prefer, you can make use of the “family room” which we set up each Sunday in the blue-carpeted foyer at the back of the sanctuary: that way your child can play and roam freely while you can relax and listen in to the service.
¨ PLEASE FILL OUT THE PEW REGISTRATION PADS located next to the windows at the end of each pew. Pass them to the inside and the ushers will pick them up after they receive the offering.
¨ OUR MARCH CHILDREN’S CHANGE OFFERINGS will go to the Community Assistance Fund.
¨ COMMUNITY LENTEN NOON SERVICE AND SOUP – This Wednesday @ 12:00pm: HERE! J - The churches of Spruce Pine are joining together to honor the Christian season of Lent by taking turns hosting a 25-minute mid-day worship service each Wednesday, followed by a simple meal of soup and bread provided by the host church. The brief messages for each service will be offered by the host pastor, and will be drawn from Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount called “The Beatitudes”: this Wed. Jeremy will be preaching on “Blessed are the peacemakers.” Please bring a friend and join us as we prepare for Easter and celebrate our unity in Christ.
¨ FUNDRAISER FOR ROBBIE – HOMETOWN CONCERT & JAM SESSION - Friday Night, March 28th, at 7:00 PM in the auditorium at Mountain Heritage High School. This fundraiser will benefit the Ronnie Robinson family. All performing bands and artists are personal friends of Ronnie’s (AKA “Little Ronnie”, “Rob”, “Robbie” & have played music with him throughout the years. Music will include rock, country, sacred and more. Musicians are donating their time and talents to their friend. Donations will be taken at the door to defray medical expenses.
¨ SPAGHETTI DINNER TO RAISE FUNDS FOR OKLAHOMA MISSION TRIP – Saturday, March 29th 4:00 PM – 7:30 PM in the Church Fellowship Hall - $10/Plate, children under 12 eat free. At the end of April a group led by our church will be traveling to El Reno, Oklahoma to assist in rebuilding homes devastated by last year’s tornadoes. Please bring friends and join us for this dinner on March 29th which will help us with the costs of the trip. Advance tickets can be purchased at the church office or from folks who are planning on participating in the trip.
¨ WOULD YOU JOIN OUR CHURCH IN HELPING A FAMILY IN NEED THIS LENT? Our church was recently contacted by a local school asking if we might help a particular Hispanic family in need, which consists of two single mothers (one of whom has just fled a domestic violence situation) who are hard-working, actively seeking employment and who are raising their six children together. The family’s major needs are diapers (size 1 and 3) for an 8 and half month year old baby girl and a 1 and a half month baby girl – and clothes for the children. (The sizes can be found on a sheet in the welcome center.) Another alternative might be to provide the family with a Walmart or other area-business gift card. Thank you for any help you might be able to offer this family.
¨ MEALS ON WHEELS Do you have one hour you can volunteer to deliver a hot meal to a homebound senior citizen? The Mitchell County Senior Center and the Meals on Wheels program is in EXTREME need for volunteers. Can you help? Do you know someone that can help? Please call the Center at 688-3019. You will be a blessing and you will be blessed.
WEEKLY EVENTS¨ Blue Ridge Bridge Club / Mondays 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
¨ Girl Scouts / Mondays 6:00 – 8:00 pm
¨ Weight Watchers / Tuesdays 5:00 – 6:00 pm
¨ Choir Practice / Wednesdays 7:00 pm
¨ WE INVITE EACH FAMILY TO BRING AT LEAST ONE CAN OF FOOD EACH WEEK for the Shepherd’s Staff food assistance ministry. There is a box in the Welcome Center…let’s fill it each week! Please check the “Best Used Before” date on the items you donate and make sure it is more than 30 days before expiration. Thank you!
WORSHIP LEADERSHIP SCHEDULES:(If you are unable to serve on the date scheduled, please exchange dates with someone and let the church office know.)
LECTOR: March 30th, Tim Drum – April 6th , Perry Rowland
GREETERS: March 30th, Bobbie Dodson & Theresa Conley – April 6th, Carolyn & Jack Burleson
CHILDREN’S TIME: March 30th, Melanie Murphy – April 6th, To Be Announced
NURSERY: March 30th, Faye Rowland & Margaret Troxler – April 6th, Grace Buchanan & Wanda Henline
WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY: April 23rd – Church Staff
Our Community Covenant
When a person becomes a professing member of the body of Christ at Spruce Pine United Methodist Church,
he or she covenants to participate faithfully in the ministries of the congregation and in life in the world
by their prayers, their presence, their gifts, their service, and their witness.
GENERAL PRAYERS: For all who do not know the love of God in Christ Jesus the Lord; for all who know but have not acknowledged that love; for the well-being of our community; for local, state, national, and world leaders; for those seeking employment; for all teachers and educators / SUSTAINING PRAYERS: Our homebound members (Audrey Davenport); Brian Center, Brookside, and Mitchell House Residents, Staff, and Families (Mabel Whiton, Wanda Duke, Elma Riddle); Daren Rodgers; Nancy Moody; Bretta Walker, Mitchell-Yancey Parish Food Bank, Children’s Ministry Team, Lori (job), Bethany and Caleb Collier and daughter (to be born with heart problems), Robby Robertson, Larry & Beth (heart attack – ICU), Marvin Walker Sr., Martin Family (lost home to fire), / FOR THOSE WHO MOURN: friends and family of Duyn Woolbright / FOR THOSE PREPARING FOR TESTS OR RECOVERING FROM SURGERY: Tim Hollifield (knees); Marcia Dunn (back); Marcheta Pendley (heart); Beth Wyatt (knee surgery), Jack Chandler (cardiac surgery), Barbara Henline (hand), Shirley Hise, Richard Hainey (pacemaker), Carol Griswold (tumor removed), Reg Bezzola (pacemaker) / FOR THOSE LIVING WITH PAIN OR ILLNESS: Perry Rowland, Jan Ritter (cancer), Jack Jones (heart), John & Theresa Conley, Judy Rinard (healing), Larry Schmidt – Marcia’s brother in law (cardiac arrest while jogging), Christy & Bob (cancer), Ted & Florence Woody/ FOR VICTIMS OF INJUSTICE: The people and situation in the Ukraine/ FOR THOSE TRAVELING / MEN AND WOMEN DEPLOYED IN THE MILITARY: Nick Camp – Chip Camp’s son (deployment), Jordan Nance (Nicaragua)
We want to join with you in prayer for your concerns and needs.
Simply contact Pastor Troxler or the church office and tell us about your prayer concern.
Please submit names to the church office by Thursday morning to be included on the weekly list
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK:March 24th - Sharon Drum / March 25th – Jeb Bell / March 27th – Meredith Hoilman
PRESENCE: / March 16th, 2014 / 11:00 am – 94
GIFTS: / March 16th, 2014 / General Fund – $3,042.00 / Weekly budget need: $3,845.71
Year to Date: - $33,756.54 / YTD Budget Need: $38,448.10
Children’s Offering – $87.40 / Community Assistance
Community Assistance – $25.00 / 11 food items to Shepherd’s Staff
SERVICE: Thanks to those who are serving in special ways throughout the past week and today …
Lector: Melanie Murphy Children’s Time: Sharon Drum Offertory: Kathy Miller / Kathey Hollifield
Head Usher: Vernon Coulter Greeters: Deb & Greg Stanbery Nursery: Wayne Henline & Michela Murphy
WITNESS Thanks to your generosity, last week following worship our church was able to offer financial assistance to a man without hearing who was in need crisis financial support. Thank you for witnessing to the love of Christ!
** Next Week’s Scripture, March 30th, 2014**
1 Samuel 16:1-13, Psalm 23, Ephesians 5:8-14, John 9:1-41