Ms. Tirnetta
6th grade English and History – Room E-1
Information Sheet
Wells Middle School
Dear Core Students and Parents,
Welcome to Wells Middle School! This year is considered one of the great TRANSITION years in your child's education. The middle school years are a time of great change and challenge for all children (and parents!). My name is Ms. Marianne Tirnetta and I have been teaching in the Dublin School District for 15 years. I will be teaching your child’s Core (English/History) class this year and I am looking forward to an exciting year! I would like to share one of the many things I have observed about children and their transition to middle school. I have observed that organization is a key component to their success in transitioning to middle school therefore it will be necessary for parents to assist your child with this task throughout the year. Papers in backpacks need homes therefore organize binders to ensure papers will be filed accordingly!
Ancient History is the curriculum subject matter for sixth grade. We will be studying the following units in History to provide students with a better understanding about our world today. I will incorporate geography, map skills, projects and current events to further their knowledge of man’s past.
Language Arts Daily Classroom Procedure: The class day will begin with a grammar review or a quick write. The remaining class time will focus in reading, writing development, cooperative learning activities, discussions, and projects.
Language Arts:
Since Language Arts covers a variety of areas, grades will be determined by total points and not by a weighting system. Assignments that are graded will include core reading (Literature book and novels) a variety of writing projects, spelling tests, vocabulary and grammar quizzes, and miscellaneous projects and speeches.
History Daily Classroom Procedure: The class day will begin with a current event and question activity along with vocabulary development or review. The remaining class time will focus on review, notes, discussions, cooperative learning activities, projects and reading. Each student is required to have a spiral notebook; he/she will use this for their History Interactive Notebook (HIN).
History Assignments:
Most of our history assignments and activities will revolve around our HIN (History Interactive Notebook). This notebook will represent 50% of the History grade with tests, quizzes, Cornell Notes and projects accounting for the other 50%. Keep in mind that you may sometimes use your HIN, and only YOUR HIN, when taking a unit final.
Text Used:
History- Ancient Civilizations, Holt
Reading- Pearson Literature
Grammar and Writing – Pearson Grammar and Writing (and workbook)
Spelling- Spelling and Vocabulary, Houghton Mifflin
Supplemental novels- The Cay, Tuck Everlasting, Bridge to Terabithia, etc.
Programs/ Strategies Used:
All course work is based on the California State Standards.
- Daily Language/ Daily Grammar (daily)
- Metacognitive Reading Strategies (Monitor Comprehension, Connections, Determine Importance, Questioning, Infer Meaning, and Analysis)
-6+1 Traits of Writing (used with a variety of writing)
-Benchmark Writing
-Silent Reading (daily)
-Daily Geography
-History Interactive Notebooks
Materials Needed
Ø One 2 inch 3 ring binder
Ø 6 Binder dividers with tabs
Ø White Binder Paper
Ø Pencils – (No mechanical pencils are allowed as too much class time is wasted refilling pencils or looking for refills!)
Ø Colored Pencils
Ø Red pen for correcting
Ø Highlighter Pens
Ø 1 small (quiet) pencil sharpener
Ø 1 box of Kleenex
Ø Black or blue pens (No glitter or gel pens)
Ø Spiral Notebook – 100 page – No dividers – this will be used as the History Interactive Notebook
Homework policy
Homework will be assigned daily. Some homework will be the completion of classroom assignments. Others will be in the form of long-term assignments that will be given to help students prepare for later academic challenges. Work that is turned in after the due date will receive a C- (70%). Late assignments need to be complete to receive 70% credit. Also, any late work must be turned in by the end of the unit for this late credit.
Make up work
Following an excused absence, you will have the same number of days to make up your work as you were absent. This does not apply to previously assigned work that you knew about, such as projects. It is the student’s responsibility to check the website for missed assignments as ask the teacher for handouts, and schedule make-up tests and quizzes.
Grading Scale
A 100-92
A- 91-90
B+ 89-88
B 87-82
B- 81-80
C+ 79-78
C 77-72
C- 71-70
D+ 69-68
D 67-62
D- 61-60
F 59-0
Discipline - The Three Rs!
R - Be Respectful
R - Be Responsible
R - Be Ready to Learn
(Other specific classroom rules/procedures will be discussed with the class the first week of school.)
Make- Up Work
Students will be given the same number of days to make up their work as they were absent.
1. You must be in your assigned seat before the tardy bell rings.
2. Students who are late to class will be given a ten minute detention to be served at lunch or after school. After three tardies or failing to show up for detention, the student will be assigned a 45 minute school detention.
Teachers have the right to teach.
Students have the right to learn.
Therefore, no one will interfere with this process.
-Students will respect the rights of all, with no interruptions of learning (stay in their seats, raise their hands, and wait to be called on).
-Respect the equipment and furnishings in Ms. Tirnetta’s classroom. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
-All students will enter Ms. Tirnetta’s room quietly.
-Students will not approach Ms. Tirnetta at the beginning of class for any reason unless it is a 911 emergency.
-All students will be quiet when the teacher is speaking.
-NO HORSEPLAY in the classroom or in lab activities is allowed.
-All backpacks must be kept under your desk when not in use.
-Students are not allowed out of the classroom 15 min after and 15 min before the bell rings.
-No students are allowed out of their seats or the class for any reason without my (Ms. Tirnetta’s) permission.
-Students are to arrive to class on time with proper materials and homework completed.
-Obey all school rules. (See Wells Middle School Handbook)
*Students who not follow these rules during class will be sent to the “Jar of Gloom and Doom”. The consequences will be reviewed with the class during the first week of school and will also be listed on my DUSD Web page. In addition to this, I will provide a handout to all students.
Guidelines for History Interactive Notebooks
Notebooks in this class will have a left side, right side organization. Most of your class work and homework for History will be done in your Notebook. Notebooks are
essential for managing and comprehending the content of this class. You will need to bring your spiral notebook daily! No exceptions!!
New Information
- Class Notes
- Discussion notes
- Reading Notes
- Handouts with new info
- Common information
Student Side- processing new information
- Reorganize new info in creative formats
- Respond to new information
- Express opinions and feelings
- Organize information
- Synthesize and summarize information
Notebook Pages:
- All papers in the notebook MUST have your name, date, period, and assignment number
- Every page must have a page #
- Every page must have a title or heading
- Pages should be listed in Table of Content
- Notebooks will be graded at prior to progress report period
(Approximately every 4-6 weeks)
- Notebooks will be graded on thoroughness, quality,
organization and visual appeal.
Please review the attached letter, share it with your parent/guardian, have them sign below and return the bottom portion to Ms.Tirnetta by
Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014.Keep the remainder of this letter in your Core notebook for future reference. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at 828-6227 (6060) or via e-mail at
Thank You,
Ms. Marianne Mauro-Tirnetta
*Please tear off bottom portion only and return to Ms. Tirnetta.
Contract Signature:
My child and I have reviewed the guidelines for Ms. Tirnetta’s class and he/she agrees to be a respectful 6th grade student for the 2014/2015 school year.
Parent Signature: Date:
Student Signature: Date:
Student Name – Printed