Head Start/State Preschool
Family Services Monitoring Summary
Site: Monitor: Review Date(s):
Indicators / Yes / No / Comments / CorrectionsFamily Partnership Building
Staff develop positive, supportive relationships with parents & family members.
Staff interactions and communications are respectful of each family’s culture, make-up and background.
The environment is inviting and staff help all parents feel welcome in the classroom.
Staff recognize the importance of fathers’ participation in children’s lives and strive to include fathers and father figures in all aspects of the program.
Staff partner with parents to identify and capitalize on familial strengths. (Staff have a strength-based focus.)
Staff help parents identify familial needs and access necessary services and resources.
(Including when families are in crisis.)
Staff follow-up on referrals given to parents to ensure services meet families’ needs.
Referrals and follow-up are documented in the files and the database.
Staff understand the Family Partnership process and encourage parents todevelop Family Partnership Agreements within 120 days of enrollment.
Staff work with families throughout the program year to identify and document familial goals, the steps and support needed to achieve goals and outcomes of the goal setting process.
Parent Involvement
Staff encourage parents to be actively involved in supporting their children’s development and learning by:
Participating in the classroom
Planning classroom activities and field trips
Developing curriculum
Planning menus and cooking projects
Obtaining health care services for children
Participating in home visits
Developing/implementing transition plans Participating in parent/teacher conferences Developing child goals
Attending parent meetings/ You & Me Night
Attending Policy Council
Parents have opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge in the following areas:
Children’s growth and development
Health, nutrition & safety
Effective parenting techniques
Ways to facilitate children’s development
Child screening & assessment processes
Prevention of child abuse and neglect
Family literacy
Program & community involvement
Leadership & advocacy
School Readiness
Life skills
Available resources for families
Parent Meetings/Information
Regular Parent Meetings are conducted at times most convenient for the parent group.
Notices of Parent Meetings are distributed to parents one week prior to the meeting, and posted on the Parent Board.
Parents develop parent meeting agendas with staff assistance.
Parent meetings are conducted in an orderly fashion and give each person the opportunity to express him or her-self. Roberts Rules of Order or some other means of democratic process is followed.
Parent meetings are led by parents with staff assistance.
Parent meetings include a Policy Council report and relevant program information.
During parent meetings, parents help plan the curriculum, classroom activities, menus and field trips.
Parent meetings include information about school readiness and school readiness goals.
The content of parent meetings is responsive to the interests and needs of the parents. (Including guest speakers and presentations)
Minutes of parent meetings are placed in a binder which is easily accessible to parents.
The parent board/area is kept updated, neat, and organized.
Information is translated into the primary language(s) of enrolled parents.
Posters, information, programs and practices are father-friendly and encourage the participation of fathers or father figures.
As appropriate, the information distributed to parents in children’s cubbies is also made available to non-custodial parents.
Policy Council agendas are posted prior to each Policy Council meeting, and Policy Council minutes are readily available for parents.
There is a Policy Council Representative for the center.
A Resource Directory is available to all parents.
There are copies of newsletters/parent activity calendars and menus readily available for parents.
Family Records
Family Partnership Agreements are completed and documented inthe files and the database.
Referrals, including follow-up, are documented inthe files and the database.
Regular communication with families and relevant information is documented in progress notes in the files.
Consent to Release Information forms are signed by parents and located in the files.
Income verification forms are signed by staff and parents and located in the files.
Applications for services are signed by parents and located in the files.
Enrollment forms are complete, correct, signed by parents and staff as needed and located in the files.
All children meet income and age eligibility and documentation is in the files.
There is income verification for 3nd year Head Start enrollees (and annual income verification for CDE enrollees).
Case Review forms are reviewed and current.
Parents and community partners document their volunteer time, donations and mileage on In-Kind Forms.
Parents sign children in and out of the center on a daily basis.
Data entry is up-to-date.
The center is fully enrolled and vacancies are filled within 30 days.
Staff actively recruits new families.
Staff submit completed applications and necessary accompanying documentation promptly to eligibility staff for processing.
Staff send postcards or phone parents promptly regarding the receipt of applications.
Enrollment appointments are scheduled promptly and enrollments are completed as soon as possible after parents accept enrollment offers for their children.
Staff communicate promptly with the appropriate ECS manager(s) when a child drops from the program.
Waiting list information is documented and maintained at the ECS office.
The center maintains 85% HS/EHS attendance (95% CSPP/CCTR). Attendance records and entries in the database are accurate and completed in a timely fashion.
There is documentation that staff followed-up with unreported absences.
Attendance improvement plans are formulated and documented for children with chronic attendance issues.
Please respond with corrections on a copy of this sheet to Family Engagement & Services Manager by (date)
Staff SignatureDate
Monitor’s SignatureDate
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Revised 8/1/13