Village of Poplar Grove
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting MinutesApproved by PZC
June 5, 2012 – 7:00 pm July 3, 2012
- Call to Order:7:01 pm
Roll Call:
Members Present: Paul DeBruyne, Jake Dykstra, Keith Richard, Steve Mundy, Jessica Roberts,
Ed Wethington
Members Absent: Don Sattler
Staff Present: Gina DelRose, Kathy Miller
Other Village Representatives:John Neitzel
- Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of February 7, 2012:
Motion to Approve as written by Steve Mundy second by Jake Dykstra – unanimous approval
- Public Addresses Commission: No Public in Attendance
- Old Business:NONE
- New Business:
Case: 2012-04; Mortimer’s Roadhouse (SU). The applicant, Mortimer’s Roadhouse, 105 West Grove Street, Poplar Grove, IL 61065 on behalf of the owner, Milan Mortimer, 2302 Evergreen Avenue, Fox River Grove, IL 60021 is requesting a special use pursuant to the Poplar Grove Zoning Ordinance, Section 8.6.9 GB, General Business District, (C)(2) Beer Garden is requesting a special use to operate a beer garden and accessory uses to the west and the south of the existing building. The property is located at 105 West Grove Street, Poplar Grove, IL 61065 within the GB, General Business District on approximately one acre of land (PINs: 03-24-227-019, 03-24-227-001 and 03-24-227-043).
Public Hearing Opened by Chairman DeBruyne at 7:01 pm
The Staff were sworn in and it was noted that the proper notices were given to adjacent landowners and other interested parties. Staff presented the Findings of Fact and recommendations on the case. There were several questions from the Commission Members of the staff. Mr. Mortimer presented his case and there was substantial discussion regarding the fencing options and the parking lot improvements. The commission members requested modification of the recommendations per the forwarded Findings of Fact and Recommendations for the Special Use Permit.
The Public Hearing was closed at 7:46 pm by Chairman DeBruyne.
Motion to approve the Findings of Fact presented by staff by Jake Dykstra with second by Jessica Roberts – unanimous approval.
Motion to recommend approval of the Special Use Permitwith conditions, as amended, for Mortimer’s Roadhouse Case No. 2012-04 made by Jake Dykstra with a second by Jessica Roberts – unanimous approval.
Case: 2012-05; Mortimer’s Roadhouse (VAR). The applicant, Mortimer’s Roadhouse, 105 West Grove Street, Poplar Grove, IL 61065 on behalf of the owner, Milan Mortimer, 2302 Evergreen Avenue, Fox River Grove, IL 60021 is requesting two variances pursuant to the Poplar Grove Zoning Ordinance Section 8.6.9(G) Bulk Regulations (4)(b) (Side Lot Lines: 10 feet) and Section 8.7.3 (Beer Gardens, (B) (Minimum Requirements: Minimum distance from a residentially zoned property: 100 feet) to reduce the required side lot line from ten feet to zero feet and to reduce the distance from a residential property from 100 feet to zero feet. The property is located at 105 West Grove Street, Poplar Grove, IL 61065 within the GB, General Business District on approximately one acre of land (PINs: 03-24-227-019, 03-24-227-001 and 03-24-227-043).
Public Hearing Opened by Chairman DeBruyne at 7:49 pm.
It was noted that the proper notices were given to adjacent landowners and other interested parties. Staff presented the Findings of Fact and recommendations on the case. There were several questions from the Commission Members of the staff. Mr. Mortimer presented his case and there was some discussion regarding the variance request. The commission members requested modification to the recommendations per the forwarded Findings of Fact and Recommendations for the Special Use Permit.
The Public Hearing was closed at 7:57 pm by Chairman DeBruyne
Motion to approve the Findings of Fact presented by staff by Jessica Robertswith second byJake Dykstra– unanimous approval.
Motion to approve theVariance for Mortimer’s Roadhouse Case No. 2012-05 with conditions,as amended, by Jessica Robertswith a second byJake Dykstra– unanimous approval.
Review and Update of the Village of Poplar Grove’s Comprehensive Plan – Gina DelRose discussed the Belvidere Boone County Comprehensive Plan Update and asked the PZC members for comments on the Poplar Grove section of the plan. John Neitzel had several comments which were recorded by Gina which will be used to prepare the updated plan.
Elections/Appointments: Paul DeBruyne’s term as a member of the PZC officially expired on May 1, 2012. John Neitzel had asked Paul to remain on the PZC for one more year and to continue as Chairman. Paul Agreed to the one year extension. Paul asked that Jake Dykstra be appointed Vice Chairman for instances where/when Paul is not available for the meetings. Jake agreed to the appointment. Mr. Neitzel stated that he would bring this to the next Village Board Meeting for confirmation by the Board of Trustees.
- Round Table Discussion:
Jessica mentioned that she might be available to assist in preparation of the Village Comprehensive Plan while she is at home. She will start to work with Kathy and Gina.
- Adjourned by the Chairman at 8:31 pm.
Next regular meeting scheduled for July 3, 2012.
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