Minutes of a meeting of Crowland Parish Council held on Monday 6th October 2014 at 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms, Hall Street, Crowland.
Attendees:Coun D Alcock, Mr D Ancill, Mr M Atkinson, Mr P Bird, Mr R Boot, Mr P Cooper, Miss C Elphee, Mr J Parnell and Mr G Quince.
In The Chair:Mr D Kempton
Clerk:Mrs B Stanojevic
121) Apologies for Absence
Apologies received from Mrs L Boor, Mrs T Crockford, Mr P Haselgrove and Mr D Ringham
122) Declaration of Interests as per the LGA 2000
Mr Cooper declared an interest in the allotments.
Mr Boot and Miss Elphee declared an interest in the British Legion
123) To Agree as a correct Record the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes were agreed as a true record
124) Reports on matters outstanding of the previous meeting not covered on this agenda
The clerk will arrange the meeting with the football clubs
No response from SHDC as yet concerning the Legionnaires testing
Action – Mr Kempton will follow-up with a contact he has..
Mr Parnell will draft the letter re empty properties. By Laws will be on next months agenda
A warning letter was sent to the allotment holder re burning nuisance on his allotment.
Land request re St Guthlacs Close has been passed to the planning committee – Mr Boot is still investigating as ownership must be proved and we need a valuation before consideration can be given to selling it.
Visit from Maxine Stukins, Highways Officer this morning – she was met by the Chairman and Mrs Boor.
Work on reinstating the surface at the War Memorial is scheduled for January/February.
The current order for yellow lines in front of Bridge Hardware were drawn up in the late sixties. There is protective kerbing around both ancient monuments there and the Parish Council agreed to continue to try and get the markings changed. Ms Stukins will look into further.
125) Police Matters - To receive Report from the PCSO
Report sent by email. Burnt out car found at the bottom of Low Road, children seeting fire to hay bales in the Wash. Bow & Arrow man continues to be a nuisance. ASB in Alderlands Close. Picnic table set alight on the Snowden Field. Problems in Millfield Garden with caravans parking – the police are working with SHDC. The PCSO is to be asked to keep a very close watch on the caravans in Millfield Gardens in the evenings and weekends as one is clearly being lived in and to act immediately should one be put back onto the road.
8 reports of hare coursing.1 burglary, 2 criminal damage and 2 thefts.
The Diesel Centre off Peterborough Road with the “unfinished structure” appears to have the caravan there lived in. Every incident must be reported. Action - all to note.
Action - The clerk is to ask for a feedback on crimes and for the Police Constable to attend our next meeting.
126) Assets working party – Report
Coun Alcock reported that the committee had met with the Planning Consultant and it was a very useful meeting and that he will prepare a development brief.
Wind Turbines – feasibility study is being completed.
Norfolk Legal are looking into EU procurement procedure for the proposed residential development
Outline planning for the light industrial area off Thorney Road is recommended.
Unfortunate article in the local press last week quoted a local resident who was not fully informed about the development and the response from Coun Alcock had been edited. The Parish Council are willing to explain the proposals to any resident.
127) Chance to Share/Community Use at former St Guthlacs School – Report
The County Council did agree to do the necessary work in the Sports Hall and a meeting was held with the Parish Council, the Project Manager the previous Property Manager and others last Wednesday. Coun Pepper has been assisting.
The outcome was that the work would be done with the hall hopefully opening on 13th October with an update this Wednesday. Lighting for the walkway is yet to be agreed on.
128) South Street Green - Transported Sculpture
Mr Parnell has a meeting arranged next week to discuss this, Mr Kempton will attend and
Mrs Speechley is to be invited. Mr Boot has details of who owns which part of this green.
The Parish Council wish to see the exact proposals and plans for the future upkeep of the sculpture.
129) CCTV - 3rdCamera for East Street
The Parish Council wish to see a 3rd camera adjacent to the Library/Parish Room and so a view of the front of the Abbey Church can also be seen.
Action – Clerk will ask for an update of the current proposals from SHDC, and if this 3rd camera is possible and for the capital/maintenance costs of it.
130) Report from the Finance Committee
Breakdown of costs upto the end of September issued. Employment costs are higher than anticipated and will be investigated.. Separate line for Sports Hall Income/Expenditure to be introduced.
131) Report from the Farms & Gardens Committee
Meeting held on 15th September was not quorote. The committee is looking at replacements for the Kubotas – John Deere may do a diesel run machine and other manufacturers being looked at. At the next monthly staff meeting Mr Boot will attend to ascertain which machine cuts which area.
The gravel has been moved where it may have a future use and some has been used to fill roadways.
Still problems with small Kubota blades – replacements not working correctly. Mr Boot still investigating.
Mr Lawson is to be put on an upgraded chain saw course and Mr Flowers will be helped with a basic course as well as a spraying course. Action – Clerks and Mr Boot
Hedge at side of allotment needs trimming – hedge trimmer extension required
Looking at obtaining a bigger chain saw and a new drill.
In the Kissing Ground “children” have been going over/down the dyke with their bike. Mr Atkinson will speak with the Drainage Board who have other work in the area and may be able to rectify the damage at the same time.The number of punctures has been investigated and there is a fluid which can be injected into the tyre, approx costs is £10 per tyre and this will be tried on one machine initially. Will also look at replacing the tyres that are older and therefore thinner.
Soil at the side of Corporation Bank has been levelled out.
More allotment posts to be ordered.
Arborist has looked at poplar trees at Implement Shed and 3 tenders sought.
132) Report from the Planning Committee
No new applications made this month.
Mr Ancill is assisting the Assets Working Party on the proposed new graveyard.
Sutton Bridge has just made a planning application for a new graveyard for 1300 spaces. Interesting layout and no problems have been raised so far.
Tourism/Town Trails - the planning committee support this and will talk to members of the Town Society to attend a future meeting.
133) Report from the Amenities Committee
Meeting arranged for 27th October. Play equipment Inspection to take place this week.
134) Report from the Health & Safety Committee
The Sports Hall was discussed but has been overtaken by events.
Line drawings of all buildings necessary. Mr Cooper has done one for the Sports Hall
Concerns that Near Misses are not being reported.
Mr Cooper is updating all the Risk assessments.
Second quote for office “trunking” being sought.
Emergency exit for committee room is in order.
135) Highways Matters
The request for yellow lines in East Street is not a priority for Highways but the Parish Council will continue to lobby for.
The restrictions on roads around the new South View have been dealt with by Highways and the school – Ms Stukins has not been consulted..
Concern expressed that one part is marked like a pedestrian crossing. Action – Clerk to write to Highways
Action Clerk - Sinkage in front of Cancer Shop to be reported to Highways.
Two damaged street name signs – Postland Road, near the Garden Centre to be reported to Highways and the one in West Street to be reported to SHDC.
The review of the speed in James Road continues. Action Clerks – Tell the Road Safety Partnership that there have been several nasty accidents at the Thorney Road junction
Sinkage at Thorney Road/James Road – noted by Highways.
Kerb damage on A16 roundabout – contractors to deal with
Road surface on A16 towards Spalding – dispute between LCC and contractors
The condition of West Bank is being monitored.
Dips in Peterborough Road/Broadway – noted by Highways
Action Clerk – Report pot hole in Broadway
Trees in West Street/Broadway overhanging footpath – to be looked at
West Street bus stop is County Councils responsibility and Mrs Stukins will follow this up.
Action Clerk – Report – B1040 - Road Surface on way to Nene Terrace, road sign on the first bends flattened and lump of tarmac on road surface at junction with Hundreds Road
136) Correspondence
1. Libby Jackson - Letter from Libby on behalf of the Crowland Watercolor Group. They now meet in the Youth Building and have found it to be warm, light & welcoming. There is one small problem as there are only 11 tables and 15 attending the group. They are asking if it would be
possible for the Parish Council to obtain a few more small Gopak tables. They had tried using the tables from the pavilion but this had not been successful. Mr Ringham has been promised some surplus tables and chairs which will solve the problem. To Amenities Committee.
2. Community Lincs - Details of Lincolnshire Community Buildings Cluster meeting. To be held on Wednesday 15 October 2014 at Gedney Drove End & Dawsmere Village Hall. Noted
3. LCC - Details of an emergency road closure in Chapel Street, Crowland between 4 October 2014 and 8 October 2014 for emergency drainage repairs. Noted
4. Coun A Harrison - Copy of an email received from Richard Scorthorne regarding the two caravans that have appeared in Millfield Gardens , one parked on the highway and the other on the green area. The area has been visited by the planning enforcement officer who has established that the occupiers are visiting a privately owned property on Millfield Gardens and only intend to stay a few days.
5. CPRE Lincs - Crowland is the runner up of Class 4 of the Best Kept Village & Smal Towns competition. Presentation evening on Tuesday 18th November 2014 at 7.30pm in Cranwell Village Hall. RSVP. Mr Kempton will attend. Congratulations to all involved.
6. Alison Jones /RES - E-mail in response to our request to be included in the community benefit funding & consultation events for the Wryde Croft Wind Farm. The consultation zone comprises a 6km radius and details had been sent to all addresses in that zone . They do not believe that many of these properties lie in our parish. A meeting is being arranged to discuss community benefits at which they intend to introduce the independent fund administrator who will work with parishes to form a fund panel and a representative from Crowland PC would be welcome to attend.
7. LALC - Details of By Laws from Tricia Carter at LALC in response to our request for information. Details include Powers of Local Councils, Procedures for making Byelaws, validity of Byelaws Enforcement of Byelaws, penalties for infringement, and more information. Will be placed on the next months agenda.
8. SHDC - E-mail from Ms Bellamy in response to us informing her of the unsightly drainpipe in Hall Street. She has spoken with the owner who was in agreement that it is an eyesore and will try to resolve the matter. It appears that he has a problem with water infiltrating his property as it is below pavement level, He is going to contact highways for help and will keep SHDC informed. Noted
9. Terry Seal - E-mail expresses concerns that he had been allegedly dazzled by a speeding black BMW driver that had turned into Shepeau Stow school road from Postland Road He had behaved very aggressively. He would like to suggest that the whole of this road is reduced to a 40mpfh speed limit.
Will be referred to the police.
10. LALC - E-mail in response to our request for details on Code of Conduct training. Lalc are currently
scheduling events for Feb 2015 onwards. They are currently unable to offer any refresher courses but
have attached the Legal Topic Note covering Model Code of Conduct circulated to members.
11. Environment Agency - E-mail from Nick Riches in response to the letter from Mr M Atkinson and
concerns we forwarded to him from Mr O'Donovan. He states that the weed is cut annually, there are
no weeds growing in the centre of the river, but a large clump that had lodged itself in one arch of
the bridge had been removed earlier in the year. He visited the river on 15th September and had been
able to confirm that the river is clear of weed. The fens cannot be directly compared to the Somerset
levels. Notes attached from the National Flood Risk Assessment for Crowland & Somerset.
(Somerset does not benefit from Flood Washes). Drawings attached show that a typical bed level for
the river near Crowland of 3 feet above datum. There are no plans to dredge the Welland near
Crowland in the immediate future as they consider it capable of carrying flood flows and together