OU “Jan Amos Komenski” - Skopje



Nastavnik: Biljana Trajkova
S k o p j e

Septemvri 2002 godina

Angliska sekcija za V oddelenie

- Programa za u~ebnata 1998/99


1. Greetings, names and ages: Hello! What’s your name? How old are you? - 1 nedela

2. Present Simple Tense of the verb be (affirmative) - 2 nedela

3. Days of the week / Months of the year / Activities in different times of the year - 3 nedela

4. School subjects and timetables - 4 nedela


1. Discussion about their personal interests and writing a short paragraph

on the same theme. - 1 nedela

2. Present Simple Tense of the verb be (negative and interrogative form) - 2 nedela

3. “My family” - introducing the members of a family; talking about families

according to family photos. - 3 nedela

4. The song “If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands” - 4 nedela


1. “My pen-friend” - writing a short letter to a friend. - 1 nedela

2. Grammar exercises - Present Simple of the verb be - 2 nedela

3. In my room chair, table, bed; there is/there are.... - 3 nedela

4. Possessive adjectives my, your... - 4 nedela


1. Present Simple of regular verbs - 1 nedela

2. Talking about likes and dislikes I like... I don’t like... Do you like...?

Offering, accepting and refusing Would you like a ...? - 2 nedela

3. The song “Jingle bells” - 3 nedela

4. Making New Year cards - 4 nedela



2. Countable and uncountable nouns. What’s there in ...? - 4 nedela


1. What time is it? What time does...? - 1 nedela

2. Reading the text “ In a toy-shop”. Making similar situations. Prices. - 2 nedela

3. Talking about permission. At home I can..., but I can’t... - 3 nedela

4. The verb can - 4 nedela


1. The 8th March - Women’s Day - making cards for their mothers,

grandmothers,... - 1 nedela

2. Writing a funny story according to given pictures. - 2 nedela

3. Houses and homes hall, living-room, kitchen - 3 nedela

4. Imperatives - 4 nedela


1. In the street. Reading pictures: Where is ...? - 1 nedela

2. Eastern holidays: learning new words and using them in sentences of their own - 2 nedela

3.. What date is it today? - 3 nedela


1. Reading the text “ May holidays”; Listening comprehesion. - 1 nedela

2. Birthday parties. My birthday is on ..., I would like...

The song Happy birthday. - 2 nedela

3. The verb have got - 3 nedela

4. Talking about pets.I have got..., It is called... - 4 nedela


1. Talking about the summer holidays. - 1 nedela

2. A Farewell song. - 2 nedela

Angliska sekcija za Vi oddelenie

- Programa za u~ebnata 2000/2001


1. English is spoken all over the world (discussion according to a poster) - 1 nedela

2. Human Bingo - 2 nedela

3. Present Simple Tense of the verb be (affirmative) - 3 nedela

4. School subjects and timetables - 4 nedela


1. Organize a sports schedule (All talk) - 1 nedela

2. like / don’t like + infinitive (All talk) - 2 nedela

3. Present Continous Tense - 3 nedela

3. Pesna po izbor - 4 nedela


1. Save the planet (All talk) - 1 nedela

2. Pesna po izbor - 2 nedela

3. Project “Environment” - 3 nedela

4. Fun time - 4 nedela


1. Devide the hausehold chores (All talk p.47 ) - 1 nedela

2. Stop and think - 2 nedela

3. Give a Gift (all talk p.63) - 3 nedela

4. The song “Jingle bells” and making New Year cards - 4 nedela


1. Talking about the winter holidays - 3 nedela

2. Countable and uncountable nouns. What’s there in the fridge?(a game) - 4 nedela


1. Education in the UK - 1 nedela

2. Education in America - 2 nedela

3. Education in Macedonia - 3 nedela

4. Fun time - 4 nedela


1. Sometimes a bit bossy! (a text from Discoveries 2) - 1 nedela

2. Writing a funny story according to given pictures. - 2 nedela

3. Tammy, the pet tarantula – (Descoveries 2) - 3 nedela

4. Pesna po izbor - 4 nedela


1. Gorillqa (Descoveries 2 p.21) - 1 nedela

2. Eastern holidays: learning new words and using them in sentences of their own - 2 nedela

3.. Easter in Macedonia - 4 nedela


1. You should take more exercise (Descoveries 2 p67) - 1 nedela

2. You and your health (Descoveries 2 p.68) - 2 nedela

3. Plan your party menu (All talk p.21) - 3 nedela

4. Fun time - 4 nedela


1. Rent a Vacation Home (All talk p.8) - 1 nedela

2. A Farewell song. - 2 nedela


- Programa za u~ebnata 2002/2003


1.  Sports activities in the UK and USA

2.  Present Continuous Tense

3.  Organize a sports / schedule (All talk p.26)


1.  Famous places in the UK

2.  Celebrations in the UK and USA.

3.  Present Tenses

4.  Halloween


1.  Present Continuous Tense with present and future meaning (exercises)

2.  Education in the UK and USA.

3.  Improve your hometown (All talk)

4.  Thanksgiving day


1.  Future plans and intentions

2.  More information about the solar system

3.  Give a gift (All talk p63)

4.  Plan your party menu (All tlak p.21)


1.  Past Simple Tense (dialogues and exercises) and Past Continous Tense


1.  History: Legends

2.  St. Valentin’s Day

3.  Present Perfect and Past Perfect Tense

4.  Exercises


1.  UK Factfile

2.  Work out a family budget (All talk p.69)

3.  Recipe Book

4.  A song (po izbor)


1.  April Fool’s Day

2.  USA Factfile

3.  Easter


1.  Cinco de Mayo

2.  Exercises with Present Simple, Present Continuous and Past Simple Tense

3.  Pick your Perfect vacation

4.  Choosing profession


1.  The Summer holidays are near

2.  Talking about Summer holidays

Godi{en plan za rabotata na stru~niot aktiv

na humanitarnata grupa predmeti

vo u~ebnata 1999/2000 godina


1.  Donesuvawe na programata za rabota na aktivot.

2.  Odreduvawe zadol`enija za ovaa u~ebna godina.

3.  Izve{taj od odr`anite seminari i rezgleduvawe na izmenite vo planovite i programite.

4.  Razgleduvawe na planovite i programite za dodatna, dopolnitelna nastava i slobodni u~eni~ki aktivnosti.


1.  Razgleduvawe na uspehot i povedenieto na u~enicite vo prvoto tromese~ie.

2.  Nagleden ~as po francuski jazik.

3.  Stru~no predavawe po makedonski jazik.

4.  Razgleduvawe na rezultatite od ispituvaweto na brzinata i to~nosta na ~itaweto vo V oddelenie.


1.  Izbor na li~ni tvorbi za izrabotka na yiden vesnik i likovni tvorbi za u~ili{ni izlo`bi.

2.  Nagleden ~as po angliski jazik.

3.  Analiza na uspehot od prvoto polugodie po soodvetni predmeti.

4.  Nagleden ~as po francuski jazik


1.  Podgotovka za patroniot praznik.

2.  Analiza na uspehot od tretoto tromese~ie.

3.  Nagleden ~as po makedonski jazik.

4.  Profesionalno orientirawe na u~enicite za upis vo srednoto u~ili{te.

5.  Podgotovka na u~enicite za natprevari.


1.  Nagleden ~as po angliski jazik.

2.  Procenka na rabotata na aktivot so predlog programa za rabota vo narednata u~ebna godina.

Red. broj / Naziv na
temata / Nastavnik
realizator / Vreme na
realizacija / Celi i zada~i
1. / “Prijatna pro{etka vo Skopje” / Zagorka
Trajanovska / oktomvri / - zapoznavawe so glavniot grad na R.Makedonija i razvivawe qubov kon nego
2. / Zavisna vremenska re~enica / Tana
Trajkovska / noemvri / - u~enicite da steknat znaewe za zavisnata vremenska re~enica i nejzinoto zna~ewe
(programirana sekvenca, nova nastavna forma so cel da se motiviraat nastavnicite da primenuvaat novi formi na rabota.)
3. / “English teenagers about their rights” / Sowa
Stanoevska / fevruari / - pravata na mladite i nivnoto po~ituvawe
4. / “Passez a la caisse” / Jasmina
\or|ieva / mart / - da se osposobat za kupuvawe vo prodavnica t.e. kni`arnica
(demonstrirawe na aktivnata metoda so cel sogleduvawe na nejzinite prednosti i pottiknuvawe na interesot kaj nastavnicite za primena na istata.)
5. / Idejno estetska analiza na prikaznata “Bogatiot {to mu kupil xiger na eden siromav” / Sowa Zlatevska / april / - da go sakaat i neguvaat narodnoto tvore{tvo
6. / “Animals in danger” / Suzana
Bunevska / maj / - razvivawe na svesta na u~enicite za okolinata;
(prika`uvawe na grupna forma na rabota so cel da se zgolemi interesot kaj nastavnicite za primena na ovaa forma na rabota, koja {to ovozmo`uva zgolemuvawe na motiviranosta kaj u~enicite, razmena na idei, vzaemno pomagawe i sl.)