Exemplification tool to accompany Career Education Standard (3-18)

Exemplification tool:

Progression in career education (3-18) - ‘Giving children and young people a helping hand.


This tool aims to support practitioners in planning and developing new practice in career education or to reflect on existing practice. Based on the ‘I can’ statements in the Career Education Standard (3-18)it provides illustrations of what children and young people might experience in order to help them meet their entitlements. The tool supports practitioners to consider what career education might look like in their own particular contexts and to plan accordingly.


The following grid groups the entitlements and the illustrative ‘I can statements’ in five themes and by levels. Alongside these are suggestions of the types of activities that children and young people might experience as they work towards their entitlements.

The themes are:

  1. Exploring the concept of work (from simulated experiences to the world of work)
  2. Expanding horizons and ambitions
  3. Diversity and equity
  4. Seeking help and information
  5. Finding a route to work

Levels / Early / First / Second / By end of BGE / Senior Phase
Theme 1: Exploring the concept of work (from simulated experiences to the world of work)
‘I can’ statements
(Related entitlements:
E1E2E5E6E8) / I can role play different job roles.
I can discuss some of the rewards that a job brings.
I can develop ideas and take part in projects to make things.
I can follow rules and routines and explain why they are important. / I can learn about the world of work from visits, projects and my experiences.
I can describe different jobs in my community and some of the skills needed for these.
I can adopt different roles when running a business. / I can discuss the relevance of skills to the wider world and make connections between skills and the world of work.
I can identify different types of enterprise opportunities and engage in them. / I can demonstrate and apply the skills I have learnt across the curriculum in relation to the world of work.
I can understand and consistently demonstrate the behaviours an employer looks for in a good employee.
I can evaluate risks when developing a business idea and explore different methods of setting up and sustaining an enterprise.
I can investigate and assess ethical issues in business and trade decisions. / I can identify the skills I have learnt across the curriculum, how these relate to the world of work and can apply these appropriately during work placements and other work-related learning.
I can consistently demonstrate the skills, attributes and behaviours needed to sustain and progress my career.
I can describe the rights and responsibilities placed on employers and employees and how these relate to creating a positive, productive and sustainable work environment.
Illustrative suggestions / I have had the opportunity to find out about jobs in my community and I am beginning to understand the idea of a job, why people work and what they like about their job.
I have explored different jobs in real-life settings and imaginary play.
I know that there are different types of work within a single workplace.
I am beginning to understand the concept of teamwork and teams in the workplace.
I know some of the similarities and differences in how people work and why rules and routines are important in the workplace. / I have had the opportunity to find out about jobs in my area and am beginning to understand about different types of work and employers.
I have taken part in a variety of work-related activities with support from employers and local businesses.
I have experienced teamwork on a real life business activity.
I have developed skills important in the world of work and I know some of the skills employers are looking for.
My experiences help me form ideas about the jobs and career paths of those around me and some of the skills they use. / I have engaged in learning and discussions around different careers and pathways and the variety of work available including in my local context.
I have participated in activities which give me a sense of the world of work and the skills needed.
Some of my learning experiences have been designed with employers and local businesses.
I have worked on projects that help me build my skills for work and understand that different employers need different skills from the people who work for them.
I understand the importance of skills for work and my need to take responsibility for developing them. / I have researched and considered a range of careers and made connections to all my learning and skills development.
Some of my learning about the world of work has been organised, designed and delivered in collaboration with employers.
I am aware of the labour market including the diversity of opportunities businesses offer.
I have experienced a range of workplace environments through visits, digital sources and other activities.
I have had experiences that developed my employability skills.
While learning about the world of work, I have considered wider issues such as ethics, trade, citizenship and sustainability.
I know and can utilise my skills and strengths to take part in ethical entrepreneurial learning. / I have explored the range of employers and jobs in my area and elsewhere and what they expect from employees in terms of skills, attitude, experience and qualifications. I have made connections to my learning.
Learning experiences across the senior phase curriculum have been organised, designed and delivered in collaboration with employers, training provides, colleges etc.
I have considered the range of jobs and types of work available in my area and elsewhere including volunteering and opportunities for entrepreneurship/self-employment.
I have experienced work-based learning through one or more work placements in line with the Standard for Work Placements.
I understand employers’ expectations about my attitude and behaviour and know about the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees in the workplace.
I have experienced learning within an enterprising environment and considered entrepreneurship, social enterprise and self- employment.
Levels / Early / First / Second / By end of BGE / Senior Phase
Theme 2 : Expanding horizons and ambitions
Related ‘I can’ statements
(Related entitlements:
E1E2E3E7) / I can communicate with people about the different jobs they do in my community.
I can talk about my learning, my strengths and my next steps. / I can talk to employers about myself and about their workplace.
I can talk about the types of jobs that interest me.
I can set goals and work towards achieving them.
I can talk about my strengths, interests and skills and show evidence of my progress. / I can explain to others my ambitions/what I would like to do and look for ways to achieve them/that.
I own and can manage my profile and can use it to help me discuss my interests, strengths and skills with my parents/carers and others.
I can identify people in my network who help me broaden my horizons. / I can identify my interests, strengths and skills and use them to make informed choices.
I can manage my profile, share it appropriately and justify my choice of evidence. / I can share, evaluate and evidence my skills for learning, life and work to help me make successful future choices and changes.
I can assess the opportunities and challenges that entrepreneurship/self-employment can provide as a career option including financial and legal aspects.
Illustrative suggestions / I have met people who do different jobs in my community.
I have had the opportunity to visit workplaces and to ask questions about different job roles.
I have had the opportunity to talk about what I could do in the future. / I have experienced a variety of workplace environments and reflected on my learning.
I have spoken with others about what jobs I would like to do when I am older.
I know why having a goal is important and how to plan for and work towards achieving a goal.
I know there are different learning and career pathways that I can choose. / I have used my experiences and learning about the world of work and the skills needed to help me reflect on my learning
I know about my skills, strengths and interests and how these help me for the future. I have captured this in building and sharing my profile.
I understand that having aspiration and being motivated are important and can help when looking ahead to the future. / I have taken part in experiences which help me to consider the range of jobs and possibilities for my future and how to realise them.
I have captured my thinking, reflection and skills development in my profile. This helps me connect my learning with my skills and ambitions for the future. My World of Work and other information sources support me to do this. / Across all my learning experiences in formal and community settings, I have had the opportunity to consider the breadth of employment possibilities and what might suit me.
I have explored which skills and qualifications are needed for future learning and employment and have engaged and developed aspects as appropriate.
I review and record the development of my skills, strengths and experiences in my profile and know how to selectively draw on these as appropriate.
I understand that I need to be adaptable and deal with challenges in achieving my learning and employment goals.
I know that I can continue to develop skills and experiences both in and out of school that will help me reach my goals.
Levels / Early / First / Second / By end of BGE / Senior Phase
Theme 3: Diversity and equity
‘I can’ statements
(Related entitlements:
E1E4E10) / I believe I can do any job. / I believe I can succeed in any area of work. / I believe I can maximise my potential in any type of work. / I can demonstrate diverse thinking when exploring learning opportunities and pathways. / I can confidently access and interpret the information I need to make well informed choices about my learning options, pathways and how these relate to possible future careers.
(As per Theme 1:
I can describe the rights and responsibilities placed on employers and employees and how these relate to creating a positive, productive and sustainable work environment.)
Illustrative suggestions / I know people do different jobs in the world of work.
I begin to realise that people have different talents which they can use in the world of work.
I begin to realise that work is open to every person regardless of differences. / I know there is a variety of job types.
I understand that work is open to everyone and people can develop their skills and abilities for and through work. / I know work is open to everyone and I know that I may apply for any position if I have the skills the employer is looking for.
I understand why some people may require help to overcome barriers and fulfil their potential. / I know that the term diversity relates to differences in people’s skills, abilities and characteristics.
I know that all career pathways should promote diversity and equality.
I have explored some barriers to work and what helps people overcome these.
I am exploring different career opportunities that are open to me within the local area and beyond. / I understand the responsibility of employers to recognise and support diversity in the workplace.
I have explored examples of prejudice and discrimination in the workplace and have formed an opinion on this.
I have the knowledge, skills and resilience to challenge discrimination.
I know that there are a choice of learning and career pathways available to me and I understand how to make my own informed career choices.
My learning environment promotes diversity and helps me to challenge discrimination and think broadly about the possibilities for my future.
Levels / Early / First / Second / By end of BGE / Senior Phase
Theme 4: Seeking help and information
‘I can’ statements
(Related entitlements:
E7E9) / (As per Theme 2
I can communicate with people about the different jobs they do in my community.) / (As per Theme 1:
I can learn about the world of work from visits, projects and my experiences.)
(As per Theme 2
I can talk to employers about myself and about their workplace.) / I can apply my skills to get more information about jobs/careers.
I can use online tools available to me. / I can extend and use my networks to find and apply for opportunities that match my interests, strengths and skills.
I can access advice and support to help me make informed choices about further learning and opportunities.
Illustrative suggestions / Note for teacher/practitioner –
Children will seek help and information from the adults and resources used to create and support the learning experiences on offer. This will be done in an age-appropriate way in order to scaffold the learning. / I know that My World of Work and other online tools are sources of information and advice about skills, jobs and careers. I understand how to use these to find relevant information.
I have registered on and have used My World of Work.
I know that there are people who can give me information and advice about careers and help me explore my strengths. / I have used My World of Work as part of my learning about career pathways and spent time specifically focused on possible career options.
I have been involved in learning activities planned and led by a Career Adviser to help me learn more about and develop career management skills.
I have had access to support from a number of people to help inform me about subject and career choices including a Career Adviser.
I have had access to information about the labour market to contextualise my learning and help inform possible pathways and choices. / I have had an opportunity to explore my career options and next steps with the people who support me including a Career Adviser and I have a clearer plan about my future pathway and how to progress it.
I have used My World of Work and other sources of information to identify jobs and careers most suited to my strengths, skills, experiences and qualifications.
I understand the benefit of a network of support and contacts and know how to use this to help me reach my goals.
Levels / Early / First / Second / By end of BGE / Senior Phase
Theme 5 : Finding a route to work
‘I can’ statements
(Related entitlements:
E1E2E3E6E9E10) / I can recognise that there are different ways to get a job. / I can recognise the skills I have and need for work. / I can choose a blend of subjects, courses and experiences to enable my career pathways.
(As per Theme 4
I can extend and use my networks to find and apply for opportunities that match my interests, strengths and skills.) / I can describe all aspects of typical recruitment and selection processes and how to best prepare for and manage these.
I can draw appropriately on evidence from my skills profile to help me complete application forms, create CVs and when practising interview techniques.
I can work towards achieving qualifications which support me to achieve my future career aspirations.
(As per Theme 1
I can identify the skills I have learnt across the curriculum, how these relate to the world of work and can apply these appropriately during work placements and other work-related learning.)
Suggestive Illustrations / Note for teacher/practitioner –
During appropriate learning opportunities and experiences, reference should be made to help children and young people see the relevance of what they are doing and how they relate to applying for, getting and sustaining a job. For example taking on different roles within the setting e.g. participating in committees/groups, enterprising activities etc. / I am aware of how networks can potentially help me find and apply for job opportunities.
I understand there are different pathways into employment and can select an appropriate senior phase pathway to access the world of work. / I have had experience of applying for a job, learning opportunity or work placements.
I know about recruitment and selection processes and understand how to prepare for and manage these.
I understand how to use my skills, strengths, experiences and networks to help me choose and apply for further learning or jobs.
I am aware of the learning that I might need to do when I leave school, whilst developing the skills and behaviours expected by employers in the workplace.
I know I have choice in the job I want to do in the future. / I know that learning and skills are important to help me find a job in the future.
I am beginning to understand that there are a range of ways in which you can apply for and get a job. / I realise that aspiration and motivation help me realise opportunities.
I know that what I learn at school could help me make choices for the future.
I understand that there are a range of ways to apply for and get a job.
I am aware that I may change jobs throughout my life.
I am developing an understanding of the types of jobs that may be available in the future.
