Assignment Sheet

Unit 1, Europe During Medieval Times

Chapter 1, The Legacy of the Roman Empire

You will be working on your first chapter report for seventh grade Social Studies. You will be doing many of these chapter reports and I hope you enjoy the freedom you have to work with classmates, to complete the work in whatever order you choose, and to demonstrate your personal creative style. Read this Assignment Sheet carefully and plan how you will complete all of the work necessary to earn an “A”. This report is due at the end of the period Monday, August 31st. That gives you several days to work in class, but remember that you can always take work home to complete as homework if you need additional time. There is no excuse for turning in incomplete work!

  • Your cover page should include Unit One, name of the unit, Chapter One, name of the chapter, your name, the period, and the date you began your work (August 24, 2015).
  • This assignment sheet should come right after your cover and you may want to use good study skills by checking off each item as it is completed.
  • Answer the questions on your Pre-Reading Handout
  • Sketch and label the Graphic Organizer on page 7
  • Read the entire chapter as you complete the work listed
  • Draw the map on page 9, be sure to label it and to use color
  • Write out the Terms and Definitions that appear in the peach colored boxes in the margins of the chapter.
  • Recreate the charts on page 15
  • Draw the picture and write out the caption on page 16
  • Chapter Summary, page 17

Hints for getting an “A”

  1. Label all of your work, the titles in bold above would be good things to use
  2. Use color!!!!
  3. Put the pages in the same order they are on the assignment sheet
  4. Neatness and organization count

Essential Question: Can you analyze the causes and effects of the vast expansion and ultimate disintegration of the Roman Empire.