Geometry 2017-2018
Class Outline and Expectations
Coach Reeves– - Room 102
Online textbook/tutorials: login: password:
- Expectations
- School policy will be enforced at all times.
- No food or drink (other than water) is allowed in the classroom.
- Dress code will be enforced.
- Math Department Policy
- Pencils will be used on all work.
- As appropriate, work will be shown to support answers. (NO WORK, NO CREDIT)
- Classroom Expectations – THE BIG 3
-EXPECT to be CHALLENGED, it will not all be easy.
.-Anything LESS than your BEST effort – is UNACCEPTABLE.
- Students will actively participate in the learning experience.
- Students will check attitude and drama at the door.
- If it ends in a Y, it’s a good day to work.
- Cheating or allowing other students to copy work will result in a loss of credit for the assignment, a call to parents, and a referral to the appropriate administrator.
- Students will stay current on all assignments. (Late work policy applies)
-Students will be in their seat and prepared to start the class when the bell rings.
- Supplies
- Box of tissues for classroom (girls)
- Bottle of hand sanitizer (guys)
- Protractor/ruler (metric and customary measures)
- Quad rule graph paper
- 3 Ring binderfor personal organization.
- 5 dividers
- Graphing calculators will be provided for classroom use. A scientific/graphing calculator is required for homework.
- Grading Policy
- Daily Grades = 15%
- Quizzes = 35%
- Skill Checks
- Pop-Quizzes
- Challenge Problems
- Major Grades = 50%
- Tests
- Projects
- Summative Assessments
- Absences and Make-up work
- Upon returning to class, STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE for getting any assignments that were passed out during their absence, completing them and returning them to the teacher according to the late-work policy. These assignments will be found in the assignment folder. They may also be found online in Google classroom.
- One class period for each day missed for daily assignments; 5 days upon return to class for quizzes and tests). Students must see the teacher immediately upon return to class to schedule make-ups for quizzes and tests.
- Late Work
- Homework will be assigned throughout the year. In order for you to succeed in this class, you must do ALL homework. Math involves practice, and homework is a good way to get that practice and also receive feedback on your progress. Late homework can be turned in the NEXT DAY for a maximum grade of a 70 or the NEXT CLASS MEETING for maximum grade of a 50.
- Cell Phone/Electronic Policy
- Cell phones/electronics are only to be used as an instructional aide to help increase student learning, any other use will result in the device being taken up by the teacher.
- Cell phones will be immediately taken up if:
- Student is off-task
- Student is garnering attention of classmates away from the teacher or the device is being a distraction to students
- Students is using device to share answers on assignments
- If phone is taken up:
- 1st time: Can pick up after school
- 2nd time and after: Pick up from Assistant Principals Office
- Tutoring
- As a general rule, I am available on Monday and Friday mornings. Always check to insure tutoring schedule for that day. My schedule does change some in-season.
- Students may attend tutorials at other times with any Geometry teacher.
Thank you for taking the time to read over these Geometry expectations. This course is challenging, but be persistent. Your hard work will pay off.
Coach Reeves
My Schedule:_1st – Middle School Athletics 1st – Middle School Athletics
3A – Geometry3B – Geometry
4A – Conference4B – Math Models
5A – Geometry5B – Geometry
9th – Varsity Athletics9th – Varsity Athletics
Things to do before next class meeting…
- Have your parents read the syllabus.
- Sign up for Remind 101 alerts (steps on my website)
- Sign up for Google Classroom & Digital Textbook