Psalm 119: 9-16 Memorize the Word

Intro: 1st Grade Bibles reminded me of Psalm 119

·  An Acrostic – like we use with children

·  Written by a young man (not first grade)

·  Written about the Word.

Psalm 119: 9-16 (Beth – second letter of Hebrew alphabet)

We Walk a Dangerous Path

Exp – Way = Understand Life as a walk, path, Road.

·  What kind of Road?

--- Drive down expressway; pathway through a park; stroll around Neighborhood cul-de-sac …

·  Road in India… Big City or War zone

How pure? – challenge

“Keeping” = to guard, exercise great care over …

Wander – Easy, normal order of things

Sin against - This young man was dangerous road!

Ill – Dangerous Turn near my home town … nearly every year death!

--- Now, yellow flashing lights … “Caution” Signs

App – We are traveling a Road that can be Deadly…..Dangerous.

Your children are walking a Perilous Path.

--- We must GUARD our Way!

--- Cultural and Spiritual forces will move you the wrong way

t/s – The Young man is not discouraged ….

We Have a Reliable Guide (Map)

Exp – “By keeping it according to your Word!”

Vs. 1 – walking in Way of Torah (God’s revelation truth)

·  All seven synonyms for Torah are used in our section!

--- Word, commandments, word (promise), statutes,

Ordinances, testimonies, precepts …

ILL – Julie and I wanted a Map in Maine… paper… Big Picture.

Service Station, Walgreens, Barnes and Noble…

“You know, most people just use their phones!”

·  Vs. 14 – Rejoice in the way of your testimonies!

·  Vs. 16 – Delight! (more quiet, relaxed, back porch happy)

Ill – Imagine --- When do you rejoice/delight in a MAP?! (Lost)

Note: When we realize we walk a dangerous road, we cannot find our own way; Then, we VALUE the Word of God!

App – Do you rejoice, Delight in the Word?

--- You still think you can find the Way on your own!

We Need a Simple Discipline

Exp – Our Text calls us to Cultivate a little practiced spiritual

Discipline (Reading Bible, Prayer, Fasting, Tithing …)

·  Memorizing Scripture

Vs. 15 – Meditate = speak, rehearse, muse…go over and over

Vs. 11 – Treasured in Heart = Hidden or Stored in secret.

--- concealed with a definite, useful purpose

--- Prov. 2 – speaks of “storing up” wisdom!

Ill – Pearl Video

App – Do you believe watching violence on TV impact behavior, character of a person?

Addiction to pornography distort a man’s sexuality?

Hours on Face Book develop dissatisfaction, unrealistic idea

As a Man thinks, so He is

Gird your Minds for Action

If you abide in Me and My Words abide in you…

Filling Heart and Mind with God’s Word will impact, form, Inform Your values, perspectives, behaviors, decisions, Character!