Student Name / Care Class

Refer to the Senior Subject Information Bookletfor course details to assist you to complete this form.

SUBJECT SELECTION- School Based Subjects

Line / Authority Subject / COST / Authority Registered
Subject / VET / COST
1 / Chemistry
Film, Television & New Media
Legal Studies / -
- / Certificate II in Hospitality
Certificate lll in Fitness
Certificate ll IDMT / $70
2 / Agricultural Science
Business Communication & Technology
Music / $35
- / Certificate II in Music Industry
Early Childhood Studies
Certificate ll in Hospitality
Certificate lll in Sport & Recreation (2 year course) / -
3 / Accounting
Ancient History
Hospitality Studies
Physics / -
- / Certificate III in Business (2 Year Course)
Visual Arts in Practice / $245
4 / Biology
Physical Education
Visual Art / -
$35 / Certificate ll in Business (VBS)
Dance in Practice
Furnishing Skills
Visual Arts in Practice / -
5 / Mathematics A
Mathematics B / - / Prevocational Mathematics
Maths for Living / -
6 / English / - / English Communication
English for Living / -
7 / PCD / -
  • The successful completion (Sound Achievement) of each Authority and Authority Registered course is worth 4 credits towards the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
  • To be OP eligible, students must study a minimum of 20 Semester units of Authority subjects. 3 of these subjects must be studied in both Year 11 and Year 12.

SUBJECT SELECTION- Other Subjects Offered Through Flexible Delivery

Access to Virtual Schooling and School of Distance Education subjectsis provided to ensure that students are able to undertake the full range of study options. This mode of study is only suited to self motivated students with well developed literacy skills. Most students are cautioned against choosing these study options.


  1. Circle subjects you intend studying through flexible delivery AND / OR add any other subjects offered through these modes that are not listed. You must discuss this option with Ms Austin.

Mathematics C / Information Processing & Technology / Economics / Other (specify subject & preferred provider)




SET Plan Interview Conducted by:

Staff Member / Signature / Date

Further information/advice required (provide details):

OP EligibilityOP Eligible / Not OP Eligible


I request the Subject Selections outlined on this application form and agree that these meet the career plans outlined in my Senior Education and Training Plan.

I understand that I can request subject changes during Year 11 and 12 and acknowledge that changes to subjects:

  • are restricted to the advertised period at the end of each semester (unless special circumstances apply).
  • may affect my OP eligibility.
  • may have an impact on the attainment of my QCE.

Student Signature / Date


I support the subject selections listed on this form and agree that these meet the career plans outlined in my child’s Senior Education and Training Plan.

I understand that students who hand in Subject Selection forms after the due date may be unable to be enrolled in the subjects of their choice and may be required to make other selections. I understand that the school reserves the right to withdraw any subject which does not attract sufficient student enrolments to make the subject viable.

The school will consult with students and their parents to negotiate alternative subject choices where a student’s subject selection is not available, recommended or supported by the school, including cases where a student may be considered unsuitable for a course based on their prior academic course and results.

Parent Name
Parent Signature / Date


Date Form Received at Office

G:\Coredata\Office\MASTERS\Subject Selection Booklets & Forms\for 2018\Year 12\Year 12 Subject Selection FORM for 2018 version 2.docx