2017Arts Education Teacher of the Year
Nomination Form
Form should be typed or printed legibly
ArtsGreensboro in partnership with Guilford County Schools (GCS) is pleased to offer the 2017 Arts Education Teacher of the Year Award. The award, established in 2006, recognizes an outstanding arts educator in the Guilford County School System. The award will be presented at an upcoming Guilford County School Board of Education Meeting.
Past recipients of the Arts Education Teacher of the Year Award include: Jancie Reinbold,Donny Walter, Mike Connors, Cassy Whitley, Ed Kimbrough, Julie Rachlin, Michaela Hafley, Brian McMath, Wade Billesen, Andy Mock and Paula Owens.
Qualification: In order to qualify for the “Arts Education Teacher of the Year Award”, the nominee must beemployed byGuilford County Schools in a primary role as an arts educator – one who teaches the visual or performing arts including drama, music, and dance. This year’s recipient will receive $1,000 to use for professional development.
Nominations may be emailed to Kaitlin Smith at ; mailed to ArtsGreensboro, Attention: Kaitlin Smith, PO Box 877, Greensboro, NC 27402; or hand delivered to the ArtsGreensboro office located in the Greensboro Cultural Center, 200 North Davie Street, Suite 201. The deadline is Monday, May 15 by 5:00pm.
Questions? Call Kaitlin Smith at (336) 373-7523ext 246.
Nominee Name:
Name of School(s):
E-mail: Phone:
Home Address:
CityStateZip Code
Name of Nominator:
E-mail: Phone:
Home Address:
CityStateZip Code
Why do you believe that this nominee should be named “Arts Education Teacher of the Year”? Describe your nominee’s impact on the students that they teach. Include your ownideas of what makes them an outstanding arts education teacher.
Limit your response to two pages. The answer can be on a separate sheet and attached to this document.Letters of recommendation from students, parents, and peers are encouraged – please limit your letters of recommendation to four, single page documents. Once nomination is received, the nominee will be contacted to provide their resume or CV as additional consideration for this award.
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