Mortar Board Senior Honorary Society Application Form 2017

Please complete this application and send bySunday, November 5 at 11:59 pm. We will not be accepting hard copy applications. Selections will be made at the beginning of winter term.

***Please submit your application as a Word document (.doc or .docx), NOT A PDF***

Feel free to contact the membership chair, Trisha Chau at r the chapter president, Andrew ,with any questions or concerns. Visit the National Mortar Board web page or the Oregon State University Mortar Board Chapter page for supplemental information.

Please indicate the best method of contacting you (e-mail or phone):

Name:______E-mail: ______

Local Address: ______

Permanent Address: ______

Cell Phone: ______Permanent Phone: ______



Minor/Option(s): ______

Expected Graduation Date: GPA: Hours Completed (by end of Fall 2017):

Please attach the following documents with this application:

❖An answer to the following essay prompt. Essays should be double spaced, 12-point font and a maximum of two pages in length:

oExplain how you have demonstrated the ideals of Mortar Board (leadership, scholarship and service) during your college career.

❖A copy of your resume, which includes all involvement with campus and community activities since your freshman year in college. Please be sure to include the following information for each activity listed: name of organization, position(s) held, short description of work completed (one to two sentences), duration of service, and hours worked per week

❖A copy of your unofficial transcript

❖A list of references (no friends or family members) with their names, relationship to you, and contact information (both phone and e-mail). References will be asked to describe their experiences with you and how they think you exemplify Mortar Board ideals.

Additionally, please email a copy of your Winter Term 2017 class schedule (with times and room locations) before the end of fall termto Trisha Chau at .

By signing below, I certify that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge:

Signature: _ Date: .